Me...just doing my thing..👽

Always best to error on the side of caution, when working under probation. Most of us have had to do a fast shutdown, myself on a few occasions. Live to fight another day and do what you have to in order to be safe.


Thank you all for reaching out! :pray:t3::green_heart::herb:

So I figured something for the time being.
I was using an inverter/ups along with a heavy duty battery to provide backup in incase of power cuts. That pulls in a lot of power to keep the battery charged and now it’s off.

I’ve managed to get the odour under control.
The idea was to connect the exhaust of all 3 tents (4") with connectors (4-6") and using a booster fan, the air coming from the tents should filter out through the carbon filter. But the connectors are at a friend’s place and that’s a few hundred miles away from where I am.
So, I just hooked a 6" fan to the filter and placed it above the grow room and using ducts, Im channeling the cleaned air outside. Smell is under control! :facepunch:t3:

I figured, if I stop using the ac is when the smell builds up. So with the filter connected now, I can reduce the number of hrs the ac is run, but humidity may be a concern.
Anyways…the electric consumption should drop to a large extent.

I hope to keep all plants and allow them to express themselves until they’re ready. :alien::herb::dove:


Decisions were made once again.
My concern is electricity.
2 tents are running 480w and 1 is 600w.
I’ve decided to plug off the 600w light and will be harvesting @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen 's 1st batch of 3x Auntie Entity and 3x Sour Taxi.
They could certainly have gone another 2-3 weeks.

Sour Taxi (day 65):

Auntie Entity (day 73):

Lights off now, harvest tomorrow.

I’ve dimmed the 2 tents with 480w down to 45%.
May harvest them too depending on how things go the next few days.

Thank you for following. :dove:


Looks great! I’d be harvesting those at this point normally. I think they’re going to be great for you.
The main point is your safety above all other concerns


Thanks for running those @iceman . They’re looking far enough along that they will get you high, probably just at the beginning of their harvest window. They turned out awesome and I find their structures very interesting!
Happy harvest and stay safe!


Dam good looking nugs brother



Increase air circulation! Small fans run cheap

Try running flower at 10/14 and
Veg at 17.5 / 6.5
It saves some hours of less energy


Thank you @Emeraldgreen @MyLittleGrundle @Budderton and @Papalag :pray:t3::green_heart::herb:

@Emeraldgreen and @Budderton , honestly, I want to push them a little longer, but thanks to everyone’s input, I’ve decided to play it safe. Also, considering the rh issues, might as well take them down than gamble.

@Papalag , I’ve reduced to light hrs on the remaining plants to 10/14 and hope to see how long I can push these. :pray:t3:

Update on the second batch of AE, ST, 3x ST clones and @Cartwright 's ogkb x lfs2

Below tent is housing 3 ST clones, 1 ST from seed and 1 AE.

ST clones:

ST from seed:


And in the tent pictured below we have 2x AE, ST from seed and @Cartwright 's ogkb x lfs2.

Ogkb x lfs2: (frosty :cold_face: and smells of mango, pine, incense :drooling_face:)

ST from seed:


The last picture (plant 2) AE got me worried earlier because she wasn’t sticky enough. Well, now she’s getting sticky and is keeping me satisfied. :facepunch:t3::boom:

I hope to run these for another 2 weeks on 10/14 and will possibly keep the AE and ogkblsf2 for another 2 more. ST’s will be harvested early. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you all for your love and support. :pray:t3::green_heart::dove:


Looks great. Be safe and enjoy the fruits of your labor


Dear friends…sorry for the lack of updates…

Been smoking a lot of @Tracker 's Dream6 and some friends had stopped by. They’re loving it.

Meanwhile I had harvested the 1st batch of @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen 's AE and ST 10 days back.

They’ve dried and have been bagged. Had trimmed 2 ST and 1 AE. 2 more AE and 1 ST are remaining. The shorter AE that I trimmed is a pleasant smoke. Smells like mild caramel coffee.
Smoked the ST and damn…hit me hard and she’s very resinous. Smells and tastes very sour with a hint of citrus. :boom:

Will take pics of the other plants on Sunday…:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


I’m happy to know it is good.


Awesome @iceman ! I’m glad you got them to the finish line and are enjoying the fruits of your labor!


yeah looking great! bet tastes is amazing too! enjoy your work my friend! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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Wow, great sight to see them curing so nicely. Is the lack of updates caused by all the smoking of @Tracker 's Dream6? :rofl: ? Keep on keeping on, very nice work!


Hey mate! Sorry to hear about your government troubles. Its ridiculous to be in potential legal trouble for growing a plant. Keep your head up and look after yourself. It’s always better to tank it and live to fight another day.

Dream 6 looked awesome by the way!

Best of luck,


Thank you all! :pray:t3::green_heart:


Update friends.
Managed to quickly take a few snaps.

Below tent we have 3 ST clones, 1 ST from seed and 1 AE from @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen

ST clones:

ST from seed:


And below tent we have @Cartwright 's ogkblsf, 2 AE and 1 ST:




I may harvest all the ST’s tomorrow. They’ve completed 9 weeks yesterday. The 2 ST from seed looks like they could go on for a few more days but I want to limit my electricity consumption.
So, the 3 AE and the ogkblsf will move into 1 tent and will go on for another week or 2.
Still have 1 ST to trim from the 1st batch.
I’m tired.
I will update in the coming weeks of cured buds and review on effects as well.

Thank you all for following. :pray:t3:
You guys are the coolest people and I’m gonna smoke one for all of you. :green_heart::dove::v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Looks fantastic! Your early post suggests it’s smoking as good as it looks!

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Yes brother, I’ve been mostly smoking the Dream6 and did take a couple of hits of the ST and AE (both 1 plant). They need to cure.
Im pretty hopeful regarding them as they’ve all been very resinous. :boom::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Hi friends, thought I’d give a small update on what’s happening on my end…

Harvested all remaining ST’s on Monday night. That’s 3 clones and 2 from seed.

…and I’m planning on harvesting @Cartwright 's ogkblsf tomorrow. She looks like she could go another week but I’m already seeing many ambers. Nevertheless, the true beauty that she’s turned out to be, I’m definitely gonna be growing this darling once again…:wink::ok_hand:t3:

The 3 remaining AE will go on until next Wednesday maybe.
Will drop an update of those girls again before harvest. The 10/14 cycle surely is helping finishing them sooner than expected.

Thought I’d drop a quick review on @Emeraldgreen and @Budderton 's first batch of Sour Taxi and Auntie Entity. They’ve been curing a week or so in jars.
All 3 Sour Taxi’s smell very pleasant. There’s a hint of citrus here and there but mostly I’m reminded of armpits (when crushed) which is something I really like. I’m sure overtime it would get complex further exceeding my expectations. I don’t find anything sour as of yet but also it doesn’t really bother me. Maybe the armpits is the sour…:joy: The high…just brilliant friends! And overtime that too should get more better with the cure. Some good stuff @Emeraldgreen has crossed to come out with this beauty. :boom:
Meanwhile the AE, 2 of them are f…ing Wow!
Both their smells are very different and the high quite intense.
The shorter one hits good in the morning (first j) but after that I’d prefer something harder. Maybe she’d get better with a longer cure. Also, I had mentioned earlier regarding a Kosher Kush that I had grown (actually 2 of them) and I’m noticing the similarities in the AE. The shorter one and the taller one are ditto in terms of taste, smell and high.
@Budderton , thank you for thinking of me and sending over these beans. The AE is really a great cross and her phenos are quite interesting to look out for.

I most certainly would give an better update on smells and tastes with budshots after a longer cure. :pray:t3: