Me...just doing my thing..👽

Everything is looking so good! You’re knocking it out of the park! I can’t wait to see what you have In store next.


Hi bro, everything looks good as always :slight_smile:
I’m also about to get out Wedding cake due to lack of space!
Gorilla Zkittles will certainly be great smoke, the smell sounds interesting.
hope you bleist not all too long in the trim jail!!!

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :herb: :herb: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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@Habitt thank you so much! As much as I want to start another grow, I need to make some important decisions which also means relocation. Hopefully I can get on with doing what I love most sooner…:blush:

@m0sirys thank you bro. Just took a coffee and doobie break. Should go on trimming until tomorrow night I believe. If you got anything from Barney’s Farm, just go for it brother. :grin::v:t3::herb:


That’s the “scissor” hash collected from just one pheno (3 clones) of Blue Gelato41.
I’m gonna start the other pheno (armpit) now. Those 2 clones are really frosty.


Right on @iceman , that’s a nice little haul for just one plant. I love scissor hash! I was smoking some all yesterday morning with an old friend that came by to grab some cuts off me. Needless to say, it was nap time by 12:30!

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@Budderton that’s awesome. Good company and great stuff are the best combo…:green_heart:
Coming to think of it, I’ve smoke good stuff from the north, but nothing beats homegrown. :grin::v:t3::herb:

Below is the top cola of the foxtail clone. I mentioned this pheno smells like armpit, but I like to reconsider that to sweet burnt rubber.

After trim

Back to trimming…:expressionless:


Nice one @iceman ! Yeah I find the body odor and bunt rubber can kinda go together. Same with cat piss and burnt rubber. I mean as it’s growing it goes from one smell to another when finishing. And it may morph again, after a cure. The Herb is awesome that way! Best of luck with your future endeavors. I hope you can figure out a way to keep growing, because your great at it!


That means a lot coming from you bro! :pray:t3::green_heart::star_struck:
Thank you so much! :blush:


Quick update.
Harvested all plants in dwc last Thursday. Was supposed to only harvest gorilla zkittlez and change res on both the blue gelato41. Couldn’t wait any longer and I lost my patience. :sweat_smile:

Below dwc trunk in jiffy pellets.

And below clones

This grow has officially come to an end. As much as I’m happy, I’m a little sad (anxious) as I’m uncertain about my next grow.
But whatever happens, I’d be back and things should take off with the OG family support! :blush::v:t3::herb:


Nothing more satisfying than a completed harvest! Sorry to hear about the upcoming uncertainty. I hope you can get back to it asap! We’re all going to miss the grows, I know I will.

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Hello everyone,
So… it’s been a while and thought I’ll post some pics of buds. The clones have been curing for almost 4 weeks and the dwc plants about 2+ weeks.
2 strains were grown
Blue Gelato41 (3 phenos) and Gorilla Zkittlez

Blue Gelato41 pheno 1 (only dwc and didn’t clone) smells like caramel mocha.

Blue Gelato41 pheno 2 (lost the mother but managed to take 2 clones that survived) smells like sweet burnt rubberry chocolate with a hint of lime.

Blue Gelato41 pheno 3 in dwc (took 3 clones from the mother) this one has a very interesting smell. It’s a tropical burst of banana, strawberry, lime with a very heavy creamy smell. Really potent and flavorful as well. Heavy yeilder.

Gorilla Zkittlez (grew in dwc and took 1 clone) smells very intense of crushed lime rubber and is a very potent smoke as well. This pheno, the clone didn’t yeild much but the mother in dwc was topped 3 times, so she really gave out quite a bit.

Honestly, all plants turned out great to smoke and it was a joy to grow them.
Yeild in total was 530+gms from 6 clones and 3 plants in dwc. :blush::sunglasses::herb::call_me_hand:t3:

Calyx anyone…? :eyes::wink::v:t3: (I think I’m gonna name my pet, if I get one, “Calyx”. Sounds cool):joy::herb:

We’ll…that’s it for a while.
Take care everyone.
I’ll be around lurking till I sort out my next grow adventure…:grin::v:t3::herb::green_heart::fire:


looking nice bro!


That tropical pheno sounds great! And you got a little over a pound, something I hope to one day replicate, such a nice score!


Thank you so much @m0sirys and @Habitt :blush::green_heart:

I’m really stoked with the yeild this time.
Fruits of one’s labour eh? :sunglasses::fire::herb::call_me_hand:t3:


Just imagine how much better you willdo next time. :thinking:


Sad I just found this now but still a great thread ! Looking forward to the next one ! Very nice, clean well dialed setup! Love it @iceman :facepunch:t2:

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Thanks for stopping by brother and those nice compliments. @TopShelfTrees1 :relaxed::green_heart:
I really envy you’ll who can grow legally and really enjoy the process. It’s very healthy.
I’m running from pillar to post trying to organize my growing scene (for lack of not having my own place) and I’m slowly getting the feeling that’s it’s catching upto me…the sustainability part or running this with all the paranoia. Nevertheless my love for growing will somehow find a way…or so I hope…:expressionless::wink:

Would like to give a final update as well…(regarding this grow of course…:grin::v:t3:)
Got some bubble bags over the net (Bubblebagdude) and dry sifted my trims 2 weeks back.
I wasn’t sure of making bubble hash as I didn’t want things getting wet. :sweat_smile: Also limited access to dry ice (lazy and didn’t try searching tbh) and having a small freezer in my fridge made me explore other options.
I initially shifted each plant leaves separately using the 120 micron bag and then dumped them all together into the 220 micron bag and got quite a yeild (low quality but homegrown :wink::call_me_hand:t3:)

Below are couple of pics of each plant’s (strain) trim leaves sifted using 120 microns and carefully placed into plastic ziplocs. Then heat was applied using my hand and I managed to press them into small balls within the packet itself. There is quite a bit of keif in and around the packet but rest assured…everything will be cleaned well while consuming…:grin::herb:
From left to right, Gorilla Zkittlez sift, and the rest Blue Gelato41 sift of 3 plants (120 microns)

Below is hash pressed using all the trims leaves after going through the 120 micron and into the 220 micron bag. Quite a chunk!

Too much glare so I had to post a couple of pics :sweat_smile::v:t3:

I’m logging in everyday and quite enjoy chatting with strangers…:joy:
That reminds me of a line from Echoes - Pink Floyd.
“Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me.”

Take care everyone! :grin::green_heart::herb:


Hey! @iceman I really enjoyed going through your thread! I like your style! Nice plants my man! Good seeing you out and about elsewhere earlier as well. Glad you found the buddy you were looking for. I had no idea you were so far away. Nice job handling your business with this grow! I hope you get a new spot and a new grow going soon! Many prayers, Best wishes!


Thank you for stopping by brother! @NDNCHILD :green_heart::herb:
No matter where we live, we’re all bees in a hive (OG hive :sunflower::honeybee::honey_pot:)…here for a common cause and aprreciation for the same.
Happy to have connected with you buddy. :grin:

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I should have just put that can I just copy and paste that?! :wink:
Good connecting with you too! After scoping out your hash pics I believe I’m going to attempt to retire for the evening with a nice hash topped bubbly bowl myself! I’ll be around. Holler at me anytime! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:
Yup goin for it! Lol @iceman