Med-man brand feedback / data mine

The company associated with the name is having some financial difficulties to say the least. This has been well documented on the news recently.


The bloke is a scammer stay away from him :+1:


Thats a different company. Med man brand is the guy here. As far as BSV, stay just as far away from him as yiu do from this med man brand dude. They both been selling RKS for years and nobody has found a single plant from either of them.

Every thread across the interent will tell you the same things about both these guys. All the forums have multiple threads documenting how much of a scammer both BSV and this med man guy is. BSV is also one of the most toxic people i have over followed, all that negativity surrounding him all the time and all that bad karma something bad was bound to happen to him.


You wont find any reputable member on any forum that reps eother one of these guys. Thats just fact


That s Karma. He had fucked oldtimer1.

I don t judge.

Still peddling RKS OT1 seeds?! Fuck my stump. Seeds are like 90’s British indie bands. If you could play a guitar you’d get a record deal, or so it appeared. If you put seeds out some mug will eventually bite. Just say what they are instead of making it up. Some might like the tarts handbag bouquet and buy some.

I get squeamish at others embarrassment. I have to look away. It amazes me the threshold some have for swallowing down personal shame in such a public way and crack on as they were.


It was a disappointment… I guess some guys just love money more than all the finer things in life, and they are willing to throw everyone else under the bus shamelessly to obtain that money without earning it.

well, we know now…


BSV RKS =oldtimer1 seed

MEDMAN RKS = something different

Right there you have two different claims in RKS history as both claim to have it from different genetics and nobody ever found any from either of them and going on Over 10 years now. Sativa breather(BSV) learned the RKS hustle from MEDman by watching his hustle and how bad people wanted the skunk.

Both are just opportunists that use forums to create the lie of having RKS and loads of unsuspecting new comers to the seed game get taken Advantage of time and time again.
They both work the same hustle so makes sense for them to make a podcast together as that gives more us vs them appeal to the ones that do fall for their bullshit. Screen shotting this so when it gets deleted or erased by med man i can simply repost. Deleting comments and closing threads for years this guy has been doing

Endless amounts of this on multiple forums.


Wait until you see him delete and edit posts in this thread constantly to keep his bullshit going. Its hilarious to watch play out in real time. Pay attention and watch the ride lol. This is the type of scammer that you need to make sure to take screen shots because comments and reviews tend to dissapear


If they are “in there and you just gotta find them”, then why doesn’t HE find them, and then continue down that line for a couple of generations, so that when he sells a pack, it is found every time? Isn’t that how breeding works?


You would think so. After claiming to find it and having it nobody else has ever found it. Master breeder stuff right there lol. Yiude think since those were posted 10 years ago he would have worked this RKS to perfection. Nope, still cant find skunk in his beans lol
All he has done is waited a while and started the same scam that he got people on years back. Full circle and so it begins again, this time he called it loud skunk. Any press is good press, thats his MO


The Trump of Skunk :rofl::rofl::rofl: doesn’t that explain everything.


Haha just stumbled upon this thread and doesn’t that say everything?

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Lets watch the thread to see if he keeps the post up or deletes it…

My guess is that somebody like Kevin Jodrey could have a rks in his library but prob not offering it up. The idea of trying to find that pheno in a pack seems highly unlikely

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In my humble opinion no one has it, never did. RKS was never a name until forum hustlers coined it. My mom thought my shitty outdoor was skunky back in the day, my wifes parents say all my weed is skunky.I dont smell the skunk at all. When i was young i had a plant of green spirit in early 2000’s and it was the skunkiest smelling i can remember, i was comparing it to mexican brick weed so of course it was more dank smelling like skunk and my nose wasnt blind to the dank yet, that is my memory of RKS but it wasnt RKS it was green spirit and thats how it goes for most people, its nostagila from a time when we were all smoking brick and finally got sime kind bud and these grifters are capatalizing of nostalgia and noobs.We have skunky plants but a line called RKS never ever existed and these guys claiming they found it is just hilarious. We woupd have some sort of historical evidence of the line from somewhere. Nope, nothing, nada. It just popped up on forums one day. If i pull out a bag of my unicorn poop it smells nasty my parent in laws said it smells like a dead skunk. Did i find roadkill skunk? No, i didnt.


It wasnt just one plant that was the Skunk back then it was a whole bunch of them.People named weed for what it smelled like back then.If it was Skunky it was called skunk if it was pissy they called it catpiss versions of those Skunks and Catpiss cultivars came out and different areas had thier own versions a lot of the time named after the dealer like if it came from nate it was called nates skunk or nates catpiss.As far as The RKS i only seen this name pop up pretty recently like within the last 8 years coming out of grow forums.Never heard of it or seen it ever back then so i always thought it was strange that all of a sudden all these guys have the roadkill skunk but its not in there when you pop those beans.I had Blueskysivenna Tell me the skunk was in his beans i just had to F3 it open up the genetics and find it like dude your selling shit as RKS but i have to do the digging to find it??I call total bullshit no one to this day has actually produced this so called fabled strain and never will it is what it is a Fable and a fools errand


Thats hilarious considering his is a preservation of oldtimer genetics that are most likely ibl lol


Yeah honestly it’s super lame. Recently got told that we need “proof” like the word of 15 reputable members saying so isn’t enough. Guess if we don’t have video proof, forensic evidence and him on video saying I’m a scammer then nothing will be done. I sure won’t be supporting this site in any way financially anymore by participating in server auctions, patreon or otherwise after that.

@GreenHighland I agree. Everyone who doesn’t smoke / hasn’t smoked for a long time thinks all weed smells like skunk. Even the candy stuff. It’s a pretty unpopular opinion and some people will get insulted but yeah. Imagine what gorilla glue or sour d would smell like to someone who doesn’t smoke weed. Or something like that compared to what was popular at the time.


Yea, i pulled my support from patreon as soon as i saw that he was a sponsor and protected here