Med-man brand feedback / data mine

Don’t pay too much attention to my fan club. Lol

People that don’t grow it don’t know it :grinning:

The people that do grow it are in fantasy land or are highly naive.Not one person on this thread other than the creator are saying thier getting any Skunk smells i mean walks like a duck talks like a duck here.Take it for what it is if you want to go and waste your money.A fool and his money will be soon to part.I hate liars and thieves another thread to be ignored i knew i smelled bullshit


I have heard that line of reasoning on here from many members before. I know what I smelled, and multiple times, and back then at the same exact time, we’d get another that smelled exactly like juicy fruit chewing gum, and then another that smelled exactly like pink bubblegum, and then another that smelled exactly like that stinky animal, and still others that smelled pretty generic. This was in the early 2000’s out in the hills where people had no internet and still don’t, and not mexican brick weed from the 80’s, but most of the stuff we had was beautiful well bred strains like White Rhino, etc. etc. They did not all smell like skunk to me, and I am not sure what area what you were in and what you were having , but I respect your opinion on the matter. I’m not talking a little bit like skunk, but a LOT.

anyway, that same year I flew to Holland, and tried a few dozen of their skunks and none of them smelled like a skunk. That’s not to say that this Blue Skies Vienna or this dude here has any, because I haven’t seen them. I don’t want to absolutist about things, so I respect your opinion and perspective, and give it some possibility. Maybe that weed that I smelled a dozen times that smelled exactly like a skunk played tricks on my mind and the next day i was in a different mood and smelled the pink bubble gum instead because i was totally mad.

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Why can’t you let your work speak for itself without silencing those who may speak ill of it? If its a foundationless crusade against you, wont the bullshit die down in the wake of the positive reviews you seem to have an endless supply of? @medmanbrand


If it’s in there and I just gotta find it, how many beans are necessary to pop to find it in your experience? surely it’s a matter of statistics, and if I gotta pop 1000 seeds, to find one, the next person is likely to find 1/1000 too? I will save up all my money into a flight and sleep out on the street to come over there and smell the proof of this. What can I sell that is valuable so I can come over there and smell it for myself…

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Hey hoss

It’s a great perspective. As my work does and has.

If the crusaders grew any of my stuff it wouldn’t get deleted. Or if anyone had anything honest, sincere or genuine, like yourself , to say it doesn’t get moderated

But as the top of this thread says: no cyberstalking, smearing or mischaracterizations. They can start a new thread elsewhere

It’s much nicer having threads without the low level mob mentality vibes, don’t you think?


how many of these different strains do you have available that you think has skunk in it? I don’t want one that smells kinda skunk. I want the one that I smelled multiple times, in contrast to all the other host of smells I had, that smells exactly like when you are driving down the road and say “PEE-YEW, somebody hit a skunk”

I have given seed companies a lot and gotten so burned without finding anything worth cloning, that it doesnt really matter what that one guy said about something smelling skunkky. what credentials does this guy you post have over BlueSkies Vienna. some might say BSV is more credible because he has a flashy website, while this guy just sent you a picture with a comment. I can take pics too and tell you it smells like “insert smell here”. Which is the one that actually smells like a skunk? Please send that to me for free, and then I’ll pay you afterwards, like a fancy restaurant, not McDonalds. I’ve already given you my money and didn’t find the meds I was looking for, so I had to keep moving.

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The original island king clone I work with basically smells like a skunk farted (gas) if it’s behind plastic.

Once the bag is opened there subtle nuances of spent acidic coffee, sulphur, natural gas and a hint of rose pedals. The Peruvian I have and sourced in the Amazon jungle adds the lime skunk to it.

Basically anything I have offering with the word skunk in it is real skunk not bunk skunk

P.s. I lived in Holland the better part of a year when I was 19. You should have looked for anything that they called “shit”

As their skunk is pretty bunk

I want to see that, but I’m all out of money. Please show me and make me happy. Invite me over.

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I agreee, all their super skunk special skunk early skunk skunk#1 sucks, and all of englands skunk sucked too, they dont know what a skunk is.


How many times do people have to tell you the old king has ZERO skunk in it?

NOT EVEN a BIT :thinking:

You’ve also stated the Island Pink Kush is pure Roadkill?


Not even close🤭

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I’m with @CapnCannabis on this one, I smoke enough years to know RKS is modern hype stemming from the elusive chase after og cheese of old times
Super skunk and all that BS back then was just cheese notes, different profiles
RKS… the only strain to cause this much vacuum bag nonsense was the cheese without the fruity that came after

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“Shit” is street slang for skunk weed in Holland

And you would have to know country guys to get it

Everything was super silver haze this and that when I was there as far as coffee shops go

Finally someone else that was around back then.

Thanks for sharing and med-ucating all the newbs :grinning:

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So the argument seems to go: you thought you smelled it years ago, but since then you have smelled it so many times that your nose and sense of smell has changed.

Why not the same for all the other smells in my life? How many people are talking here that have never smelled the actual animal before?

You Irish? You cuss like my granddaddy.

A ton. I listened to that whole YouTube interview situation while gardening and did you know, there aren’t skunks in Europe? Id never thought about it, but like Australia has a whole mess of critters no one else has, the US has skunks.


I smelled cheese in Holland that smelled loke rks

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