Me...just doing my thing..👽

Oh yeah! Looks like it’s about to go down! :facepunch:t3:
Lookin good brother! :fist:t3:🪶🪶

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Thank you bro!

One of the tent’s zip is trying to fcuk around. Been having that tent since 2017 and is still going strong. Need to dab on some bees wax and get that zipper sorted out. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


So, I’ve managed to wire the t8’s and the brightness is ok.

I’ve got a dr.meter that i use to check the lux. Damn thing needs a battery replacement so that will happen tomorrow. Set up lights for the tents as well. Pretty early considering I’ve created a dedicated veg-space. May get lazy/complacent later so better to get things done when the energy is high.

So, Im a sucker for fems and it saves me time in getting straight into flower production.
I’ve got 2 Barney’s Critical Kush and @Tracker has been kind enough to spoil me with Dream 6 (JD cut) fems and I got 4 of those started as well. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

Next week, another 6 fems would be started. :wink: (I’m really excited to get those started!)

For a while, from now on, I’ll only be running beans I’ve received from OGers.
I don’t think I could get into reproduction anytime soon so males will be taken out. Pls don’t mind. :pray:t3:but I hope to save a few beans for a future project if all goes well. :v:t3:
I hope to run everyone’s beans atleast once asap so there’s a lot going on in my mind. Pls bear with me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Exciting! I hope you find something good in those beans.


Nice @iceman ! It’s good to see you back at it! Best of luck with your starts!:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Looking great boss I can’t wait to follow along. And I know I’m the worst pos but I still haven’t packed you up another pigeon. At this point im about to chop the RIL D hybrids and might as well wait to throw those in.


Thank you @Tracker @Budderton and @hoss8455 :slightly_smiling_face:

No worries bro. I have your Corey Heime and STUG F1. Pls take ur your time. It’s all good. :wink::v:t3:


100% germination on the Dream 6 @Tracker :fire: within 24hr soak! All 4 have tap roots poking out.
The Barney’s Critical Kush are a little old. Still the shell hasn’t cracked yet.

Transplanted all beans into jiffy pellets.
The damn tray that holds them, the holes are friggin small. :joy:


Aaawwwwwwwwweeee yyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!!

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Coco has been buffered and ready.

Dream 6 (sprouts on 2 of 'em)

Critical Kush (literally wtf) :joy:

So we wait…


Life as we know it…
Dream 6:


It’s amazing how quick they grow up! Soon they’ll be tall with fat sticky nugs about ready to chop.


Thank you @Habitt :slightly_smiling_face:

So, I potted the seedlings into 1gal airpots.
They seem to be doing fine except one of the critical kush.

Dream 6:

Critical Kush:

The critical kush that’s struggling to pull on through. Kinda looks like a dud.


I’m hoping to flower 6 plants in each tent. If anything regarding the critical, I’ll clone the fastest growing plant to fill it’s space. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


sounds like a good plan ! :innocent:

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got you on that ! on sunday the power was turned of by my landlord for maintance or something… he said to me in 2 hours power will be back. end of the story was that i was runnning around with a pumpsprayer.
to keep me cuttings in the cloner alive till evening. on monday :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Damn bro. Hope alls well with your cuttings. Honestly, a short while in a day is not really a problem.
Here too, the monsoons have picked up and strong winds with rains got us experiencing power cuts as well. Last 1-2 hrs the last 2 days. But the plants are still babies and it happens so only after they receive 16hrs of continuous light or rather towards the end of their day. Talk about timing…:wink::v:t3:
Rh has been in the 80s and I’ve got a fan blowing 24hrs. Gave the girls a feeding this morning and all 6 are doing quite fine. Thought I’ll update every Wednesday with pics and germination during the weekends. Ordered an ro filter that should be delivered before the weekend. :slightly_smiling_face:


@iceman your new grow setup looks great. Hope it works just as you hope it will. Looking forward to watch your new grow.

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Thanks bro @Blackbeard
Pls grab a seat. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

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Brother i don’t know how I missed this thread

This picture of yours is beautiful