Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Hope you feel better. Remember the broth!


I havenā€™t forgot about you just been busy got things packaged just need to get to the post office , maybe this weekend I can get to the city and get them heading your direction.

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I was too, until I went to the ENT. Used to get Bronchitis 3 or 4 times a year. Turns out I had Polyps and scar tissue that was trapping everything, so I got infected and finally drained, causing pharyngitis and Bronchitis. Had surgery and never got bronchitis again. Go have your sinuses checked out.


Hereā€™s an immune booster recipe Iā€™ve used. May be quackery but I think it helps.

  • (need: 1 cup raisins, honey, 1 orange, 1 lemon, piece of ginger root the size of the Drā€™s thumb, 1.5 cup water+stove, strainer, big glass)

  • chop raisins, grate ginger, juice orange & lemon, scrape zest/skin of both

  • bring raisins, ginger, fruit zest/skin & water to near boil, simmer 20 min

  • allow to cool a bit (still warm), strain over big glass with 2 tbsp honey & stir

  • add juices & enjoy warm.

:lemon: :bee: :fire: :grapes: :tangerine: :herb: :honey_pot: :potable_water: :tea: :sparkles:




Add 1Tbsp of Turmeric and a dash of Black pepper (to help absorption of the curcumin) for the inflammation and body aches.


I believe a few people have wanted to send me packages too. @allotment @Sunvalley There is absolutely no rush at all. No veggies or cannabis will be planted here until the spring. Take your time and no worries!

I also owe @Pedro_Bann a package and have not forgotten. Still havenā€™t strayed far from this sick house, buddy. I believe you arenā€™t in a rush either though.

Itā€™s all good! No need for anyone to feel pressure. :relaxed:


The price you pay for a nice holiday huh.

Yeh not a rush in the world Meesh, just take it easy.


Itā€™s funny you should say that. Iā€™ve never felt the need to get married as I never wanted children and I have my own house and business etcā€¦ In the last few years, Iā€™ve started thinking, shit, whoā€™s gonna be here for me when I get old? Dad is starting to get up there and soon wonā€™t be able to come to my rescue if things break in the house etcā€¦ Maybe I should start considering marriage again in the next 10 years. lol Right now, Iā€™m good. Middle age is manageable, but being a senior may not be as easy alone.


Showering and cleaning the kitchen sucked the life outta me. Heating up some leftovers, grabbing a blanket and gonna snuggle with some Netflixā€¦ Oh waitā€¦ I can marathon forensic stuffā€¦


Which one, Forensic Files? Not bad, but I have always been partial to The First 48 myself. And then there is my new ā€œguilty pleasureā€ ā€¦ Live PD (and all of itā€™s spinoffs). Can not get enough of people making fools of themselves. Iā€™ve gotten so good, I can tell when they are going to run.


Love the first 48! Right now, been a few forensic files that I havenā€™t actually seen before. Really anything with true crime. I canā€™t get enough of it. I watch tons of documentaries on Netflix regarding true crime as well. The more brutal the crime, the more fascinated I am. Especially serial killers. Iā€™ve always been fascinated by psychology.


I like some of those ones too, but sometimes laughter is the best medicine. Red Oaks is funny AF, if you want a change of genre. I think it is on Prime, thoughā€¦


Same here. I was a Psych minor in school (Philosophy Major - What a useless degree in hindsight) I used to live on ID channel. Used to know a few cops so I would always try to do ā€œride alongsā€ If you like serial killers, you should read some of John Douglasā€™ books. He started the Behavioral Science group in the FBI and is the inspiration for the profiler character in Manhunter (and Red Dragon - the remake) and for one of the characters on Mindhunter on Amazon(?). Also Clarisseā€™s Boss in Silence of the Lambs. Great reads.


Lately, I have been watching a lot of shows about how Nazi war criminals lied to get into America after WW2 and how they justify their horrible behavior, chalking it up to it just being orders etcā€¦ It was awfully easy for these people to get asylum here. Their personal justifications for their behavior sickens me, but I suppose everybody has to find some way to live with themselves.


Love Mindhunter!!! Was so excited when Season 2 came out. Not sure if Iā€™ve read any John Douglas, but now Iā€™m fascinated. Amazon, here I come. Iā€™ve read pretty much everything out there on Ted Bundy (one scary mf) and quite honestly am completely fascinated by Gary Ridgeway, the green river killer. He will probably be my next psychological study.

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Just look at the rosters of NASA, Cal Tech, Princeton, Berkeley and Harvard and you will see most if not all of them. Look into ā€œOperation Paperclipā€. They were needed (or so some people thought) so they were ā€œforgivenā€. All you have to do is look into Von Braun. The crap he did, or allowed to be done, but hey, we needed to beat the ruskies


Oh, I know! We capitalized on all those sick bastards during the cold war. Itā€™s really despicable.


I will see if I still have any of his books and give you some titles. He is just the right mix of techno-speak and plain talk.


I havenā€™t had any cable TV for 3.5 years. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m on here so much, heh. But, I recently got a Prime membership and Iā€™ve been watching a few things again. Kind of cool to be able to watch shows with no commercials. I hate them with a passion.

Iā€™m watching a weird show right now, Justified. Crap, itā€™s been on since 2011. I never heard of it. The writing is good. The acting is really good for a few characters and sort of B grade otherwise but weird enough to like it. Hillbilly mafia shit out of Kentucky!? Iā€™m into season 3 now and have 3 or 4 more seasons to go to catch up. Good stoner TV with lots of killing and good and bad cops.

Broth for the win on flus. My favorite if I can afford it or want to drive to town for it, is Hot and Sour soup from the Chinese restaurant. I have them add 4-6 shrimp for some protein. It always brings me around or at least doesnā€™t hurt anything. It sure feels right when Iā€™m sick.


When Iā€™m not watching ā€œsickoā€ tv aka true crime, itā€™s almost always some sort of cop dramas or thrillers. I think I saw previews for Justified. I really like ā€œBoschā€ on Prime! Great cop drama, set in Los Angeles.