Me...just doing my thing..šŸ‘½

Master stroke and a masterā€™s cut.
Enjoy your eveningā€¦:sunglasses:


Gotta make you up a pigeon of the Italian Beef crosses.

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Very nice! I love to see DWC growers. Id love to hear your nutrient schedule! Great advice about the lights and stretching. Iā€™ve been having that problem!

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Hey @AppalachianBiscuits , thanks for dropping by. :grin:
For dwc, I preferred to use Maxibloom alone (5gm/gal) and it used to work like a breeze with the tap water where I lived ('17-'20).
Moved to a new place and the tap water was quite saline, so I had got ro water but had to supplement calcium. In veg Iā€™d get mild calcium deficiency so Iā€™d include gypsum but by mid flowering onwards it gets tricky.
Iā€™m thinking of going back to the humble flora trio along with calmag if I ever run dwc again. I find Coco quite fun to grow (hand watering everyday can be a pitašŸ˜…) and used the formula pasted on the back of the bottlle to keep it simple.
Also, I need to import Maxibloom but a knock-off of the flora trio is available locally for cheap and works quite good.

Calmag always @ 2.5ml/gal (until mid flower, or so, may reduce to 1ml after)
All in ml/gal
Veg 3 2 1
Transition 2 2 2
Flower 1 2 3

Hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3::herb:



You and me both, our own plots of land, just like that.

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Everythingā€™s going according to plan.
Couldnā€™t have been much more happier and grateful to existence for making things fall in placeā€¦:pray:t3::green_heart::herb:
Should be back on track with a grow soonā€¦back with a bang (I hope :sweat_smile:)
Hopes on plan on germinating a few by September 2nd weekā€¦
Love everything about OG!:green_heart::herb::alien:


thats good to heear my friend!! already missing your updates!! so i m looking forward to september!!!

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Right on brother! Canā€™t wait to see what you have in the pipeline for your next grow!

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Awesome! Really looking forward to it @iceman

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Iā€™m doing my best to keep track of everyoneā€™s updates :sweat_smile:. Really enjoying getting stoned and checking out otherā€™s journals/threads while at the same time busy organizing my next scene. :crossed_fingers:t3:
Gonna be dealing with a shit load of smell (3 4x4 tents!) and looking to invest in activated carbon filter this time. :wink::alien::herb:
Creating a separate veg space using T5 LEDs and hope to keep a few mothers as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you everyone for being supportive! :green_heart::pray:t3:
Iā€™ve got quite a lot of beans from many awesome souls here on OG and deciding on what to run next is mostly eating my head. I certainly donā€™t want to disappoint anyone and will find a way to grow out as many as possible. Will tag the senderā€™s for sure!
On a mission to OG! :metal:t3:


yeah keeping everything in view not an easy task!
it`s always fun to watch updates. and there is so much so see. :slight_smile:

ok so there are people who grow without filter? that suprises me by alot. i canĀ“t imagen growing with out a good filter system. we had a 8 hours power out beacause of repairs a while ago . and i have to say i was so nervous!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: first couple of hours no problem but after 8 hours the smell was like a coffee shop in holland. i was so glad when the power cam back.
even though i took a while to filter the whole flat :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

a lot of beans means we Äŗl see alot of bud XD

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Up until now, Iā€™ve somehow managed to get away with it. Letā€™s say Iā€™ve got a straight face :expressionless: and no one would even think Iā€™d be upto something, let alone grow! :alien: Not willing to risk it anymore.:joy:
It did stink like crazy my last grow and the ones before, but itā€™s time I didnā€™t take things for granted anymore.
The only other thing is the electricity bill. Hope to go solar sometime but need to have my own place for that kind of investment.



better safe than sorry :smiley: so a filter is a pretty good investment. solar is something my landlord is also looking into. hope that someday it wll come true! or at least befor i m leaving here.
but atm i need to cope with this litlle flat :slight_smile:


So here we are, the room where I hope to cultivate goodness. A little small maybe but could easily fit 3 tents.

