Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

i just wanna know who told you yeah man put out that rap cd ? did your friends and family pump you up like this shit is next level bro!

might be some of the worst rapping and lyrics i have ever heard lol. thats like what some corny 14 year olds do on youtube and than are embarrassed about when their older. but i think you really think they were good…?


You silly goose, you don’t have a court.

The only thing that looks bad is those test results and your numerous different attempts to explain it away. Is the test a photoshop? Or was it done when the lab wasn’t accredited? Or is it that lab doesn’t even test tincture? Or were the amounts wrong? Were the tests done in 2015? Or 2019? Which is it?


@LemonadeJoe i feel like i have to ask…. Why would you let a guy like this continue to be a member here. Let alone a sponsor ? With all the members here who contribute, i wouldn’t think you really need the money.


How much does he pay you for you to ignore his bad behavior? @LemonadeJoe. If I pay you enough can I go around the site acting like an unwashed jerk? I thought this place was about community and the plant.


Guys, attacking @LemonadeJoe is not the way to go about this. Show him, with evidence like I have been doing, and it will go much better.


I can only speak for myself but I am surely not attacking the owner. That would be stupid lol. I don’t see anything that even suggests that.

I am simply asking a question that i know many of us are wondering but may be afraid to ask because it might get framed just like this and get them banned.

To send a DM to Joe would not serve the same purpose because I know many people feel the same way we do so why can’t we talk about it. Why keep it a secret

Asking questions to the authority should not only be allowed but encouraged. Think about the history of this place and what Overgrow even means. It’s who we are as a culture. We question when things aren’t right or unjust. We stand up to what we believe in and stick together when something threatens our purpose. That should be welcomed, not silenced. Medman goes directly against all of that with his tactics. People trying to take advantage of the culture for profit should upset everyone.


The evidence spans like a decade at this point lol


If you have more please put it all here, people are following along and reading. The more actual evidence the better.


How coked out were you??


Wow, that was eye opening. I like that part where they mocking him for starting his own competition and then winning it. And his response is he did it because he wants to avoid criticism. That’s amazing to say and think it’s a good look.


Ya all the old threads on icmag like The Roadkill Skunk Fanclub lol…


Sounds like exactly what that Hitman Glass/Chalice cup scammer did. Made a “competition” but managed to win every category. Classic scammer move. Make up an event to give yourself undeserved rewards.

What really killed me was the BX talk to “inbreed” lines. Dude is talking like gods gift to weed, but doesnt understand how alleles pass traits lol. Here’s Chimeras breakdown. He’s got a degree in genetics, but Im sure medman will just call him another “newb” or “woke mob” lol


Is this where I wait in line to join the mob?

This guy has zero credibility and only has himself to blame.


Finally Foreigner is here so this shit show of a thread is going to die soon :+1:


He maintains he had testers to test his roadkill seeds for him. But the seeds had to be bred. So what leads a person to label some seeds “roadkill skunk “ ? You would think overwhelming skunk smell.

so, his “testers” told him it ain’t skunk. He even admitted it in the opening post that his Skunk project was a failure. But he also said in response to some of his testers, not finding it, that he found it in testing? The dude can’t even keep his lies straight.

The bigger issue, I see, though is even know you clearly did not find anything remotely Skunk, and it was a failure, you decided it was still a good idea to release the seeds to a worldwide seedbank for distribution. I think we all know why people have done that in the past right?

Scammers do that it’s a money grab. Even the guy he referenced in this very thread said he found piney plants :man_shrugging:t2:. Here are a few of many reviews if his roadkill seeds. Much has been deleted from ICMAG but there is more there than this. Dude is a scammer. Had been for years. Why you gonna let this clown use this platform to take advantage of its members who may not know any of his history.


Someone asked how old he is. 40. And he likes to meducate people and claim that everyone is his student

here he deceived Corky at ICMag to get his genetics and now F2ed em and sells him. But instead of crediting corky, he calls them nevils work to try and make more money

Here he is trying to virtue signal how he did so many drugs he has no ego

here he is selling RKS, cocaine inspired names, and proof he’s selling his Peru seeds even though he said many many times that he isnt selling them

Here he is thinking he knows how to grow and thinking he actually has anything to teach people, but really just shows the world how pathetic his skills and knowledge are. How many permaculturists are covering their ground with plastic?? And look at those sad plants. He has a habit of taking photos of people growing his strains and claiming either theyre his own pics or those people are now his students.

and this is how i breed and grow, just so @medmanbrand knows how far he has to go til he is, as he says, a godfather of the breeding world

It sucks this thread got throttled back so i can only post once an hour. Im curious if madman did that or one of the mods.
Either way, maybe we can have a vote as to whether or not this scammer and drug addict stays here


Here’s some advice for any of you that actually want to get somewhere in the cannabis sector/business

Read how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegy.

Based on what I have seen here self reflection maybe hard for some but it’s the best advice you will ever get

I don’t have a complaints department but I expect to sell out of all my tinctures today.

Entrepreneurs are born, NOT MADE, but this is a ton of hope for the latter if they are willing to turn their focus outward to inward


Blueskiesvienna aka Sativabreather was kicked from this place super fast for the same thing…. Being a skunk scammer. Medman is the original skunk scammer with a history of it and he’s still here. Why


It’s Dale Carnegie. If I was going to be pompous and recommend a book to people, I’d probably learn how to properly spell the author’s name and use proper grammar with my recommendation. I mean it’s an extremely famous/well-known book and the author isn’t some unknown. Carnegie Hall and so on.


I read it but I still have no friends and no influence.