Me...just doing my thing..👽

A quick weekend update…

Placed the clones into rockwool this time.
I noticed with coco plugs, some weird lesions are visible on the stem (brown) and having rockwool laying around, why not eh? :grin:

The stems of the Sour Taxi smell so nice and fruity when crushed… I can’t describe but it totally blows me away.

Moved the first batch of 3 Aunty Entity’s into another tent and lights are set to 12/12 from tonight. :rocket:
Thing is, I’m running 3000k qb’s in that tent and the Aunty’s could stretch like crazy.
The one one the right is short and I hope to keep all 7 shoots with lst.

I will continue to veg the Sour Taxi’s and they would join the Aunty’s in a week’s time.

Have a great weekend friends and thank you for your unconditional love and support! :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Looks great in that space

Cuts look healthy

Nice and clean


Right on @iceman ! The AE look great, stoked to see what they do for you! They’re a mash up of 2 awesome cultivars so I’d wager it should be some nice Herb.
Yeah, all that red might get them stretching, but i think you’ll be good at that size. The A New Hope #1 did about x3 stretch during flowering.
Thanks for testing them out for everyone!


Thank you @Papalag :blush::pray:t3:

@Budderton , I’m super stoked myself growing both the AE and ST.:fire:
The AE plant on the left is truly a solid specimen. I’m certain she will stack on well. I desperately wanted to clone it but kinda missed the chance and now I cannot accommodate any more with all that’s going on…:joy:

It’s an honour buddy. :pray:t3::green_heart:
The 2nd batch of AE too has one stretcher I beleive and another has very prominent fish scales.
Will keep the journal updated as usual with more pics and growth on Wednesday. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:
May do a surprise photo bomb in yours so watch out…:eyes::grin:


By all means, please do! It’ll give everyone who’s holding those beans a chance to see what to expect from them.


Dear friends,
I apologise for not having updated the journal as expected.
One has been going through certain experiences that cannot be termed as coincidences…because there aren’t any. Everything is an unfolding of the divine play which this ‘I’ within us has the choice to not be attached to or identified with, including the body-mind. Don’t we say ‘my’ body implying one is apart from one’s body?
One is able to understand that ‘I-am’ is bigger than one’s habits, feelings and emotions.
Any further explanation regarding one’s experience would only taint it so I would like to put forward a book that certainly has the ability to change one’s perspective upon life.
Who_Am_I_English.pdf (539.4 KB)

The fact that I’ve started caring for these plants till they’re ready for harvest would keep me engaged in order to complete that which was started. I would like to keep the updates short as I don’t see myself holding the same interest as before including the need to smoke the herb itself. Simply put, one is quite content within one’s-Self. Everything is as ‘Is’.

Thank you for understanding. :pray:t3::green_heart:


Well…update! :grin::v:t3:

Veg tent:
@Cartwright 's OG Kush x Life-saver vegging along well. The plant on the right has nice broad leaves. Hoping for the best with these.

And behind them are 2 Sour Taxi clones that have rooted in rockwool. Another clone is yet to root so we’ll see how it goes.

Within the same tent are the 2nd batch of Auntie Entity’s (3 behind) and Sour Taxi’s (2 front) @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen. The AE’s are growing strong and tall and I’m wondering whether to top them. The ST’s are beginning to get their freak on, so that’s good. :grin:

Flower tent A:
I’ve moved @Tracker 's Dream6 and Barney’s Critical Kush (2 plants in the centre) into the tent with 3000k qb’s. I did a defoliation on Monday (21 days after flip). Buds are forming well so that’s great.

Meanwhile, check out this specimen of Dream6. Taken a couple of days before the defoliation and she just prays all the time. Glad I took a clone from her.

Flower tent B:
Here we have the 1st batch of AE’s (2 tall plants in the back and another on the centre left). They’ve been on flower 1.5 weeks ahead of the ST’s and the Dream6 clone (centre).
They’re doing great really and the ST’s have been into 12/12 since Sunday, I think. :sweat_smile:
Stem rubs on the AE and ST are very good. One can certainly expect :fire: out of these.


ST and Dream6 clone (centre)

Thank you for following along. :pray:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Garden is looking healthy! What is your feed routine?


yeah looks super heathy your garden! :slight_smile:

good to see you post again my friend!


