Me...just doing my thing..šŸ‘½

Iā€™m considering swapping out my 30 gallon smart pots for these next year. Refilling them with same media but recharged with some Performance Organics.


Wow! That looks heavy duty and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll grow monsters with those!
Are those smart pots made from fabric?
The thing with airpots is, the holes on the sides could invite gnats where as with fabric, this could be largely avoided especially outdoors.
Either ways, you could wrap a panty-hose kind of material (nylon) around the pots to prevent the gnats. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Ohh I didnā€™t think of that.
Nothing wrong with the 30 gallon smart pots. Just want to keep working on my dry off.

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Wednesday update:

Moved the girls into the tent under the qbā€™s and gave them a good feeding today. Already beginning to notice the stems harden up from the base. :metal:t3:
With the T-12ā€™s, things were really slow! I doubt Iā€™ll be vegging under those anymore. Bad investment but worth the experience. :joy::v:t3:

Wondered what my temps are like? :eyes::boom::herb::fire:šŸ„²

AC will be used in flower. Canā€™t be riding with those temps around that time! :joy:

So, all 3 Auntie Entity and 1 of the Sour Taxi seeds had tap roots poking out in 24hr soak. The other 2 Sour Taxis didnā€™t crack as yet. Theyā€™ve kinda swollen up well though.
Placed all seeds into jiffy pellets.
ā€˜Patienceā€™ is the mantraā€¦:shushing_face::innocent::herb:

See youā€™ll around with good news in the next couple of daysā€¦:wink::v:t3:


Man your setup looks so clean and nice Iā€™m kinda jealous. Canā€™t wait to see everything in flower!

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Thanks a lot bro!
So far, Iā€™ve been riding smooth. By Nov until Jan, usually a lot of rain, storms and power cuts are expected. I really hope Iā€™m able to pull thorough that.
The monsoons have however started and there were a couple of leaks by the windows which had to be addressed. Silicone did the job.
So much had leaked before I moved to this space, that traces of mold were found on the walls and detected my me only 2 weeks backs. :scream:. Continuing to curse myself but thatā€™s not gonna help in anyway.
So, Iā€™m really not sure what to expect but Iā€™m not giving up either! :facepunch:t3::boom::sparkles::herb::slightly_smiling_face:


Right on brother! Keep fighting like hell and never give up! Iā€™ve never been through a monsoon before so I wouldnā€™t know what to do. I imagine RH is going through the roof right now!


So far, itā€™s manageable. I use the ac occassionally and turn on the dehumidifier in case it pours. Would be running them continuously once the first 6 plants move into flower. I feel I need to invest in a more expensive dehumidifier to bring the rh below 50 as the current one Iā€™m using isnā€™t that powerful and doesnā€™t bring the rh below 60. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Apologies bro @ColeLennon :pray:t3:
Iā€™m using 1gal pots and here itā€™s known as 3ltr as thatā€™s the metric system we use.


So, good news first:

Great success with the Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi @Budderton !
2 Auntie Entity and 2 Sour Taxiā€™s required critical precision handlingā€¦:sweat_smile: Iā€™m good at this I must say.

Iā€™ve potted them all into 1gal pots but theyā€™re hardly noticeable, however I will post pics in the next few days for sure. Success, yeah :facepunch:t3: :boom:!

Now for the not so good news:

The 4 Dream6 and 2 Critical Kush seem to be growing very slow and small. New growth appears curled up (somewhat fish-bone like) and not normal. Shoots havenā€™t grown much either. Leaves havenā€™t yellowed yet so thatā€™s a good sign.
Iā€™m currently using Maxibloom alone as the supplier who was making a very good knock off of gh flora trio got into liscencing issues with the Govt and his warehouse sealed. Fml literally!
The maxibloom I had with me is from a previous purchase and Iā€™ve seen it not perform well in coco for me. Thought Iā€™d give it a try once again since Iā€™ve moved elsewhere and Iā€™m seeing similar traits in the plants. Tried adding along some cal-nit and it sure got the leaves nice and green, but slow in growth.
Ordered a pack of masterblend 4-18-38 and it should arrive by tue-wed so hoping for the best.
Hope itā€™s really a nutrient issueā€¦:eyes::sweat_smile:

Take care everyone and Iā€™ll keep youā€™ll updated after feeding them the masterblend. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Nice save on the fem seed @iceman ! They all look like theyā€™re gonna make it. Youā€™ve done well. I never seem to have success when I try seed surgery. Did those 4 fail to split open?

What spectrum are you vegging under again @iceman ?

