Me...just doing my thing..👽

Nice flower by the way. How’s the smoke?

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Spicy aroma, good high…
When crushed it smelled like herbs and spices…

I found the notes of Gambian, (my very first flower) which brought me nostalgia :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Surprise… surprise! :partying_face:
Scheduled delivery on Amazon was on 3-4 but I happened to notice tracking stating product (masterblend) had arrived to the final delivery point. Called them up and made an excuse I’d be gone for the next week starting tonight and I might as well receive the product today itself. And they did deliver…thank you customer service woman for helping out. :green_heart:

So I received the package and bam! :

2 x 500gms packet for the price of one! Damn! :boom:
Considering its the old stock, I thought maybe they want to get rid of it soon or whatever. Opened the package and found it intriguing, like wtf? Could anyone who has used masterblend (the old stock, pre '20) confirm if this is how it appears? Those white chunks got me all thinking. Like what if I took too many of those at a certain time while mixing nutes…what is that? :eyes:

Being sceptical at this point, I just watered the plants hoping for the best and in 2 hrs noticed subtle changes in structure and growth of shoots between the nodes. I guess tomorrow with lights on things should be more apparent.

Hoping for the best. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:




Critical Kush:

Group shot. Critical Kush is the 2 plants on the left.

Masterblend 4-18-38 seems to have got the plants back on their trajectory. New growth and shoots seem to be growing well. :boom:
Strong smell is emanating from 3 of the 4 Dream6. The shorter one on the right upper corner, not so much smell as yet. Absolutely nil from the Critical Kush…:flushed:

I’m happy friends! No more f*ck-ups with nutrients anymore. :wink:

The Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi were given Maxibloom on the previous feeding (transplant) and are yet to get their pots dry. I’m sure with Masterblend on the next feeding, they’d freak out! :herb::fire:

Auntie Entity:

Sour Taxi:

On other news, just ordered a 600w lm301h light via alibaba.

Looking forward to starting another 6 fems in a week’s time, just before the lights arrive for the 3rd tent. :wink::fire::herb:

I may have spoken too soon on the t-12’s earlier on. Maybe they’re not so bad afterall for veg. It was Maxibloom which was keeping the plants slow. No more of it in my grows anymore.


Take care everyone. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face::green_heart:


nice and healthy as always! gone be some killer plants! :innocent:


I’m glade you got things worked out! Everything is looking nice and healthy! Can’t wait till flower starts!

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Thank you @m0sirys and @Habitt :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Hello friends,
Weekly update on what’s been cooking on my end.
Masterblend ‘appeared’ to be stalling growth for a few days (shoot growth) that got me into a panic mode and I purchased the gh flora series and calmag. Should arrive by the next week hopefully.
Surprisingly (or not, patience is a long forgotten virtue) the plants that were being fed masterblend started growing really well just the day after I made the purchase of the flora series from the US. Fml 🥲
This was them on Sunday. Critical Kush are the 2 plants on the left (top and bottom) and Dream6 are the 4 plants beside it.


Topped all 4 Dream6 on Sunday and the 2 Critical Kush yesterday. Moved the Auntie Entitie and Sour Taxi as well into the tent during the weekend. This is them today:

Sour Taxi (top 3) and Auntie Entity (bottom 3):

One of the Auntie’s is growing out to be a real Entity :alien:. The second set of leaves looks funny. :upside_down_face: Nice mutation. New growth seems fine. Wonder how this is gonna grow out. :eyes:

I’m loving the pale green color of both the Auntie Entities and Sour Taxi’s. Below is one of the Auntie’s. I’m certain these will grow out to be solid plants! Thank you @Budderton :partying_face:

And below, Critical Kush (2 on the left) and Dream 6:

Thank you for following. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Nice ones @iceman ! That AE is a looking kinda weird. Your the first to grow those that i know of so it’s a voyage of discovery for bolth of us!




Amazing Setup, nice workspace. Everything looks like fire.

Good job, bro.

Greetings from Germany

Best wishes



Thank you bro! :green_heart::v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


@iceman You are kicking butt in here brother! I just got all caught up! Nice job on the seed surgery! I use the same tools! :grinning: I dig that carbon filter too! Sounds like you made a good find and possibly a friend too! :wink:
So happy to see you putting the space to good use.
You have everything looking fantastic! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


Thank you @NDNCHILD :blush::herb::v:t3:


HY lceman great job

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Thank you Paps! :green_heart:
Looks like uve pulled down a solid harvest with the Baklava…:boom::eyes::+1:t3:


Ty brother
I’ve been waiting for this one for a while. I was a little disappointed on the germination rate and I had a couple of seedlings damper off. The one I ended with is beautiful. I’m glad I kept a mom.

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I smell grafting in the air…:partying_face::herb::sparkles::wink:

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I fcuked up, big time.
The Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi’s were under the t-12 in the kitchen space before moving them into the tents.
2-3 days before moving them into the tents, I was smelling something fishy within the room itself. It took me quite a while to figure out where the smell was emanating from.
The damn fuse of the adapter (Chinese) gave up and surprisingly the lights (t-12) continued to work. That’s why it took me a while. Ideally with the fuse gone off, the supply of electricity should have been cut.

I suspect off-gassing from the fuse would have messed with the plants growth and the socket was really close. At that time I didn’t suspect much but it’s been a week they were inside the tents and growth seems stalled. And the new growth seems distorted badly.
Earlier on in 2020 until midway into 2021, I lost a lot of beans and grows due to off-gassing from the yellow sticky traps that I had suspended from the growlights. The heat from the growlights made the sticky traps give out ethlyne gas I beleive. I actually went broke trying to figure the problem purchasing new seeds, nutrients and different brands of coco. Took me 15 months to figure the problem and I’m glad I did. Almost gave up growing for good due to the built up frustration during that period.
This is what led me to the diagnosis on the current grow.
Off-gassing is real and pls be careful with what one is adding into the growspace. :pray:t3:

I should have known better then. :disappointed_relieved:

So I flushed the pots and they did green up but new growth seems very slow and thinned.

I’m very sorry @budderton. :pray:t3::sweat:
Being the first to grow these out, I should have been more aware of things.
I still have a few of both the Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi’s remaining and I may get on with germinating them after I’m done with this message. I’ve lost time with this round.
I’m still nursing the affected plants and may give them a week or so to see progress.

Meanwhile the Critical Kush and Dream6 are kicking ass. They’ve been in the tents the whole time and were somehow protected from the off-gassing of the fuse. I remember seeing them slow down as well during that period but they managed to pull on through. The growspace is sealed and this could have been a major issue coming to think of it.

I feel sad inside but have learnt something as well. Hopefully I’m able to think ahead before anymore shit hits the fan.
Take care folks and thank you for your continued support. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Never heard of this… but it’s probably a good thing you stopped using the sticky traps anyway. They’re made with dichlorvos, an organophosphate. Not sure if it’s poisonous to plants, but it’s definitely poisonous to humans. Ethylene is a plant hormone, in this case the one that makes plants express as female, so if they actually were releasing ethylene it probably wouldn’t have much effect other than to make herms less likely and maybe speed flowering a bit. I suspect it would take a whole lot of gas to have any measurable effect though, otherwise the forums would be full of not-quite-bro science about keeping crates of bananas in our grow rooms. :stuck_out_tongue: