Measuring Greatness: Biceps of OG 💪

Thanks bud lol Beast… I try

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Being 6ft5 and 280lbs in good condition back in my mid 20’‘s to 30’'s after a lot of steroid abuse, I would say your bicepts are aound 18 inches comparin to myself.

As a hard core body builder and after a lot of steroid abuse I can say from my experience, the results are not overnight, and you still have to work your ass of in the gym :wink:

I had 2 training partners die from steroid use, one was 21, and died from a massive heart attack while testing equipment for the worlds strongest man competition, the other aged 34 from sudden kidney failure due to very high blood pressure from the steroids.

They are not worth the long term damage they can cause when abused. HGH is a much better option as it causes the bones, tendons and ligaments to grow stronger quickly to support the bigger muscles you are creating but it’s very expensive.


If we start measuring c^^k sizes. Remember measure from the base up top to the tip. Not from the taint to the tip. Mines like half a twizzler on a cold day. Gotta use a macro shot for dk pics

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Doesn’t HGH make your bones start growing again??? My uncle (unfortunately not with us now but not because of steriods) his chin ended up huge to the point I called him desperate Dan as a nickname


Now if only I was stuck at home during the pandemic instead of working at the hospital I could have won this thread :slight_smile:


If you notice my left arm is bigger than my right and I’m right-handed. . I jerk it with my left hand upside down. Call it the “stranger”


Thank you for your service :100:


That’s what I do with my right hand. Call it “familiar stranger”

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I’ve filtered a lot of things through my brain but for whatever reason I have reservations about tickling my hyphothalamus with hormones.

You are correct, it is not overnight- it takes about a week :laughing:

Even the least disciplined people I’ve known to run cycles their traps start to pop right away by no agency of their own. When people are actually good at steroids the results are phenomenal, like neck muscles made of grapefruits.

Gotta start your own topic for that one amigo :rofl:

And organs! Bodybuilders show up to competitions looking four months pregnant.

@DougDawson, Metric and Imperial? Livin’ large! I just measured my right arm because the left has one or more embarassing tattoos, but now that I double check I can see the extra reps paid off for the right.

@Esrgood4u, Aww yeah, twinsies!

@sedin, Core and conditioning are key. Never skip neck day, like neck situps.


Thanks brother but I am just the IT/ Managed Print Services guy. I keep the gear running, they keep us running. I still do what I can to contribute.


Any way you look at it. You are still part of the moving parts that save lives every day. Never forget it brother…


That thing is in inches so Imperial I guess, lol


“We forge our bodies in the fire of our will”
-Enter the Dragon (1973)


yeaaaahhhhh “simulate sound of karate chop”

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I forge my body with bourbon and bad choices :wink:


I just figured out how to use the watching function on following a topic. Cannabis does dull the mind.

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Ive noticed a few names on overgrow that I remember from 14 years ago on thecannacabana My screen was myoneplant shortened to MOP


Had to google neck sit term sounded sarcastic lmao. often is the core and sometimes neck strains that will stop you before arms. Natural physics longer body longer core less rigid more lanky but all body types have pros and cons. Long farmers walks forced my core into compliance. Highly recommend especially for the tall thin hard gainers.