Med-man brand feedback / data mine

I concur.

Alot of people dint realize this all started becuase someone brought intentionally mislabeled plants and stole physical awards from a charity event I put on.

Not the best impression but instead of just admitting to a dishonest mistake. They opted to play 3 year old temper tantrum and take advantage of alot of vulnerable people, including many with mental illnesses.

I’m not perfect, but trust I ain’t the bad guy


Okay. So if I buy your genetics. Where can I find shots of parents. Shots of where they came from. I don’t want them from you, I’d rather purchase them somewhere. Who has your freshest seeds. What are they. What are the parents. Why did you make the cross and what should I expect. It is absolutely wild to me how little information I can find on a site so driven on accurate information. It blows me away. Please, man. I want to purchase your genetics. I don’t want them from you personally. Tell me when you harvested what. What it’s parents were and what to expect. I want to grow them. I want to report back. If you’re so anal about who grows what, I can show you logs of mine from 10+ years ago since that seems to be your stipulation but none of it is your work so I don’t know what point it makes.


Whether I end up growing your seeds or not, no breeder I respect has ever publicly said this sort of stuff. I have almost zero knowledge of the behinds the scene stuff with you but this is not behavior consistent or compliant with what I’ve seen from other sponsors here. I’ve not once seen another sponsor treat skepticism the way you have while also encouraging it. I’m legitimately confused about your behavior and responses when you claimed to me there was supposedly nothing to read into.

  • from someone trying to get a straight story.

Read what the other sponsors wrote I my last thread you posted in

And with respect to your main and very relevant concerns.

The is my last project from 2023


Which ones?

Neither of these have sponsors saying anything about you. These are the only two im involved in, no? I’m a little concerned about what the point is in asking me to read when I’ve asked you directly to clarify.


Great. I’m still curious about the answers to my questions? I’m not throwing shade. Literally just asking questions. If I asked reikox, jaws, shsc, holy, even shag, justanobody, hoss, budderton, lonelyoc, even chinooking, defseeds, thceed, rhai88, syzygy, darkillusion, riz, or anyone else I am pretty sure they’d answer me right away.


Please tell me you see the issue with creating a feedback thread for “supporters only.”

You’re essentially implying that no one should post here if they have negative feedback. You know… one of the reasons for a feedback thread. I have no idea what you mean about data mine.

I don’t know you or your brand, but I wouldn’t even visit your website. You seem self-serving. All you have to do is post your gear, explain the genetic background with some descriptions and answer people’s simple questions when they’re asked. You’re combative, defensive and just generally unfriendly. Not the best marketing strategy for pimping your gear.

Good luck to you just the same. That’s my feedback.




Feedback is neither positive nor negative in my mind

For quality assurance purposes just trying to avoid anymore clutter from people whom don’t know me, or used any of my products or obsessively ask the same one question I answered years ago.

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Good point

Is someone saying “I just don’t like you so I’m justifying cyberstalking” feedback in your opinion

Just an example. Not directed at anyone


You were answered right away lol

The loud skunk thread has all the images and lineages you requested

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All the questions were answered as well on this thread

Start at the top

To post 65sh

In all fairness. If someone genuinely is interested.

What would you think if you were me or another vendor and a potential supporter took 0 time to read their grow reports with the males and the moms and the offspring and the year?

The logical conclusion is?

Not throwing shade on anyone. Just honest feedbak

I am here asking you as a consumer of this site. You’ve started multiple threads within 48 hours. There is so much negativity in them and you’re never ever. Ever. Ever. Clear about when things were done, if you did them, who has grown them here or where to purchase. I’m not here to argue with you I was here as a consumer asking you questions. I’m pretty straightforward about what I grow. I don’t know what assumptions you’ve made about me. You can look at my log if you care to read it. I’d rather this not be another useless thread to the site. You seem to want to tie me to whoever you’re angry at.

Here I see no answers. Did you forget to type something?

I’d think to not act above them. I mean. It’s an opportunity to get your genetics out to someone who may be ignorant to them. I’d think it’s a great opportunity to enlighten me. Get me to grow your stuff since I expressed interest. Maybe I am plum dumb and stupid, but is that a reason for me not to grow your stuff?


Are those the only pictures? Do you have them seeded? Or any up close shots? So far I’ve read through 233 posts for you now and didn’t see anything really. I saw a plant that hadn’t been pollinated. And shots of male flowers. I can use my imagination, but if I’m to spend my time and resources growing, I’d hope for a couple more shots maybe?


No assumptions made on my end amigo.

The loud skunk grow thread had full info. Close ups etc.

It’s the first link to your first question I responded to.


Maybe you don’t see this?

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All info requested is in those 2 threads I shared

Any gaps need filling or questions about the strains just get me more detailed questions about the strains you are interested in


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Just a bit of honest, friendly feedback:

Avoid creating threads that claim, “I have Roadkill skunk.” I’ve seen a hundred of them and they all end the same way. All weed back in the day had strong underlying skunk smells, but I have never had smoke that was exclusively roadkill skunk, and I’ve been growing since the late seventies. We romanticize that smell way too much from back in the day.

Don’t rest on your laurels. Show the work you’re running today, not years ago. We all suffer from short term memory loss given all of the different breeders, threads and crosses of today. You’re up against some pretty stiff competition with people here who freely give their own fire genetics away and they have kind and humble personalities.

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re not good at marketing your gear or you may be a little temperamental, have someone else do it for you. I’ve said this a hundred times before to other breeders, the onus is on you to make me want to part ways with my cash. The best way to do that here is to put your money where your mouth is. Pictures of vegging, flowering and finished plants with detailed growing data and smoke reports. There’s nothing wrong with showing other people growing your gear, but it shouldn’t be your selling point. If you want to be thought of as a breeder, you have to show that you know how to grow, select, etc.

I sense there is an unresolved conflict here that predates this thread. I seem to recall an issue with another member whose name escapes me, but that kind of baggage can have a negative impact on your work as well.

Good luck to you.