And below is the kitchen space which Iā€™ll be using as a veg/cloning station. The opening between the main room and the kitchen space will be separated by a thick curtain.

Now, Iā€™ve light proofed the room with a few boards. That little opening by the sliding window will be covered by a thick curtain and that window will be used once in a while to facilitate ventilation.

Iā€™ve installed a 4" exhaust within the kitchen space. Could have gone for a 6" but this 4" is no joke either. This is to avoid keeping stale air within that spaceā€¦and for sure that stove will be removed! :joy:
The lights are 3 x 36w 6500k T8 (3600 lumens each) totalling 108w for vegging plants. The lights are long! (1.13m) and I could easily fit 10 x 1gal pots under them. Theyā€™ve been hooked to a reaper and set up with a bracketā€¦all diy :joy::v:t3: Still have to wire the lights and supple power.

So far everything seems to be going on well.
I hope to begin setting up the tents by tomorrow and lights/electrical work as well.

Mulling over the idea to start a new threadā€¦but either ways, Iā€™ll just be doing my thing. :alien::herb::v:t3:


Awesome space with plenty of potential @iceman ! Are you able to vent your tents to the outside as well? Do you have a spot for fresh air to come in? Looks like a fairly easy space to set up. Best of luck with it!

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Nice question bro! šŸ¤ø

Below is a legend of the above drawing. Itā€™s an aerial view of the room.
A, B and C are 4x4 tents with a 4" fan inside of each exhausting air outside the tents.
1 is the 4" duct coming out above of each tent.
2 is a 4"-6" reducer
3 is 6" duct
4 is 6" wye connector
5 is where the exhausted air from the tents are gonna exit and I hope to place a carbon filter here along with a 6" booster fan to deal with the pressure coming through the ducts of those 3 tents.
6 is where a 4" exhaust fan would be installed to ventilate the veg space outside.
7 is where the ac would be installed in the room.
The [?] was placed as to whether a booster fan would be useful and @NDNCHILD was really helpful on that advice and the choice of lights for veg via DM :slightly_smiling_face::pray:t3:

This was the initial plan, but I may do away with connecting tent ā€˜cā€™ with ā€˜aā€™ and ā€˜bā€™ as I beleive the smell from 1 tent alone should be manageable. It will be exhausted within the grow space itself.

Thereā€™s a sliding window in the room where the tents are. That along with the room door when opened, should draw in fresh air:

It will be covered by a thick curtain and thereā€™s an a/c as well. Mostly a sealed room but importantly the exhaust from tent ā€˜aā€™ and ā€˜bā€™ will be vented out into the veg space and a carbon filter will be installed along with a 6" booster fan.

Thank you for the wishes bro. :slightly_smiling_face::herb:
And most importantly, your beans! Canā€™t wait to germ soon.:wink:
Countdown set to 9th and I hope to stay on schedule.:hourglass_flowing_sand::bomb:


Looking good in there bro! Canā€™t wait to see you back in action! @iceman :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::v:t3: :heart::green_heart: šŸŖ¶šŸŖ¶

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Good to see youā€™re back in business again! I cant wait to see everything up and running again! 9/9 has been set on the calendar. Good luck buddy!

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wow my friend seems like your are building a new setup. ! for sure some space you got there!

looking forward to see the build! :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

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Thank you @NDNCHILD , @Habitt and @m0sirys
Love the motivation! :green_heart:

Orders are coming in, which means busy me.:sweat_smile:
Coco bricks and perlite (in the box)

1gal airpots (20pcs):fire:

New ph meter and cleaning/storage solutions (Hannah Instruments)


I think I may have OCD. Spent quite sometime trying to perfect the veg light build so I could increase and decrease the height based on convenienceā€¦came out pretty well I think.
Still needs to be wiredā€¦:joy:

Now back to setting up lights, fans for the tents.

See you later, alligators! :crocodile::laughing: