Me...just doing my thing..👽

Wow! Thanks a ton guys! Deeply humbled by your well wishes. :blush::diya_lamp::green_heart:

@Cartwright , honestly, I should be thanking you for your kind heart in gifting me a few of your gems. If you’ve got anything crossed with BOG gear, I’d be more than happy to grow them out sometime. :blush::v:t3:

@Budderton , sure I’d be glad to have that last pack of AE. The herm, though quite too many, doesn’t seem to bother me at all. They’re strong, heavy feeding plants and can surely pack a punch when ready. Not gonna say no to that. :grin::v:t3:


Wow your killing it! What a great weekly report. Everything is looking awesome and we’ll be getting smoke reports soon also!


Awesome grow! Your canopy control is very nice! Looking very good around here! :call_me_hand::+1:


Thank you @Emeraldgreen for your work on the ST. It’s been a pleasure growing them and I’m looking forward to the first batch getting ready for harvest by end of Jan. These have been some of the finest and well detailed plants I’ve grown. The veg is slow, but come the 5-6th node and she’ll be on :fire:.

Thank you bro @Tappy :pray:t3:
I’ve managed to honestly control the canopy using the 1gal airpots. Went really minimalist on work with these plants. Previously I used to grow in 3gal pots and that broke my back trying to move plants around and collect runoff after feeding. Also I’m able to include more genetics within the space and don’t we all love variety?
Damn…it’s just a weed they say…:grin::v:t3:


Brings a smile to my heart hearing how much you are enjoying them.


:brain::muscle: love it!! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for your garden!

1 Like

You got it @iceman . I’ll include some other A New Hope and Sour Taxi crosses as well. I can’t remember what I’ve sent already but shoot me an address in PM and we’ll hash out the details of what I’ll send this time.


OG as always @Budderton


Wow I just got caught up on this thread

Great job brother Iceman

Sorry to hear of the hermies your having

Smoking a joint in your honor


OUTSTANDING :boom: Great work


Thank you brothers @Papalag and @Jetdro :pray:t3::green_heart:


Couldn’t have thought of a better terminology…
After all…it’s coming from the hash King :sunglasses::crown::fire:


Everything looking spectacular! That’s a nice OG garden.



Thank you @Tracker , words cannot describe the joy in growing some of the finest Blueberry 🫐 in my garden. :pray:t3::green_heart:

Brother @Jetdro , that pic means a lot. The following silence is full and ever/over-flowing. It is as it alway was and will ever be! :green_heart::pray:t3::innocent:


namaste my friend !

What can I say, it looks great as always. Everything looks very healthy. You have so many beautiful things in your tents!
And by the looks of it, everything is well taken care of, which was to be expected! :slight_smile: Also praise to the growers of those seeds.


Thank you brother @m0sirys :pray:t3:

Only praise to those breeders. :green_heart:
It’s them that make me want to grow from now on…
I can’t get myself to take on anything from seedbanks like in the past.

This relation ship is pure gold! And encrusted in that brick of purity is the unmistakable seal of authentication - “OG” :fire::herb::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


So, I’m desparate in need of space to move plants around and I’m unable to control the humidity any further.

I feel like I’ve literally been cheating death. So far no mold and I’m not prepared to push my luck any further. :eyes:
So I’m harvesting @Tracker 's Dream6, just 1 of 'em tomorrow since it will be day 60 into 12/12. I don’t see many ambers but she’s cloudy enough at this point.
I need space :milky_way::rocket:!

The rest 3 Dream6 and Critical Kush will follow along each week depending on how they look.

Will drop in an update tomorrow after the shuffle. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Update friends…a short one this time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Starting of with the tent housing @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen 's Sour Taxi and Auntie Entity:

Next, the tent housing @Tracker 's Dream6, Barney’s Critical Kush, Sour Taxi from seed and an Auntie Entity. I swapped a Sour Taxi clone (got too tall) along with @Cartwright 's OG Kush x Life-saver:

And finally the tent housing 2 Auntie Entity, 3 Sour Taxi clones and 1Sour Taxi from seed:

One of the Dream6 was harvested today (day 60) and I’ll happily wait…

Take care everyone. Thank you for dropping by. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


That Dream6 looks great @iceman ! Congrats on getting it to the finish line! I hope it smokes as good as it looks!