Me...just doing my thing..👽

You may be correct @Cormoran :100:
I only guessed ethylene but it could have been much more poisonous.
I didn’t save any photos but usually lower leaves would suffer chlorosis systematically once the plant reaches 3-4 nodes. Flowering plants would even re-veg sending single blades leaves. A bad period.

By the way, this had arrived as well over the weekend.
New growlights 600w:

And this as well:



Will do my best once again. :sparkles::boom::herb:


Best wishes

The new light sounds spot on !!!:pray::clap::pray::clap::pray::clap::clap:

1 Like

No worries @iceman , shit happens all the time when growing plants inside. Those little ones don’t look terrible to me. I’d give them a week, while those other beans germ, if it was me. Anyhow, no hard feelings, I screw up seedings all the time. Don’t put any pressure on yourself. If they live, they live. If they don’t, there’s always the next batch of seed. Onward and upward !!


Good that nothing more has happened my friend. I have never been afraid of electricity! Only from cheap parts you should always beware. And the little ones really don’t look that bad ! That will be quickly grow out of this!


Thank you @Papalag @Budderton and @m0sirys :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face:

You know what, they’re actually turning around today. 1 of the Auntie’s and Sour Taxi’s looks like by the next feeding they’ll perk up well. The rest definitely looks like they’ll catch up too! :grinning::v:t3:

Lesson learnt dear friend. No more cheap parts. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Paps, check these lights out…:boom::fire::herb:

Wired her up and boom! :boom::sparkles::flying_saucer:

And on full power! :fire::alien:

My eyes and head got all dizzy :dizzy_face::woozy_face: taking those photos.

There is ir and uv switch also available. Not sure when to be using it.

Lights purchased from Shenzhen Abest Lighting Co. Ltd. The agent Kelly Lee has been very helpful and co-operative the whole time. Highly recommend.
600w lm301h version - usd306
2 x 3 metre extension cable - usd10 (I’ve placed the driver outside the tent :wink:)
shipping - usd65
total=usd381 :boom:

Now I need to throw some plants in there and it’s high time I get into flower soon…:eyes::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Now that’s a damn good deal!

1 Like

There are quite a lot of reviews on these lights from people in different parts of the :earth_americas:

I was looking into Kingbrite, Marsh Hydro and the like on alibaba and stumbled upon this. Now I’m very glad I purchased it. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:
Honestly, a killer deal!
Kingbrite’s 480w and other brand models were more expensive than the lights I purchased. But then they were using the new lm301h Evo diodes.


Nice light now get some plants in there lol :joy:
Grow green brother


Forgot to mention, though the lights cost usd381, I requested Kelly to prepare 2 invoices.
The main invoice was undervalued to usd281, to be shown to customs and that’s only what what i paid duty for (around usd115).
The balance usd100 was settled in another payment. :wink:
Just thought I’d mention it as well incase anyone is looking into buying these lights and one can save some $$$ if we plan accordingly.


Weekly update, friends…

The Critical Kush (2 plants on the left) and Dream6 are doing great! All plants are smelling nice but I have my eyes on the Dream6 in the bottom right. Nice structure and overall growth in general.

I took 3clones from each of the Dream6 and only topped the plant on the top right. :wink:

I nearly lost them due to the plug drying out 2 days after I took the cut. :sweat_smile: Nursed them and hopefully roots should be poking out sometime soon.

The Auntie Entity (top row) and Sour Taxi’s (bottom row) are recovering for sure @Budderton :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:. Still 2 Aunties are figuring their shit out. :joy:

The Auntie on the top left, the leaf rub smells very fruity for some reason. Definitely have my eyes on that one :eyes::

And the new Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi’s that I soaked and placed into the plugs yesterday.

I want to wait a week more before I could flower the Critical Kush and Dream6. Hoping the clones root soon and with a week of veg, the party begins! :tada::rocket:

Thank you for following. :v:t3::herb:


Right on @iceman , things are looking happier overthere! Fruit makes sense since the A New Hope #1 mom has a dark grape smell, behind the Sour funk.


:100:% germination on the second round of Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi’s @Budderton :fire::boom::herb:
Just 1 hemet head this time which was easy to remove. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Right on @iceman ! That’s good to hear! I hope they turn out for you.:crossed_fingers:


Weekly update friends,

The Dream6 and Critical Kush were moved to a separate tent under the new lights.
Lights were flipped to 12/12 on the 23rd. :rocket:

Top 2 plants are Dream6 and bottom 2 Critical Kush:

The other 2 Dream 6:

On the veg side of things, some rather unfortunate things have happened. 2 of the 3 Dream6 clones didn’t send roots outside the plug and the other 1 that did, I potted it and it’s not been happy since then. The 2 that didn’t, I tugged one out and noticed mold growing near the cut. So was the other. Rip.
Also, One of the Sour Taxi’s didn’t make it due to damping off. :disappointed_relieved:
On a positive note, the 1st round of Auntie Entity and Sour Taxi’s have been recovering well. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:
2 Aunties appear badly affected but new growth looks promising.

Aunties are the top 3 and Sour Taxi’s, the bottom 3:

Auntie Entity:

I really like how the last one has recovered and it’s structure as well. I’m noticing they’re turning out to be quite tall compared to the Sour Taxi’s:

The Sour Taxi’s are growing quite uniformly and all have red petioles. Interesting stuff. :grinning:

Could you kindly help me with the Auntie Entity’s lineage @Budderton :pray:t3: I’d like to be prepared for a large stretch or flower them early if necessary. I guess topping them should help with this as well. The Sour Taxi’s are rather small or slow to veg and I guess topping the Auntie’s would be the best option for the Taxi’s to catch up.

Below, the new batch of Auntie Entity’s:

And the 2 Sour Taxi’s:

The Dream6 clone that’s pissed off. May send her to sleep permanently by friday maybe.

Now, I’m beginning to doubt my cloning capabilities (:joy:) and I may need to fill in a few extra plants as a back up. I do have some more fem seeds but want to do justice to another wonderful member who has been following this thread along and has also sent me seeds that I won on his giveaway.
@Cartwright , presenting to you your OG Kush x Lifesaver :herb::fire: just soaked them a while ago:

I hope I get 2 females. :eyes:

Take care everyone. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Very nice, good luck with them. Nice setup, will be following along.


Everything is looking awesome brother. I need to get a rack like this. Where did you pick that up?


It’s A New Hope #1 × Sour Taxi #9 .
The ANH #1 was stretcher that took 13 wks to flower and had amazing taste and effects.
A New Hope is Death Star (Ohio clone only) x Deathstar Replenish (AJ Sour D x Sensi Star f3)
Selected by @schmarmpit
Deathstar Replenish by @GrowHard

If you search my thread for A New Hope you’ll get a list of all the posts it’s mentioned. And I did notice there was some weird, mutant types in veg from the ANH, so those weird looking ones may be normal for the genotype. I think they’re gonna be some nice ones @iceman !


I bought them off Amazon, India brother.
Below is a link I hope you could access…
Novatic Plastic Powder Coated…
