Med-man brand feedback / data mine

You should do him a solid and start a feedback thread for him in the normal feedback section.


Yes he can

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Yes, it’s a sponsor feature.


lol good to know. What a shit show.


Or a scammer feature?

Like OG and the whole community, but why he get protection from the mods?

He is a well known sacammer, he lies about lineage, lies about creating FPOG, same about his Skunk.

Don t understand.


Thinking the same.

It s a shame, like creating your own cups to win them.

Being able to sepf moderate a feedback thread is all i need to know about this site. Lolololll. No wonder he feels safe here.

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Read the disclaimers in first post and learn to play nice

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Your thread is like Germany 1943.

You paid for selected feedback, Don t understand what happens here.

Think you and the most people here had a different definition about playing nice.


You are actually in a sub forum.

Hatespeech. Character defamation or mischarachterization or slander isn’t going to fly here.

If you havent used any of my products why post?

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To protect people from your Scam and your lies about creating “your” strains.

I have not been getting involved in this for a couple of reasons. The main one being that I don’t know anything about all this so have nothing I can really add. The moderator team does not really protect sponsors but sponsors do have edit powers. If folks bring legitimate evidence to the @moderators they will action it but it has to be more than “he is a known scammer”. They require concrete evidence to take action on anything, whether it be a sponsor or a member. If someone has a legitimate concern about a sponsor or a member their best bet is to reach out to the moderator team and allow them to do their thing. They will take any evidence based claims seriously. That’s the best advice I can provide. :v:


Everyone can see his lies, what evidence do you need more?

Medman needs to go!

I’ve had about enough of this shit. It’s beyond even my smart assed commentary.

My suggestion is that everyone stop posting.

I very rarely mute anything but in this case I will make an exception.

Good day.


I’m about to have @hashpants mute you!

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See thats the thing, as long as he is a part of this place people will always find his threads to out him as a scammer and you will notice how toxic it gets when hes around. Every single time. No such thing as a coincidence. He breeds negativity, not beans

Not sure if you’ve taken a gander at this.
He’s changed his story about 4 times about why these are invalid results.