Me...just doing my thing..👽

I’ll definitely look up ur thread on AHN and thank you for a detailed write up and the links. :pray:t3:

Did I hear DeathStar? :eyes:
Bro, a few years ago a friend in Sri Lanka had ordered this strain over from the dark web and this was the only strain I couldn’t complete smoking a joint. Extremely potent. And now I get to grow it! :wink::sunglasses:

Thank you @schmarmpit and @GrowHard for the selections on the DeathStar and also thank you @Emeraldgreen for the selections on the Sour Taxi. :herb::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

I’m fine with the mutation really.
I’ve read that even JPS’s Frankenstein also has a couple of mutant expressions in veg.

Yes bro, I could see it for myself. Thank you always buddy! :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


I hope you find something fantastic in them! Please tag me for any updates


For sure bro, will gladly do so. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Thank you brother. :blush:
I’ve placed them into coco plugs after a 24hr soak and I’m positive it should all turn out well. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


You are inspiring me to start the winter fun a little early this year :+1:


You haven’t started as yet? :flushed:
Kidding bro, anytime is a good time if the heart says so. :wink::v:t3: and I’m waiting to follow along.
This is the first OG Kush or its cross that I’m gonna grow…super excited for sure! :herb::slightly_smiling_face:


Hello friends,
Another weekly update and I’m extremely pleased with how things are turning out with beans I’ve received from OG.
I somehow feel like I want to only grow gear from people I’ve interacted with or rather only from OG, since this is the only grow related site I’m currently active.:joy:
It not because I can receive these beans for free. Certainly money isn’t the issue here and I’ve purchased a couple of beans (from members on OG) which I will run in the coming months.
It somehow feels special. That I get to grow and journey along with the breeder. Being able to see through their eyes the possible expressions and variations that they would have noticed from the parents. There’s so much meaning in sharing and updating one’s journal. If this isn’t special, then I don’t know what is…:joy: Prolly need to place the joint down.

So, starting off with @Tracker 's Dream6 and Barney’s Critical Kush.

I’m completely disappointed with Barney’s Critical Kush. They’re in the centre and there’s a fade that is visible of the fans leaves and 1 of them has a mild chlorosis on the lower fans. I somehow get the feeling I may take these down in the coming weeks as I don’t see them capable of altering my mind when smoked.
The Dream6 however are very bold and growing out strong. I’m happy to be growing these really. :slightly_smiling_face:

Meanwhile, the first batch of Auntie Entity’s and Sour Taxi’s have forgotten their past and have taken a new identities…for the good of course. :joy: @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen
Aunties on the top row and Taxi’s in the bottom:

Check out the fish scales on the Sour Taxi’s below. These should grow out to be great I feel and I’ve decided to not top them.

Meanwhile, the second batch of Auntie’s and Taxi’s are also growing out well. The Auntie’s are on steroids I tell you. Or maybe I’m comparing them with the Taxi’s which are rather slow to veg or until they get to 6-7 nodes.
Aunties in the top row and Taxi’s in the bottom right. The plant on the bottom left is the clone taken from the Dream6 specimen I liked the most and had recovered well. I decided to give it time until last Friday and trust me, on Friday it literally told me to back off with new growth. Happy!

Below Dream6 clone:

Below, all plants vegging in the same tent. May send the first batch of Auntie’s and Taxi’s to flower by Tuesday in another tent…let’s see :eyes::v:t3:

Meanwhile, I’ve gotten 100% germination on @Cartwright 's OG Kush x Life-saver. I’ve yet to pot one and it has just sent roots out today through the plug. Will be moving these too into the veg tent, probably next week. :wink:

I cannot stress this enough. To me, this isn’t just tents getting filled with happiness.
It’s pure emotion.
Thank you all those that have given me the opportunity to interact with you’ll and grow out your gear. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


I know exactly what you mean.
I just finished a summer grow with mostly beans from members here. I think you were following that grow. It was great fun. :sun_with_face:

Your plants look fantastic. I will be watching the auntie and taxi as they progress.:v:


Thank you @Tuned .
Really enjoyed watching your grow and I hope your enjoying the smoke right now. :wink:
@hoss8455 's Corey Heime is next on the list for sure! :facepunch:t3::fire:


They’re looking healthy and vigorous! Just want to reiterate once your flowering the sour taxi to check the lowers for possible herms. Settled in for the show


Thank you and understood brother! :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Nice to see those fems recover and flourish @iceman !
And what EG said.:point_up: Anytime running fems(or any new genetics for that matter) there’s always a risk of inter sex traits. Especially on cluttered, untrimed lowers that are not receiving a lot of light during flowering. I didn’t experience any nut sacs on the parent stock i used, when flowered through one full cycle, with a decent amount of stress on them but the “Sour” genotype has a reputation.


Will definitely keep an :eyes: on the lowers. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


i m you sure will get it under controll! my friend :wink:


Thank you buddy @m0sirys :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


you`re welcome!


Regarding the Sour Taxi’s…

@budderton and @Emeraldgreen

Oops! :eyes:

…“and lead us not, into temptation, but deliver us, from evil”… :pray:t3::innocent:

It has rained and I came across another flower and a couple of buds.


Hahaha! Nice @iceman ! As home growers, it’s our prerogative to change our minds!


Very well said hermano,

You’re keeping this new setup in pristine condition, nice!


Thank you @Budderton and @Mr.Christmas :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

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