Med-man brand feedback / data mine

Your Sarcasm just reinforces the point my friend.The true mark of a professional would prove me wrong otherwise.Lets see this Skunk of yours.Im from Ny and not the City and ive smelled my share of real Skunk alive sprayed and dead festering on the side of the road even been sprayed before .I want to See this one.If there is one person in the whole interwebz and all of Overgrow that can vouch for you and isnt a sock puppet acct and can deliver and confirm you have weed that smells like a dead skunk and stinks through two vacuum seal bags ill eat my hat.What say you ?I dont mean skunk farts cause whoever stuck thier nose up a skunks asshole and inhaled a fart dude?But seriously you would be a millionaire by now.


Might make this my new signature


Biggest grifter on the internet by far. Don’t fall for the lies

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Yeah, exactly my point. And I’m not talking about European polecats and the similarly related animals that don’t even smell similar to a striped skunk like that, I’m talkin about an American stinky Mephitis mephitis. I didn’t even know they existed up there in New York until now, but okay… Even if you live over there where they live, how many times have you guys actually smelled it? Not every day, that’s for sure. I have seen these alive in the wild out in the country maximum ten times, One of those times a mamma made her whole family under my grandma’s porch. How many city slickers have skunks travel into their town and witness that smell? I wonder how many times people smelled some weed somebody called a skunk and based their information on that instead of the animal itself. How many of these guys making these claims of my memory being warped by some nostalgia actually smelled real American skunks ever?
I shot one one time to get rid of this nuissance, and he ran down a hole.

They are also nocturnal, so I have rarely seen them in the daytime.


Skunk cabbage actually smells closer then skinknspray.

Gotta catch a wiff if skunk in the air from a far to be most accurate

I’m have the same belief as you about non smokers and smokers. When I was growing up the vocabulary for weed was crude at best. Today you have hints of chocolate with a leather and rose petal lingering in the background. Sounds like wine experts to me. However put most stinky/ fuel acrid weed in a non or new smoker hands and it’s described as skunk :skunk:.
Blueskies skunk that my friend grew out was all jack herer terps, which he hates


I think your bullshit might be a bit more smelly

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I hear that perspective, and understand it. I also remember having smoking for 15 years, and then going to Colorado after legalization and smelling some very skunky guy get on the bus, but it’s a unique smell, and I smell weed all the time. Including a dozen more times during that trip. Explain this. Why is that the only time i smelled something leaning in that direction, including smelling weed everyday and in different places? Thats the last time I smelled somethign even similarly close. Explain why oranges smell like oranges and strawberries smell like strawberries, and your moms house always has that same smell, different to you friend’s house, and yet you don’t get your head all mixed up with nostalgia? it seems to be only this one particular smell that people are trying to convince me never existed. Yeah lol, and the handful of guys that I hung out with that smoked all kinds of different top shelf buds everyday, and when they bring it to me claiming it smells like skunk and it actually did. Mass insanity i guess is the reasoning? We all just imagined it and conjured it up as a group, apart from each other. It would make sense if you are telling me some newbs smell it, and I don’t because their palette, whatever… but not a whole group of connoisseurs and aficionados that get a variety of top shelf all the time? hmm…

I guess what I am saying is that it is hard for me to believe that it never existed when I smelled that animal enough times to remember it in my mind right now, and I had friends give me a collection of different buds, and could smell them side by side and identify one of them as only that unique undeniable Mephitis mephitis scent, and to have obtained that bud several times.


All weed smells skunky because of thiols. My kother in law thinks we yave a skunk living under our deck but shes just smelling the exhaust from my grow room


Most of the people on this forum are older than you. Myself included


We have and smell skunk all the time in my area. Not many dead ones though.


Why is it that all of it does not smell skunky to me, and some of it did? And I got those in jars right now that smell like lemon, or orange, or sugar, or funky mushrooms, and other indescribable smells?
Why is it that I did smell bubblegum and juicy fruit right next to the skunk smell, and those did not smell like skunk, on the same day, even? And all the other people that say the same thing as me?

Also, I just want to say even if it is irrelevant and nobody here cares… about the one I shot… I regret pulling the trigger to this very day and it makes me feel like a big jerk, even if he was a terrorist. He probably thought he was minding his own business. I was young and dumb, and I am a changed man now. I wish I could have just live and let live, and live, laugh, love. I’m a skunk lover now, not a skunk killer. Make skunk love, not skunk war… :pie: :green_heart: :skunk:


Because your brain learned the smells like sommelier. Just like they find subtle differences in wine. Wine smells like wine to the untrained nose but a trained nose will find smells like cherries, choclolate etc… or whatever. Same happens with weed. Thats why we now have cannabis sommeliers. Untrained noses smell skunk, we smell all the subtleties because our noses have become trained to find the cherry and orange smells n weed because we have blinded other semses so these nuances are brought forth and our noses tend to blind offensive smells first.
Yea, i feel bad killing anything now in my life. Just cant do it anymore


That’s an explanation I am willing to consider and mull over for a while. It doesn’t explain me going to Colorado and smelling it again on that one guy on the bus though, after smelling weed everyday, and everyday there too. That was in 2016, many years after smoking, and smelling everyday, and I haven’t smelled it in weed again since. Perhaps I was ill with some virus that had affected my brain and senses…


Yiu have to consider that he may have been sprayed by an actual skunk and its risidual. I had clothes that i was sprayed in and the smell was in them after washing and had to throw away. My dog had the stench for a month


LOL, that is REALLY and explanation that I had not considered at all, and is actually possible. I chuckle at how silly I am to overlook things right in front of me sometimes. (: lol…
Maybe you are right… then again maybe’ you’re not, and med-man has that funky skunky stuff at his home and would rather not breed it further so I can find it in every pack, so I gotta buy a million packs to find the rare one :stuck_out_tongue:

I do doubt that BSV has anything in it worth keeping though…

To be fair though, that dude was super lit, eyes red, glazed up, playing the Star Wars theme on a kazoo at the back of the bus


Just grow chems or chem crosses if you want funky skunky goodness. Not what the peddlers are selling. Any way, good chat. Appreciated the proper back and forth. Where are you located in the world?


I grew out a bunch of Chem stuff, and Sour Diesel stuff, and could never find anything that was crazy funky loud to me. I did a whole bunch of Rezervoir Dog’s junk, and I just finished Ethos’ Chem Dog OG Bx3, which smelled almost exactly like Rare Dankness’ Diesel Wreck Haze. Rare Dankness was better, but Chem OG is bigger Calyxes, and great bag appeal. I could never find anything skunky in those, but still people keep telling me they smell diesel, and diesel doesn’t really smell like anything to me. I’m in a fascist country in Europe, so I’m not allowed to have any of my medicine, but it can be our little secret. I appreciate you too, friend(: It’s a pleasure for me to correspond with a nice soul, and I hope I can be a positive influence in your life and add smiles and good cheer.


Are you allowed beans in the mail? Can i send you some beans? I have a few things that have some really gross smells that I self crossed and made fem seed from. Wont say you will find skunk but def find some nasty and puttid smells. Some not so nasty as well.


bro. you make my heart melt. thank you so much for being so kind to me. YES, I am allowed to have seeds, and make seeds of all kinds.