Me...just doing my thing..👽

Drooling over here. :yum:

So many beauties! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Weekly update friends,
Updating the journal is turning out to be a task with the sheer number of plants. I hope I could manage to keep it going.

Below is the tent housing @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen 's 1st batch of Auntie Entity, Sour Taxi and a Dream6 clone.
Both the AE and ST are pretty funky with their smells. :fire:



Dream6 clone:

Below we have the tent housing @Tracker 's Dream6 (4) and Barney’s Critical Kush (2):

@tracker , 3 of the Dream6 are turning out to be very similar in terms of smell (berry with musk ) and structure whereas 1 appears to look different and the smell of it is sweet berry.
Below are 3 Dream6 that are similar:

Below is the other Dream6 specimen:

Below is a CK that’s almost ready and I’d be harvesting coming Monday. That’s 7 weeks! Pretty fast.

And below we have the other CK specimen that may take a couple more weeks:


And finally we have the tent housing the 2nd batch of AE (3), ST (2), ST clones (3) and @Cartwright 's OG Kush x Life-saver (1). Tent is getting pretty crowded and I hope the Dream6 and CK from the previous tent finish sooner so I could.move a couple plants around.

ST (2) from seed:

ST clones (3) from the 1st batch:

AE (3):

And @Cartwright 's OGKLS:

Thank you always for following. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3::green_heart:


Awesome update @iceman ! You’ve got everything well in hand, my friend. Everything looks very happy and healthy! Those ST are already making a nice trich field. If they keep it up, they’re gonna be some real frost monsters! And Holy crap, what a bush those ST seedings are making! No shortage of places to take clones from. Hopefully the CK finishes up sooner than later, so you can move things along.


Dang @iceman! Your garden is on point! Everything looks spectacular!


Thank you @Budderton and @Tracker :pray:t3::green_heart:

True that regarding the ST buddy. I’m having very high hopes on how these finish. :boom:
Unfortunately I’m not in a position to take clones on the ST, though it would be a pity not to take any at this point. I’m unable to accommodate any more plants.
I however, have 1 ST seed remaining, so the future definitely looks promising…:eyes::v:t3:


Everything looks great! Super healthy.
A couple of the AE and ST are beautiful little bushes! As far as clones are concerned maybe put some snipes in the Frig :grin:


Thank you for your creation on the Dream6 brother. :pray:t3::green_heart:
Can’t wait to indulge once they’re ready. I’m thinking maybe 3+ weeks or so…:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Thank you bro @Emeraldgreen
I think I’ve had too much going on with this round and am looking forward to finishing them.
The veg space I had created in the kitchen counter will be used as a dry space in the coming days/weeks. Fridge too isn’t an option…:disappointed_relieved:


My friend who selected the BD(JD6), which was selfed to make the Dream6, has finished it from 9 weeks 12/12 up to 14 weeks 12/12. He says his preference is 12 to 13 weeks 12/12.

I’ve only run BD(JD6) indoor for making seeds. I ran it outdoor for smoke.


Damn! That’s another 6-7 weeks of waiting…:eyes:


Hi iceman, what a great update! everything looks fantastic! i wish i had more space to have lots of different strains like you :slight_smile:

ps _ out of likes for a while so here you go :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Thank you buddy @m0sirys :pray:t3:

Thank you as well dear friend @InTheWoods :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


So, Barney’s Critical Kush specimen 1 is being taken down today after completing 7 weeks into 12/12.
Yield doesn’t look like much but smells great.

