Med-man brand feedback / data mine

Going to need to be on this thread all day homie

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Not sure who needs to see this.
His story changed 4 times about these tests.

The story for this has changed 4 times per @medmanbrand

Ill see you at your next karma cup meddie

I’ve grown my share of Medman’s seeds and clones over the years, I’ve never had an issue. Before I grew pot I was growing his tobacco.


Cool man

The mapacho I have aka aztec tobacco aka strong or wild tobacco and the most excellent blunt wraps

It’s also know to be very psychadelic adding a jungle vibe to any strain. But landrace sativas work best

It’s lower yielding broadleaf but it finishes fast and makes up for it in potency


Ok so I went through the FPOG last night and chopped all the males and did a count 14 out of 18 plants autoflowered , the other 4 have preflowers and female , of the females that auto flowered I’m not finding any of the phenos. They have a light fruit/ bubblegum scent with the exception of one that smells of heavy berries . Was really hoping these would pan out , I’m gonna let them finish, collect the seeds up and set aside . May try them at a later date isolated to see if they are gonna continue to autoflower, not sure yet.


From the 2020 loud skunk gh

Grown recently


I stated this on the last thread before it was locked :lock:. Don’t comment or converse with this fool and he will just get bored and go somewhere else :+1:

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Black kush testers (LSP 2023) PNW

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Came in yesterday

Two season ago, I grew out 16 seeds of Blue Skies Vienna’s Roadkill Skunk, and all of them sprouted. 3 of them were female, one was a hermaphrodite, and the rest were males. I open pollinated to get F2 and perhaps see what is in the gene pool. I took clones of the three females, and ran them again the next season.None of them smelled like a skunk, not even close. They were fruity and sweet and perfumy, and had a mild high meaning they were not potent, and gave me medium-low yields. Either this guy has not worked this line once he found that smell, and its a pure crapshoot, or he has never smelled a skunk before or the real skunk weed, or he is a liar, or all three. I imagine it is all three. I guess I could go through these F2 seeds and get back with you but I’d rather grow out something else right now.
Even if it’s true that this guy has never smelled skunk before and doesn’t know what it smells like, the claims on his website about loud smell-it-through-the-walls kinda funk is soo far from true. All the stuff I grew the same season was much better, and half that stuff I grew these last two seasons came from friends here on OG. Maybe somebody else who has smelled a skunk animal, and the weed that smells just like it has grown out some Blue Skies Vienna like me and gotten better results, but I have not heard about them yet.


Thx for sharing

When I grow out his beans I will def share the outcomes

Dude just caught a cancer diagnosis. Hope he makes it thru

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Dang, that’s brutal; I wish him well too, and hope he makes it through too… He should get our blessings for good health regardless of anything. and you and everybody you know. One love <3 I look forward to hearing about your outcomes, good luck with everything.

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What does this mean?

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Road Kill scammer :rofl:


lol, yeah i doubt there is any skunk in those Blue Skies Vienna packs, and I advise everybody here to look elsewhere if they want to find skunk… still I wouldnt wish death on anyone, not even the dude that sold me sweet perfume as a skunk.

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He’s a scammer he’s doing the same stuff on Icmag. Shouldn’t be allowed on here but pay’s a sponsorship so nothing gets done to get rid of the scammer


Let me ask this: does any reputable member here on this forum have anything good to say about genetics found in these guys packs? I grew out a few packs of his maybe ten years ago and I remember not find anything but some wild looking mids. Who here actually found anything good from him that wanted to F2 it to share with other people here? This dude’s logo on ICmag says Lord of Loud. Did any known reputable guys here actually get anything loud from him worth saving, ever?
Maybe Lord of Loud guy should just send a free pack of his loud DNA to one of these post-all-the-time well-known guys here?