Meat isn't agreeing with me. But I love meat

Myoglobin is the ooze, it’s just protein.

Carbon Monoxide is just to increase shelf life looks. It’s bad if breathing it because it’s a gas. It’s not going to affect anything that you eat. There’s more risk from it in your home than from a meat package



If I were to say “hey baby let me ooze some protein into you” I’d get slapped.

But crazier things have worked :joy:


Beat me to it! :smile:

Shiitake and oystermushrooms are great for digestion.

Also SAGE.


My wife and I went vegan for a little over 3 years. I felt great but to be honest, it felt like such a chore to have to go over the ingredients on the back of every damn thing in the store.


It’s what gives red meat it’s color, so just feed her a steak, it will work, I guarantee it :rofl:


Good topic, I have been a meat eayer all my live and since 18 I cuted soups and sallads, no fish too.

In the past 8 years meat tastes like papper and feels like rubber? That is because of how big human population grow around the world and to face the needs industrial processes removed all the shine from meat, for me are the turkey chest slices that hurt my tong the most, but with some spices and stuff, some melted cheese on top and it has to go in my friends.

With all respect for vegans, I don’t think it is natural to go all vegan or all meaty, we have omnivore dental constitution and we should give it the propper use.

Occasionally I eat some fruits.

But we also see that in fish, not so much on taste I think but about the shrinkage, before being cooked and after…

Back in tje old days you only needed the meat and some salt and maybe some lemmon juice to make it happen.


Good fish is hard to get but not impossible.


Fish it yourselft, I love fishing but I really don’t appreciate fish meals.


I have to disagree. It’s hiding the look of the meat and trying to keep it looking fresh. Can look fresh even after spoiled. While I would agree the CO2 won’t hurt you from the meat package it does get people buying stuff that is past it’s prime which is an effect of the practice.

It’s really just one more of those deceptive things markets due which irritate me. I don’t know what exactly they are doing with the meat at the local grocery store but something is being done that affects both look and flavor. It’s a dishonest practice I can’t get behind. It’s like buying a nice shinny car just to find out they filled it with bondo and painted over all the rust patches and holes. Sure it looked like new but it’s really just a lie.


Y’all should lookup sometime what the Chinese fishing fleet is doing to our South American waters in regards to harvesting fish. It’s pretty disturbing


I’ve also got a wild caught subscription which is very good but not cheap.


Yeah, but they have stickers on best by date, just be observant and only take fresh packages, or ask the meat guys to get you a fresh package, thats what I do. :peace_symbol:


I will just stick to my butcher when I can, they raise the animals, slaughter them and sell them. When I am stuck buying at the local store I do what you suggest but let’s face it, there must be some unscrupulous owners out there so trusting that sticker is not always going to work. This is from 2014 and shows they caught a number of folks repacking the meat after the expiry date. One worker states “To my knowledge, everyone is doing it … In all the stores I’ve worked at in my life, everyone did it,‘’. Now I am sure that is not always the case but I am sure it still goes on.

Grocery stores caught cheating on packaging dates of meat and poultry | CBC News.


Impossible and Beyond make pretty convincing imitation meat. So much so that the first time a friend of mine tried an Impossible burger at a restaurant, he paniced and told the waiter they ficked up and gave him a real burger. It was in fact an Impossible burger…

Couple of catches here

  • It’s expensive
  • It’s not a “healthier alternative”

I’ve heard people talk about Impossible/Beyond lile they are healthier than normal meats because they are partly plant based. This is not really the case…

IMO they are a good substitute though if they fit your budget.

I’ve tried a few variations of their imitation meats and was surprised how far fake meat has come.


My uncle is a butcher. One of his shops best sellers is 21 day well hung steak. He tells me he has to scrape the green slime from it to make it look eatable. This sells for a premium :nauseated_face:


To the topic at hand, Wagyu and Kobe beef, and game animals are the best red meats to consume. They have lowest cholesterol, even lower than fish, and lots of good fats vs Saturated fat of your regular beef


That sounds spoiled lol. Dry aged beef is delicious, very potent flavored, but it should form a white mold, any slime means the enviorment was not properly attended too and it got too hot more than likely.


Any meat unless its frozen that’s left for 21 days in my eyes is spoiled.
We call the Chinese for eating weird shit. We need to take a look at ourselves :rofl:

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I’m not an expert but… .