Meanwhile, I happened to chance upon this really cool spider with vivid colours on my scooter. Tiny fellow and had to zoom in to take his pic. Had the privilege of giving the little guy a lift on my finger and placed him on a bush nearby. He actually saluted me and bid farewell. See you friend! :green_heart:


Great looking buds @iceman or should I say, Spiderman :wink:

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Thank you for your kind words @alwaysnoob :blush::green_heart::herb:

Spiderman, where we’re from, can mean something totally different. :joy:

…Ok friends, another massive update is coming through and I’ve decided to do justice the best way I can to all those breeders who’ve contributed towards my happiness. Loads and loads of love to you wonderful beings! :green_heart::herb::diya_lamp:
Yes…I’m a nobody who only does God’s work. :grin::v:t3::face_with_peeking_eye:

Fasten you seat belts y’all…
The ride, though smooth, may make you drool…kindly carry a handtowel/tissue along as well…:joy:


Right on!

Starting out with the tent housing @Tracker 's Dream6 (4), 1 Barney’s Critical Kush and I’ve moved 1 each of Sour Taxi clone, ST from seed and an Aunty Entity to make up for space made available after harvesting 1 CK last Monday.
I had defoliated the last tent that went into flowering (day 19) so there will be before and after pics following along.

@Tracker 's Dream6 has exceeded my expectations in all levels. A smashing strain to grow and I still have another 6 beans which have a special place in my grow ops in the future. They’re completing 8 weeks coming Monday and I’m gonna push until week 9 and take them on from there. :v:t3::grin:

D6a (this one looks like it will take the longest out of the 4):

D6 b:

D6 c:

D6 d:

Next we have the CK taking it’s sweet time:

ST from seed:

ST clone:

Check out these long petioles from the above plant’s fans…

And finishing with AE from this tent:

Next up, we have the 1st batch of 3AE, 3ST from @budderton and @Emeraldgreen and a Dream6 clone taken from plant ‘d’ from the previous tent.
Both the AE and ST are growing out to be some amazing plants and the smell is through the roof with these ones. A unique sour funk within my garden. :fire::tada:


ST (I promise I didn’t dust icing sugar on these 🫣…):

Dream6 clone:

Lastly, we have the tent housing the 2nd batch of 2AE, 1 ST from seed, 2 ST clones and @Cartwright 's OGKLS. From 9 plants, I shuffled and set it to 6 and it’s looking great. Defoliation was done on these today so there will be before and after pics coming along.


ST from seed:

ST clones:


So, the last week, anticipating the AE to go rouge, I picked a few of her male parts promptly. I didn’t find any on the ST clones or the 2 from seed in the 2nd batch @Budderton
Im getting a feel that a bit of pollination may have happened with the 1st batch of AE and ST as a few pistils are darkening in the lowers and I did find some male flower fallen on the ground as well.
Am I worried? No freaking hell! :sunglasses::fire:

Infact, I’d gladly take on any more of the AE seeds if available and aren’t gonna be distributed considering this issue.
They’re truly some of the best in vigour I’ve seen. :pray:t3::rocket::herb:

And, about the CK that was harvested last Monday…the smell went from squeezed lime to banana-chocolate and I swear I’m not making this up…:joy:

So that’s the end of this week’s late update.

Thank you always for your unconditional love and support. :green_heart:
Have a wonderful and warm weekend friends. :dove::herb:


You are killing it in there! Thanks for including my cross in your garden. What a fine looking setup, will be tuned in, chilling in the back row;)

Not to mention how great everyone else’s genetics look, just awesome👌


You’ve got everything cooking along nicely @iceman !
Flowers are looking stellar!
But holy shit, that’s a lot of balls to have to pull off the Auntie Entity! I wouldn’t of had the patience and would have trashed that one. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’m sure they’ll make excellent smoke but dammit. Yep, definitely won’t be handing anymore of the AE out. Thank you for testing those for everyone. There wasn’t very many of those made, so I only have 1 pack left. If you want to mess with it, it’s yours, just say the word. Glad to hear the other Sour Taxi fems are flying straight and true so far.
I’m sure you will be rewarded with some 1st class, funky flowers at the end of your run.


Wow ! ! ! Awesome grow @iceman. Gonna hafta come back later and view this growporn
in more detail when I can make the time. Thanks for sharing.


Wow, everything looks fantastic and yummy! Still watching here :popcorn:. Grow on!