Me...just doing my thing..👽

Beautiful plants and pictures @iceman !! They all look so happy and such a nice clean setup. :100: :heart:


What is this one? I like this one. :heart_eyes:



Thank you @Jpaul :slightly_smiling_face::green_heart:

@tuned , that is a clone taken from the Dream 6 I harvested yesterday. Looks like she’d be ready in 2 weeks.
Below is the mother plant just before harvest.
She’s currently drying.


Beautiful job!! Loving your updates


Thank you @Emeraldgreen :pray:t3::herb:

The Sour Taxi’s are some of the finest I’ve grown. They smell just amazing and loaded with trichs. One thing about them is, they’ve got weak stems going late into flower. Definitely requires stakes/trellis else they flop around.:v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Your updates have got me thinking about popping a pack of those Sour Taxi fems @iceman ! They are coming out very nicely!


Awesome brother! :fire:

Waiting eagerly to harvest and try them out…:boom:

Meanwhile, the smell coming from these 2 AE is strikingly similar to a Kosher Kush freebie I grew from seedsman in 2022. Was quite a potent smoke and it’s smell is just too good bro, something I can never forget… I’m so happy to have discovered this again. :pray:t3::alien::herb:

Also, I’ve been planning to grow out any future AE by taking clones. This should mitigate the herm trait of this beauty.

The other smaller AE smells similar to the ST’s and is loaded with buds!:fire:


Right on @iceman . I’ve got the last AE packed up, along with some other goodies and I’ll be resuming my mailing next week so should be over to you in 4-5 wks. (Knock on wood)
Your right. Sometimes the cuts will run clean but not always. I’ve also had it where the seed moms ran clean and the cuts hermed. Canabis sure is a weird plant.


I love when the excitement is so great it comes through in text! Your updates and pictures are inspiring.


Thank you @Emeraldgreen , it’s means a lot. :pray:t3::green_heart:
Honestly, I’ve taken inspiration from many other OGers, so maybe I’m just a copycat. :eyes::smile_cat:

@Budderton ,no hurry bro.
Pls take your time and I’ll remember what you said about the herming trait…scary shit but the finished buds sure can turn out :fire::boom::alien::herb:


You are absolutely killing it in this new space you’ve built! @iceman This has definitely become one of my favorite threads to read through. You are growing some gorgeous plants! Grow on bro! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Thank you @NDNCHILD :pray:t3::herb::green_heart:

Wow! That means a lot.

There’s a big difference in being a part of OG and not. And thankfully, because of all you awesome, wonderful people, this truly is family.
Your happiness alone is mine! :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

And lemme tell you a secret,…:eyes:
I’m not running any carbon filter! My area is reeking! But nobody knows! :eyes::alien::boom::fire::milky_way::flying_saucer::space_invader:

1 Like

Harvesting below @Tracker 's Dream6 today.
I noticed quite too many red trichs indicating they’ve gone past amber and have begun to deteriorate.
It’s been a wonderful journey darling :green_heart::herb:




Holy moly, It’s been a minute and had to catch up, sorry to hear about the mold.
Happy harvest!

Are you still battling Rh problems? I was going to say possibly defoliate more and try to lessen the transpiration. It might not drop a bunch but will help a little bit.

Either way you’re killing it. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend brotha!


Thank you bro @InTheWoods :pray:t3::green_heart:

Yes bro. I still am battling the rh but also since I’ve been harvesting a few the past weeks, it’s getting manageable.
I did defoliate before flip and 2 times into flower (week 3 and 5) but still it’s hard to push below 55%.
I mean…there were 22 plants and now it’s down to 17. Hoping as the numbers lessen things should improve. Also since I didn’t connect the carbon filters (:joy:) all the air from the tents (with all that humidity) is just getting dumped into the room. The ac has been helping so far in refreshing the air.
Next grow I’d be more prepared. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Friends, I did it!

My first grown OG bud!
@Tracker 's Dream6. It’s a little shy of 2 weeks in jars. She definitely could have gone another 2 weeks before harvesting her but I’m glad I let the others take their time.
Man, I smoked one and I’m trying to write a review. What can I say…this one is brilliant! And I have another 3 more yet to indulge.
Good mold resistance and definitely a keeper strain.

The smell is very complex. Berry, sandalwood, caramelized butter but that 🫐 smell …ooh! :drooling_face:
High is very comforting…not overpowering and it’s difficult to keep the joint down.
I took this down at 8.5 weeks but I feel it would have been better at 10+ weeks.
The other 2 did go on for that long (and have been harvested) and 1 of them will definitely go for 12 weeks and she’s turning out to be a beauty. Will drop an update on her in the coming days.

Thank you @Tracker :pray:t3::green_heart:
I’m so happy that my first OG grown strain will always be something I’d keep around.

Meanwhile, I remembered @Tuned and took a couple of pics of the Dream6 clone. She’s been throwing some nice colours on her fans and looks pretty. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you OG! :pray:t3::green_heart::flying_saucer::milky_way:


Looking great bro. Congratulations on th OG bud. Looks delicious





Thank you @MyLittleGrundle and @tuned :pray:t3::green_heart::slightly_smiling_face: