Measuring Greatness: Biceps of OG đŸ’Ș

I figured if Tom Hardy could bulk up for the batman movie then surely I could accomplish the same with clean eating and steady exercise. After gaining 10 pounds I don’t stop sweating and my recovery time from physical exertion doubles.

Maybe the body needs time to get acclimated to the additional weight but after a month of sweating, feeling winded, and non-stop eating it doesn’t seem worth the struggle. Once I cut out the two extra meals a day everything goes back to the way I felt before in about two weeks. That was by no means my first attempt, but I always wind up back where I start.

My weight hovers around 175 lbs without the extra effort and I feel just fine with that. I just fake the big look by buying my shirts a size smaller, and never skipping neck day.

Who wants to be Bane anyways

Alas, I’m hijacking my own thread on some tangent. What are we doing again?

@DougDawson, Love the farmers tan! Looks like muscle from over here. Also I think we have the same haircut.

@Shamus, Are you wearing gloves?

@Pawsfodocaws, Beast! For some reason I always pictured you in my head as a little bunny, until today.

@Pigeonman, Do you always let the wife speak for you? I figured bicep measurement allows most anyone to participate, plus it’s way more appropriate than my original idea :rofl: Looking good!

@Foreigner, How did you manage to take such a bad picture with an extra set of hands? That deserves an award :trophy:

@ColeLennon, Holy cannoli! One of you is nearly two of me. Even without the measuring tape you’re a shining example to us all.

@Cybersmib, Nothing to be ashamed of, unless of course you did something truly egregious. Be true to yourself, and crank out a couple pushups before bed.

Wow, to think this is my most successful topic to date
 Don’t forget to check out my grows!


Bro no wonder you can’t walk. :rofl: sick joke sorry :flushed:


I hate being out of likes lol.

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I walk another reason alcohol isn’t appealing to me. Balance man You need it. :slight_smile:


I walk funny cuz of walking with lock knees and swinging my legs out and in. I worked for years as paraplegic in sales. My friends and co workers joked with me all the time. They would say walk this way like come with me and see this and then walk the way I walk. It was always a good laugh. :slight_smile: .

seriously enough about me k peace


She speaks for herself and i love her for it lol.


You retaught yourself to walk, and with that frame!? You only have two inches on me vertically


I’d be in a coma with that. That was what my joke was aimed at. :v:


Sometimes (mostimes) I prefer to get a laugh. Just my nature. No issues here.


:rofl: legend (+20 characters)


yep 13 months after

out of likes sorry peeps


Even if it’s a bad time for a coma joke, they won’t hear it.


:rofl: yeah you get me :rofl:


Is arms the measure? I do not work on my arms specifically. I own no weights. I did force my stoner lazy body into calisthenics last year and I am glad you did this post, I fell off my routine ever since this power outage and the terrible on my health energy food I ate during it. I did think I would have build a outdoor pull up bar by now, this season but have been slacking and pull ups are my only arm exercise. I do them on a closet door frame i never dry walled, i just hang from the 2x4 but hurts the hands.

I got into calistectics by watching you tube. Good way if you have no weights.


It was completely arbitrary. Ask any boy from 3 to 37 years old to show you their muscles and you will be treated to a bicep flex.

Looking good!

Pull-ups and cardio are always the easiest things to lose and the hardest to get back.

I have a door frame chin-up bar except every single doorway in this house is in the corner of the room so the bar won’t fit. Of course if I were sincere I could have hung a new bar just about anywhere by now, but instead I am lamenting on the internet. I’ll be amazed if I can still crank out five reps.

Post another picture in a month, OG will keep you on the wagon!


The active job and stupid lifestyle is my excuse. :rofl:


Bands are great as well! I hook em up to my wall, you can watch tv and crack at it. I recommend them to anyone, great space savers.
Food choices seem to dictate what I feel like doing. I started with nutrition for a full year before exercise. at a point I had access energy I needed to use up so it was so easy. Too get back for me I refocus on what I eat. stable energy is dependable energy so I do my best to avoid hi and sugar lows and energy killing grease, like b-fast sausages added to my eggs I am ready for nap not exercise. If I looked jacked it has more to do with optical illusion. I have a rarer waist size, 28 inch and a thin neck and narrow face, distorts perspective, real life I am a uber thin 6ft plus broom stick with chicken legs. lol


Yep get in the water. Mobility is Key


LOL, yeah, have not had a haircut since Covid started :roll_eyes: There is much more of it but I have to tie it back for work, lol. So just to be a good sport here you go. Remember, I don’t have beach muscles, I am what you would call country strong :rofl:


Nah I guess I just have weird hands

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