Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

Spelling aside, it’s hilarious that someone being called a liar would defend himself by referencing a book that teaches you how to be a manipulator.

And even funnier that the book is titled “how to make friends” when you have a thread full of enemies.

Its just so many layers. Like a good ass crepe.


This shit, this is the reason I quit other sites. This was meant to be a thread about a growing project within the community now it’s just sick. Can you air your grievances in private instead of spamming the thread.


I agree. I know medman from his extensive knowledge in the past landrace lineages of skunk and roadkill aromas. And how he’s been trying his hardest to use landraces to find it, I don’t know any of this BS. So what if he claimed he had RKS one day, that’s the past and the hunt is still on


this site is interesting in that a highly known scammer is being exposed, i mean the proof has been out there for years. Maybe one has to be from Canada to understand the long game this individual has been playing. His brand has been mocked in every circle I have travelled in within Canada’s cannabis community. He has been called a scammer so many times across so many sites over so many years… it baffles me that forum site owners can not see the pattern.
I simply ask those who are calling the posts by those trying to expose a scammer , spamming… to ask yourselves this question… where is the fan club? where are all the growers of this guy’s seeds , clones… where are the users of his so called medicinal products. Where are any long time growers in the canna scene coming to his defense?
There are none… only growers he has duped into following his scams. On icmag he paid for a sponsor subscription and then was able to delete all the negative posts exposing his lies about his genetics.

But hey… if you want to get caught up in his fantasy world and believe his snake oil … all I can say is that suckers are born every minute LOL
There is a whole lot of truth being posted in this thread and it is all stories us Canadians have been hearing about this dipshit for well over a decade.
Scammers and deceivers should be outed whenever possible and forum users should be grateful for it… not come whining asking for it to stop LOL


Your joking right ? That’s the past and he’s still hunting ?Dude he SOLD roadkill skunk seeds on attitude 10 years ago :laughing::laughing::laughing:. You gotta be kidding me


Get him OUT already!!! :clown_face:


If you all feel the need to pile on someone I have a couple of Roadkill Skunks from Copycat on right now…

Meanwhile, in factual reality, 133 million stolen from the investors…0 mention from the pot police?

How many d9 staff calling a kettle black here? Lol I sincerely hope you can keep your jobs even under these circumstances

I sincerely hope you do a better job exposing real scammers in the cannabis space.


The fact is , you ripped people off with a name with seeds you never even grew. Another fact, the only reason you still exist online is because you have to pay for it. Stop paying your sponsorship bills and it will be like 2016 all over again l :hiking_boot:


scam some dying cancer patients and you can influence mobs like this very thread !




That’s not necessary. We already know he’s a fugazi


Wonder if that applies to his access to women also :innocent:


Looks like a few folks got some shadow work cut out for them.

Will be sending you good intentions. And praying every night for your souls


He spelled Meigs County wrong too, not an error, over and over. :thinking:


You ever read in to NCD ? Symptoms fit you like a glove


Recognition is your first step

The second and most important (in this case) is this,

Can you guess who your wicked witch is?

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Delusions of grandeur :rofl::rofl:. You may think your winning but in reality, your a loser. You scam people for a living. One day karma is going to catch you. I wish I could be there to see it


If everyone just ignored this piece of shit and not converse with the fuck wit after a while he’ll get bored and go somewhere else :+1::+1::+1::+1:


If psychology 101 is above your pay grade then you need to find an adversary at your level…becuase you aren’t ready to know who and where the real enemy is hiding