Meat isn't agreeing with me. But I love meat

Yeah you should go check :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Touché :rofl: + 20 characters


I’m an asshole identification expert.


But you don’t know yourself. :stuck_out_tongue::v:


Oh I’m on the list


You took the lead in the widest brown eye competition. I’m a close 2nd. :v:


I don’t eat beef anymore and I loathe what they have done to chicken ,breeding tasteless meat birds for the domestic market.
As a hunter and fisherman, I keep my freezer well stocked with wild meat. I’m 53 and don’t have any health issues. My wife and I are meat eaters as much as we are vegetable and legume eaters. I think we eat a very balanced and natural diet with as few processed foods as possible. We were keeping chickens for eggs which was great as we controlled their diets and they were happy birds with lots of forage area. We usually grow beans, tomato, radish, beets, lettuce, turnip, rhubarb, yukon gold and russet potato. We are putting in a huge garden to expand what we have and then we will be able to grow a full range of vegetables, root and legumes.
But… it’s my feeling that humans are meant to consume natural meats but what folks are getting are animals grown in an unhealthy way. It’s no wonder that there are so many people who’s bodies suddenly begin to reject the meat proteins available in the food system today. Even the flour was messed with and loads of folks can’t consume flour products.

I’d say just become a hunter but I realize that is sadly not possible for the majority of folks. Even raising your own animals naturally these days is exceedingly difficult without first having lots of garden vegetable scraps to feed them or field to grow your own hay and grain.


I ate a vegetarian chilly once that was dam dam tasty. What was in it no clue it was years ago but dam it was good. I would try to master that dish.
I also would do the how much protein do I need for my body weight calculator thing. make sure no matter what I ate, cheese, nuts, what ever else has protein I was getting my needed protein amounts.


Yeah. I gave up meat for similar reasons. My insides felt so much better once i stopped eating it. I couldn’t go back. I cheat maybe once a year, and I always regret it…


I can confirm. Kimchi (and other fermented foods) is like a miracle for your digestive tract, well for me anyway.


Meat does not taste the same. Sometimes I get good stuff. Then the last bite is the worst. Or smelly. Goes bad over night.


There’s a new problem with Lime disease , it will make meat taste terrible to those suffering


so this happened to me with my crohn’s disease. I just stopped being about to deal with red meats. People always ask me if a tick bit me because in the mid west we have a tick born disease that can trick your body into being allergic. But the chances of that happening to both of you is basically none. Fish has been my solution once or twice a week ( tilipa mostly )and lots of eggs most days. I would consult a GI doctor. Maybe you picked up some sort of weird stomach bacteria or something?


There’s been a lot of handy info posted here. I don’t actually have a doctor I can go see at present though. Waiting for my registration to come through. (also finally get to see an autism specialist) I’m starting to think it may be something medical because I’m feeling kinda ill in other ways. Sick in the morning. Extremely tired and irritable.

We ate butternut squash soup last night. And I still feel as crap this morning. But at least it tasted nice.


Check yourself for Tick bites… one of the side effects is reactions to mammal meat. I gave up beef and pork about a year ago. (Not Tick related) I can’t say that I have an xtremly healthy diet. But I feel waaaaay better then when I ate that stuff.

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Tick bites are very much a possibility. We spend a lot of time by rivers and stuff. And there are usually giant rats running about there. Also seals, otters and stuff. I’ll get the Mrs to inspect my body after work today. See if she can see anything. Gonna try a month of no meat and see if It feels any better. My diet definitely isn’t super healthy. I’m proper fond of a beer aswell as some junk foods lol


Haha me too!

The transition has not been straight line but more of alot of denial and error! Haha…

No meat is good for my stomach… i am a big fan of the age old stoner tradition of grilled cheese with super medicated cannabutter(ghee) and whole wheat bread nowadays…

I find medicating food helps get me over the hump of eating stuff i may not ordinarily…

Good luck on your journey friend!


I read where a tick can make you allergic to beef and pork. It’s not the lyme disease one. It doesn’t really matter they’re all nasty. I hate mosquitoes the most


word^^^^^^ lol


I had a disagreement with a cow once but I stung him with a poignant piece of logic and destroyed his argument.