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Yes bro. But 3 werenā€™t really bad. They had their cotyledons poking out, something like a :duck: :joy: beak poking out of the shell. Just the white goo within the seed which usually sticks together the husk and the cotyledons had to be moistened and it came off easily.
Just the last one Sour Taxi got me into ā€˜:rotating_light:ā€™ mode. Couldnā€™t have done it without the following gear: :fire:

The dripper was used to keep only the helmet head from going dry, carefully making sure no drop falls on the base of the stalk thereby triggering damping off. Being exposed to light it helped swell the husk (every 30mins Iā€™d top off the helmet head :joy:) and the cotyledons were beginning to get exposed. But only until a certain point. A real problem child.
Those other 2 tweezers made me realise how useful an investment Iā€™ve made! Yay! :innocent: Nice and sharp they are. Managed to tuck it between the cotyledon and the husk to pry open and worked like a breeze.

Just a point to note from my experience while experimenting with helmet heads:

  1. Never send a helmet head into lights off. It could lead to atrophy since being exposed to air, that white goo would dry up and choke it right between the cotyledon and the stem. Always keep the head moistened.
  2. Begin to work with the helmet head (by trying to pry open) ā€˜onlyā€™ after the shell has swollen well (by keeping it moist constantly) and a noticeable ā€˜greenā€™ appears (part of the cotyledon). This will be accelerated by being exposed to light. If one tries to open when itā€™s still yellow or white within, it may not be a pleasant experience. :pray:t3:

Auntie Entity:

Sour Taxi:

3500k lm301h qbā€™s.
Iā€™ve used them before and under the same lights in dwc, Iā€™m able to get good results along with Maxibloom.
Iā€™ve seen certain symptoms earlier using Maxibloom in coco, especially with the way the shoots grow out. So Iā€™m able to nail it down on the nutrient. Should have got the masterblend when I pondered over it a month back.
Iā€™ve used a knock off version of masterblend 4-18-38 produced locally here earlier on but noticed the change in color of their formula with successive orders resulted in poor growth as well. Quality matters :joy:
Thereā€™s someone selling the original formula (pre 2020, old stock) which is the real deal and made in US. Prolly bought it in bulk this guy. Even repacked it to 500gms. Convenience at a cost however. :joy::v:t3:


Dam, thatā€™s awesome @iceman ! I usually just start 3 times more seed than I need and then cull back but Iā€™m a little spoiled. Best of luck with those fems, I hope they fly right for you!:crossed_fingers:


Thank you bro! :green_heart::v:t3:

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Da fkšŸ˜³
It seems their products are not available anywhereā€¦

Itā€™s not in any of the news, hopefully they are working something (:money_mouth_face:) out with the authoritiesā€¦


Dei @alwaysnoob
Nice to see you stop by. Hope allā€™s going well that side.


Things are good brotherā€¦
Glad to see you doing well bro, good luck with this grow, Iā€™m rooting for you :wink: (means, figure out the nutes soon and educate me please LoL :sweat_smile:)


Harvested and finished bro :sweat_smile:

Since I have a dry herb vape, 2 of the plants didnā€™t even get to the end of drying :grin:
Now itā€™s time for another T-break till I grow something LoL :wink:

Btw, Iā€™ve discovered a way to dry flowers without sun or heat for quick testingā€¦

What i did was, i crumpled the flowers in a cotton paper and kept the humidity of the room very low, dried and ready in 12 hours :sunglasses:


Wanting a carbon filter, I decided to visit one shop locally who claimed to be selling activated carbon filters (Google search) and the owner had no clue how it was being used but mentioned itā€™s for hydroponics. :joy:
I asked how hydroponically :joy: can it be used and he still had no clue. Took no time for me to figure this guy was just reselling some filters with a basic knowledge of how it can be used. Not a manufacturer. Was selling the filter for quite a heavy price and no bargaining helped.
Frustrated I left his shop and as I got on my bike to leave, I had noticed another shop, very rustic and old tucked away in the corner, which also manufactures filters (all kinds) and the owner itself looked 65 years of age.
Approached the guy, gave him my requirement and showed him a couple of pics on Google, talked for hrs about his childhood days and the shit he didā€¦laughed our asses off, drank chai, ate some biscuts and he agreed to make the filter for less than half the price the other dude had quoted for. :boom::wink:
Looks neat as well. Iā€™m impressed really with their craftsmanship.

He mentioned that he was only gonna use the best charcoal available and since I asked for the filter to be openable to change out the charcoal when necessary, told me it wouldnā€™t be required.
Just run the filter in reverse in high flow or wash it down with a high pressure washer and dry out in the sun. Awesome right?


Silica my friend, in a box with a hygrometer.