Me...just doing my thing..👽

That looks excellent! Can’t wait to hear how it cures and smokes.

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Thank you @Budderton and @Tracker :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

@Tracker , any idea on whether the D6 could be mold resistant by any chance?
I remember your concern regarding my humidity before sending me seeds. :green_heart::rocket::pray:t3:


Short answer is yes.

My thoughts…

Mold spores are all around us all the time. They just need the right environmental conditions to germinate and grow. This includes humidity.

Blue Dream is generally known to be mold resistant. The selfed mother of the D6 seeds was selected from a pack of Blue Dream selfed seeds, so the D6 is like a Blue Dream S2.

In my experience, dense/fat colas are usually where mold problems pop up. Blue Dream is not very dense or fat.

I think the mold happens in dense fat colas because transpired moisture (and/or rain if outdoor) is trapped inside the cola and can’t evaporate off fast enough. This allows the necessary environment for mold spores to germinate and start growing.

This is one reason why air movement in the grow space is critical. If there is insufficient air movement, you might have a hygrometer somewhere in the space indicating an acceptable RH, but microclimates exist inside the canopy where moisture is above the threshold for mold to germinate. Overlapping leaves, dense foliage, dense colas, colas leaning on eachother are all perfect places for this to happen.

Also, when temps drop at lights out, there is usually a spike in RH. If the RH is too high and temps too low, the environment might reach the dew point, and liquid water condensate will form on surfaces. If this happens, you are in the danger zone for mold.

I experience this outdoor every year. As we get into the latter half of September, I hope for no precipitation and low RH. The 2023 season had precip and high humidity in late september and early October. The fat/dense colas in my garden got blasted by mold, so sad. They looked beautiful and healthy on the outside, but when I chopped, they were full of mold on the inside.

The BD(JD6), mother of the D6, had almost zero mold damage. Just a couple of small blemishes that popped up in areas with bug damage.

That’s another thing, damaged/unhealthy plant material provides a good place for mold to start. Combine high humidity with bug damage, and mold is sure to pop up.

Good luck!


my friend, what can i say!

at the risk of repeating myself. everything looks great and it’s always fun to read from you and follow your updates. even if i don’t always write much i follow your grow all the time! :wink:


Thank you for such a detailed response. :pray:t3:

Boy oh boy!..she’s definitely gonna be a keeper for crossing…:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

I hope I get into breeding sometime sooner.

Thank you as well brother @m0sirys , it’s always been a pleasure checking each other’s journals. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3::green_heart:


This Critical Kush is screaming cat-piss with lime and her trichs are amber here and there.
Was wondering whether to harvest her tomorrow (day 65). Thoughts anyone?:eyes::grin:



Don’t pluck the vine before it’s time.
That one still has more to give. 7-14 more days is the thoughts of this old stoner.


Thank you brother.:pray:t3::blush:

Will let her ride and another 1-2 weeks and will see from there.

The other CK, has been curing out well…2 weeks or so, I think.
I mentioned banana-chocolate, but that was just initially after placing them in jars.
Now, it’s beginning to turn out like lemon-cleaner. Cleaner as in, a particular lemon scented floor cleaner that I’m currently using. And it’s very prominent when a bud is being bud-handled…:joy:

Smoke is terrific! When another lights, the smell is like good quality hash, and when smoked, a nice lemon scented exhale tingling on the nose.
High puts one where one belongs, within one’s-Self! :joy:

I’d really like to recommend this particular strain (Barney’s Critical Kush) if one is looking for strong scented, potent lemons.

Below is a particular description of this strain from their website and fits in perfectly with what I have in hand.
“You can take pleasure in its sticky feel, crystal covered buds, aromatic scent and don’t forget the ultimate knockout stone.”

The other CK will definitely beat the description itself. :boom::rocket::fire::sunglasses:


Great work beautiful pics

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Looks great :+1:

Peace my brother

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Thank you @hoss8455 and @Papalag :pray:t3::blush::herb:

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Sadly the CK got hit with botrytis.
Happened to notice a sugar leaf dying off on one of the colas today morning.
Decided to pull her out as the rh isn’t going below 60%.
She would have really been :fire: in another 2 weeks…:disappointed_relieved:

We live and learn…:v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry to hear that Bro :disappointed:


Unkind @iceman . It looks like you where within the harvest window on that one anyhow. I’d cut the buds off the stalk and quick dry it on a screen, to make sure the botrytis is all cut out and doesn’t spread while the plant is still wet. It doesn’t look like it was too bad, just the one spot, but you can never tell for sure. Best of luck with it.


Yes brother, I’d get to doing that in a while.
I used a torchlight (held between my teeth :joy:) and scanned through everything thoroughly.
Just that one cola got messed and with the toothpick I cleared out the fungus funk. :v:t3:


She looks great. I’d definitely open those colas up. I’ve lost a bunch to mold with those big colas :disappointed:. Probably why I prefer og bud development over those big colas :joy:
I’d also spray iso or bleach solution on the infected spot


So I was taking a few pics and that’s how I noticed the mess on the CK.

Below, @tracker 's 3 x Dream6.

Below @Cartwright OG Kush x Life-saver (smell is insane!) Also regretting I didn’t top it.

1st batch @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen 's Sour Taxi and Auntie Entity along with Dream6 clone.



D6 clone:

And the other tent housing the second batch of AE, ST and ST clones.

Thanks for looking. :pray:t3:
I’m in a bit of a hurry and hoped to squeeze in an update for this week.
Take care everyone! :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face::herb:


Sure brother…will get to it.:v:t3:
Regarding iso, won’t it break off the thc?

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Looking fantastic! Your jars are definitely going to be full with some goodness
ISO will break the thc, but you want to stop the rot and spores. Just spraying the infected area to minimize rot spreading.
I’ve had beautiful colas with no sign of mold go bad in a couple days hanging. The mold literally just goes right up the stem.


Everything looks amazing! Excellent grow! :star_struck:

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