Thank you @Tracker and @m0sirys :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face:

I’m using the gh flora trio along with calimagic.
I use the feed instruction behind the bottle and feed at max 650-700ppm on the 0.5 scale. This helps keep the ph with the right range.
Calmag qty is same as micro and added first.
Micro added first after calmag.
Veg - 3ml grow, 2ml micro, 1ml bloom
Transition - 2ml each (upto 2 weeks into 12/12)
Bloom - 1ml grow, 2ml micro and 3ml bloom.

Trying to keep it simple. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


I used GH Flora Trio for a long time, years ago, in hydro setups. It did really well.

Your garden looks good!


Hey @iceman , looking killer! Keep your eyes on the lowers of those fem seed. I received a report of 1 Sour Taxi S1 sporting a couple balls, down low. Once plucked, it did not produce any more and is looking wicked. It was only one plant and it was at the usual 3-4 wks into flower, just a heads up. Clones from such a plant will often run trouble free but sometimes not.
I think they’re gonna make some nice and potent Herb for you.


Thank you bro @Budderton
Will definitely keep an :eyes: on the lowers. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Coming to think of it…one actually enjoys growing. It’s an art and there’s many life lessons to be learnt caring for them.
And the beauty in it is…plants are always in a state of no-mind!

Will be back with an update shortly…,:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Update! :fire:

Long post and I’d like to start of by sending loads of :green_heart: to all the breeders here on OG and have made growing even more joyful. :v:t3:

Starting off with the veg tent:

Now the details…:grin:
The 3rd Sour Taxi clone @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen (centre) has rooted as well and has been potted. :boom:

In front of them is @Cartwright 's OG Kush x Life-saver. Just look at the structure of the plant on the right. A true beauty!

Then we have the 2nd batch of AE and ST. AE (3) in the back row and ST (2) in the front. I had topped the AE in anticipation of stretch during flower. The rest I plan on just flowering as is. Both these strains are hardcore! :fire: One of the AE in this run (centre) branches out like crazy. In general I’m getting a feel the AE has been cooked with steroids and would be excellent for taking clones though I haven’t taken any myself. :eyes:

AE (didn’t take a pic of the one in the centre):


Now for the flower tent running the first batch of 3 AE and 3 ST and a Dream6 clone (centre). The AE have been 18 days into 12/12 (2 tall plants in the back and a short one in the centre left) and the ST and Dream6 clone around 10 days.

Now the details :grin:
Starting off with the 3 ST:

Dream6 clone:

AE (short specimen):

Size comparison next to the taller one:

AE 2 taller specimens:

Did some bending on the Dream6 clone (centre):

Here’s a pic of the shorter AE (above) next to ST (below). Their leaf structure is so similar yet distinct.

Now for the finale…:sweat_smile:
@Tracker 's Dream6 and Barney’s Critical Kush (2 plants in the centre). They’ve been a month into 12/12. Pots are beginning to dry sooner so I’ve been watering them twice a day. Same with the previous flowering tent. The smell from the Dream6 is absolute heaven. Simply love that sweet berry…oooff! Leaves have thinned out just like @Tracker had mentioned.
Barney’s Critical Kush is literally lemon on a stick. I’ve never grown anything smelling so strong of lemons. I had initially thought of taking down one of them girls due to the bottom leaves dying off but I’m glad I didn’t. Infact that one is really strong on the nose and after defol on day 21, the chlorosis went away for good. Yay!

And the details…:grin:
Dream6 :fire:

Critical Kush:

Thank you all for following.:pray:t3:
Will do my best in keeping things updated as usual. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


man what an update! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: everything is looking amazing! :partying_face: :partying_face:


Wow that’s an update! They’re all looking great. Takes a minute for it all to be processed


Beautiful garden! Nice and clean! Everything looks very healthy.


Holy crap @iceman , you’ve got it going on till the break of dawn!! Nice garden man! I think the tall AE are gonna be the ones that might have that 6 demon bag buzz, that the mom had. “Can see things no one else can see. Do things no one else can do.”(Big Trouble In Little China reference):grin::v::canada:


Everything is looking good brother! Its so nice to see all your work come to fruition. :+1: