Me...just doing my thing..👽

Thank you for the well wishes @m0sirys @Emeraldgreen @Tracker @Budderton and @Habitt . :pray:t3::green_heart:

So much joy in seeing your messages. :blush:
Honestly, I don’t see myself putting in much effort and I hardly check on plants like I used to earlier, but I love them all nevertheless. Humidity is spiking high so that’s getting me worried along with the rains.

@Budderton , you’ve done a crazy job with the AE my man. It’s a beast literally! I don’t even have to hope how this will turn out. :fire::boom::flying_saucer::rocket:
Both the AE and ST are one of a kind that I’m growing. I really can’t thank you enough brother. :green_heart::pray:t3:


I gotta second that. Blue cheese is a real good one. Def the stinkiest strain I’ve ever done.


Make sure to have plenty of air movement with oscillating fans.


Will do bro.
I’ve been running the Aircon occassionally since the first harvest is still more than 1.5 months away. By the second week of Dec I hope to run it 24/7.
I’ve got ceiling fans hooked above the tents and they send a good breeze equally within. :v:t3:
But yes, prevention is better than cure. :pray:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


@Tracker , Dream6 clone…
From this…

To this…break dance tutorial successful :joy:


What a glorious garden, All very healthy and hitting their strides. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thank you bro @InTheWoods :pray:t3::green_heart:


@Budderton ,
Quite too many male parts were noticed and swiftly picked from all 3 AE from the first batch. Thanks to the usual day 21 defoliation after flip else my lazy ass would have let that pass.
I’m expecting the second batch would display the same as well which is yet to go into flower.
Would like to raise an :rotating_light: over this in a nice way. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Right on @iceman , thanks for the update. That sucks, sorry for the inconvenience. I knew the risks associated with that genotype when i made the seed but I was hoping to get lucky and not make a bunch of herms. I appreciate you testing them out and diving on the hand grenade for everyone. I’ll make sure to relay the info to whoever is considering starting those AE and won’t be letting anymore of them out. Are any of the ST showing male parts?


No worries brother. Not at all a problem. I hope that it doesn’t proliferate beyond control but even then, one can only do as much. :grin:
Some of the pollen sacs got quite large with many clusters. Interesting at the same time scary.
Generally asking because I’ve honestly dealt with only 1 hermie plant in the past, which was removed as soon as noticed, how nasty could it get or until how long (currently I’m on week 3 from flip) would they seem to appear? I certainly would like to keep the AE.

The first batch of ST’s went into flower 10 days after the AE and I quickly gave a check on them and didn’t notice anything yet today. I’ll look into them in the following days and will definitely update. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


It varies. A best, there’s a couple male sacs on the lowers at 3-4wks in and it stops at that. At worst they continue to produce male parts, eventually clusters of male parts and/or a whole branch may turn male. One or 3 sacs isn’t too bad but dozens of sacs that continue past 3-4 wks or if plants are making clusters of male sacs, then it’s usually time to cull. I would understand 100% if you binned those plants. It’s all a part of the process and I’ve gained valuable information from you efforts and I appreciate that. I feel shitty you put resources towards them, please keep me updated.


Nah bro…you sent me seeds and had considerable consideration towards my happiness and it’s all that matters.
This too, including the plant and what we’ve learnt, is all part of life. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Weekly update dear friends,

After the commotion with the AE in the last few days and removing the male parts promptly, no more seem to be appearing so that’s awesome! :fire: @Budderton , I also happened to check the 1st batch of ST’s and there were a few spotted, but not as much as the AE. I’d be doing a defoliation on the ST’s tomorrow so let’s see.
I went kinda crazy over the AE’s so much so I may have pulled a couple of calyxes too. :eyes::sweat_smile:
Honestly, I’m feeling very positive with the AE and ST inspite of this. :v:t3::herb:

So here were are with the 1st batch of AE and ST along with a Dream6 clone.

Dream6 clone:


Short AE:

2 taller AE’s:

Next up we have @Tracker 's Dream6 (4) and Barney’s Farms Critical Kush (2) than have been flowering for over a month. The CK have seem like they would be finishing sooner than the Dream6. All going smoothly with these gals.


Critical Kush:
Below plant seems like it would finish fastest.

And the other CK:

Lastly, we have the tent housing the 2nd batch of 3 AE and 2 ST along with 3 ST clones and 3 @Cartwright 's OG Kush x Life-saver. I sent these into flower last Monday (27th). All seem to be doing great with these so far. I suspect 2 OGk x LF may be males whereas the bigger one is a confirmed female with pistils. Time will tell with the other 2 but I’m not very positive as I see some sort of balls appearing. :eyes:



ST clones:

Confirmed female:

Suspected males:

Thank you all for following. :pray:t3::green_heart:


Dude, you are on fire. Your plants look just friggin’ fantastic!


Everything spectacular!


I’m relieved to hear they didn’t get extreme on you. Usually if the individual sacs stop by wk 4 you’re good. I’m sure they’ll make excellent smoke. They look delicious! Sometimes the clones will be more sexually dependable than the seed plant and stay true in flower. I hope that is the case with the cuts you kept. I’d say best of luck with your run but by the looks of everything, I’d say you have it well in hand!:+1:


Thank you @Cartwright @Tracker and @budderton . :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

I’m happy as well @Budderton regarding the AE. I didn’t take cuts from the AE but only the 1st batch of ST. Both these strains are pretty good in terms of growth so far. :rocket:


@iceman what aromas are you getting on the plants furthest into flower? Any other noteworthy characteristics?

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A very difficult and complex question for me to answer as I’m not really sharp on descriptions.:pray:t3:
Though all 4 Dream6 plants seem different in appearance, they all have a very surprisingly similar sweet berry smell that’s reminds me of Blueberry I grew last year. There are definitely subtle differences but I’m not sure how I could call those smells…if you know what Im trying to mean. It’s all too complex for one who trying to be as simple. Herbal? but very difficult to describe since this plant itself is a herb :grin:. I will definitely look through this tomorrow and see I can attempt to describe anything else on those.
The Barney’s CK is very much lime/citrus and one (which appears to finish sooner) is very sharp…like squeezed lime.

The AE and ST (first batch) are showing some trichs but I cannot describe their smell in any sense. It isn’t something I’ve come across before but it’s definitely weed and comforting. :v:t3:
The AE, I could probably get a sense of citrus somewhere…but it’s a very complex one.


A small update on the Barney’s Critical Kush that seems to be on :fire:
I had initially thought of canning this plant due to cholorosis on the lower leaves during veg until 3rd week of flower. Glad I didn’t.
Smells of freshly squeezed lime, very sharp on the nose.

Tc peeps…:v:t3::slightly_smiling_face: