Med-man brand feedback / data mine

I do a giveaway every spring on og.

Would love to have you participate

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Correct me if I’m wrong

But are you trying to say that in your opinion the less time someone has been doing something the better they are at it?

I treuly appreciate your interest

But it’s quite entertaining the stories I see and hear openly and behind my back.

I’ve been semi retired since I was 32 years old with multiple revenue streams of passive income. And I did it with honesty, integrity and professionalism

The irony is those people just haven’t hacked life yet. And project on others their own shortcomings. The opposite of honesty, integrity and professionalism. See the connection?

Def not directed at you. But who can come back from almost ab4 year online hiatous and get this much attention lol

I’ll correct you because you are wrong: I am not saying that.

It’s not always the case, but yeah there are a bunch of people that bang their heads up against brick walls.

I don’t know those guys’ stories or how successful they are at life, but I sure don’t use monetary gain as a measuring stick for success. I am sure that guy BlueSkiesVienna has made a killing, and maybe you consider him a success? I’d rather make people happy and share love than grab at cash.

I am not sure why those guys are saying that, but they seem to have a lot of grows under their belts, and I just don’t know these guys you are posting pictures of. Who HERE at THIS forum that posts a lot and grows a bunch of dank, like for example that Reiko guy, or Doug Dawson, or Joe Crowe, I am familiar with their posts. who of these fellas here that are well trusted says I should buy another pack?

I understand your point, I can’t get that much attention if I wanted it. You do seem to have renown. I am just not hearing that you are famous from well respected members here at THIS forum, only infamy is what I am seeing. Except for these guys you post from 2013. It seems one wouldn’t have to vouch for themselves. It’s like bragging about yourself being humble, it is kind of an oxymoron.

It is good you are able to look at those guys saying that stuff about your work with a positive attitude. I would want people to say nothing but good stuff about the efforts I have taken to share with the community, so perhaps I am more of a shy hermit in that regard. It would be tough for me having so much renown, but you seem to not mind it.


I dislike contests, it makes me feel cheap like I am wasting my time, and I never win anyway. I’d love to support good work when people put the time in to share their love, though.

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My giveaways arent contests.

Moreso tried and true genes people will do well with

Infamy is fine with me lol At the end of the day the more people that are engaged here the more leverage Joe has for advertising and keeping the site going.

Bummer there are folks keeping mods working overtime. Volunteers should be having fun. I do it all the time

And whatever is good for Joe is good for me and everyone else

Time to make a salad


Hermeticism and alchemy, huh? Interesting…
Nice fruits, pretty garden

I should have said contests, raffles, drawings, and other gimmicks where people strive for a chance to get something for nothing, and others that get nothing are left disappointed.

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Once again, correct me if I’m wrong please :pray:, but if you are asking for something for nothing, shouldn’t you oblige the same offer?

Not putting you on the spot, but I did seem like you were asking me to send you free seeds (for a noble cause of course)

Sure, I’ll correct you because you are off base again. I am not asking for something for nothing. I am saying that

  • I am not participating in any giveaways.
  • I am also not accepting any freebies from you.
  • If all these guys say that your stuff is like this and there are no reputable members here to vouch for you, why not send them, not me, something that would have them( one of those members like Doug or the others I mentioned) singing praise for you?

Forgive me for being unclear. I hope I can make myself understood.
To be more clear, the giveaway I was referring to was a pack of Sour Bubble F2 that a member here had made. That was the pack I wanted. Since then, a nice friend gave me a pack of Sour Bubble F1, which I did a seed increase on, and they are beautiful.


Fair. Thanks for clarifying.

I’m hoping at some point to get some sb back in my library.

I made an epic Lime kush circa 09 with my head-band.

Bog even gave me his blessings to do the cross and sell them

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He was a cool cat. I liked his tone when we corresponded, and he was generous.
I enjoy viewing your photographs and seeing how your stuff is different than mine.
I heard that Tony Greens has furthered the Sour Bubble line in a nice direction too.


My only disappointment, if you can call it that, was the whole bx3 and bx4 situation

Imvho it’s no Bueno going past bx2 unless absolutely necessary in some sort of dire situation / scenario

That’s why I had to use my head-band to up the vigor and yield without compromising all of the sb finest attributes

Lol, Haven’t hacked life? I own 100 acres of land that my neighbour just sold me, two houses, a jeep, two tractors to keep my land in check, a snow removal business with 2 pick up trucks and use one of the tractors that is equpped with a snow blower , a food truck, have been a chef for 25 years and worked all around the world and i use to hustle in this cannabis industry and did extremely well. Everything mentioned is fully bought and paid off and im 47 years… You peddle fake beans and “tinctures”. We are not the same.
Assuming people who post in forum s are skids is just stupid


Where is the RKS you have been selling for years? Who has the cuts? Who found the good plants? How has nobody come forth since you made them? Why did you stop selling them? Why did you not work the line?
You are all over the interent and its the same song and dance over and over and iver with you. Just be honest man.


I thought since it’s a 8 year celebration for OG that you might have donated some of your top class RKS beans into the auction. Anything mate or just more bs. Your a fake, scammer and on top of that your a shit stain on Over Grow.


Interesting points made here. Pixie & GreenHighland asking the difficult questions over here. :rofl:

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Not only no roadkill and he still released them as RKS and took peoples money with zero shame, he also stole fruity pebbles lol. I wonder what alien genetics has to say lol @medmanbrand how many packs of the NOT RKS did you sell knowing it wasn’t in there. Being the amazing breeder you are dis you not test them? If you did you surely found skunk for you to release them no? But yiu also say you disnt find any bit still released them and told people the RKS was in the line, just need to hunt? So what is it? Is it in there or not. Just admit you lied and we can all move on. I would forgive and forget and even grow something new from you