Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Can’t find my advanced nutrients. Am I screwed that I have no more chem ferts? I only have an organic bloom fish fert. Now that the plants have had chemicals they won’t search for organic nutes anymore right? I may have to finish with the Megacrop then.


The fish fert is in an ionic form, the plants should be able to uptake it just the same as ionic salts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks Man! I’ll try it out.


I’ve got lots of A.N. I’ll send you if you want. All purchased this year. Peace…



I like their (AN) stuff. I’ve only used a couple of things but they seem to be a very good source. I’ve been using their Humic Acid.


It’s very expensive. For what it is, it’s the best. IMO I’ve used it for years with good results.



Freakin’ Crack Heads! “If you give a mouse a cookie…”


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Yep. I like the HP for that reason but I still add more perlite.

Like you, I also add some extra DL, and throw in a very good dose of EWC.

That’s it. Then it is just GO nutes (with extra mag) from beginning to end. Excellent results every time.

The only time I’ve had an issue with a grow, it was when I deviated from this recipe.


I notice the ProMix HP doesn’t mention a wetting agent now. And it actually says is retains less water and dries faster than standard peat… It was 3 years ago the last time I bought a lot of it. I’ll look in my old catalog to see if I have been dreaming, heh.


So this evening has been a complete shit show out in my garden!

I was having a great day when I returned home from my clients this afternoon went to water and feed the autos and Charlotte when I notice that 2 of the autos have mostly been destroyed by caterpillars so I will have to pull them tomorrow about a week early if I want to salvage anything from them. Those are the FM 4-6. Then I proceed to see brown bud spots all over the Cherry Berry White and proceed to pick out at least 7 caterpillars and pick apart a shit load of buds that have been destroyed. At this point I’ve been outside for like 45 minutes and it’s hotter than the Devil’s dick, I’m sweating like a whore in church and I lose my shit completely. Here’s me… literally out loud… "That’s it, Motherfuckers! I’ve had it!’ and about 30 other expletives… so I wait an hour until the sun is on the other side of the house and I go ballistic,this time I bust out the hose end sprayer and saturate every damn one of the plants cuz now I just don’t give a fuck anymore and want everything dead. Re-upped the sprayer 3 times with BT, literally soaked everything.

So, after that I’m putting stuff away in the garage and get ready to lock the gate and the Kushage looks weird. So, I go back in and she’s literally so top heavy that she’s ripping out of the ground falling forward. Of course, I’m out there trying to do something, but all I have at my disposal is t-posts that are 2 short to do squat. Of course, me fucking with her is making it worse. At this point it’s almost dark, so I called Dad and told him he needs to get his ass over here in the morning and help me do something to support her as she is so heavy and big it’s a 2 person job, plus the only thing I have is some 10 ft electrical conduit way up in the top eaves of the garage and need 2 people to get them down and they probably need to be cut with a hack saw and my girly ass is having a break down at this point cuz I don’t know wtf to do and am not strong enough even if I did and it’s now dark

So, I hang up with Dad and get ready to call my boyfriend because we had plans at 9 am and now I have plans with Dad at 9 am. Anyway, I just happen to look over and I see his cell phone on my charger. Damn it! Now knowing my man he’s not gonna come back to pick it up, he’ll assume I’ll bring it with me and I know he’s probably in bed already. So I had to rush over to his house covered in BT, itching like a mofo, wake him up to bring him his phone and tell him what’s going on so he doesn’t get home from work in the morning and I’m a no show. Good Grief.

Please send out some positive vibes into the universe that the Kushage holds up through the night. I fear she may be on the ground by the time Dad arrives with help.


Oh dear! Best wishes! I hope everything works out as best as it possibly can!

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Use a chair wedged under it like they do in movies to keep a door closed by wedging it under the handle… if that makes sense


I have nothing tall enough or sturdy enough to prop up that plant without tearing it up and it’s pitch black out there. I tried to prop if up with the 6 foot ladder and it wont work, the plant is too heavy and the planter is covered in net and the dirt in the planter is too soft. I’m pretty sure we are going to have to use string and anchor her to the top of the garage somehow, even if I have to drill through the plaster.

Did I mention that I am highly allergic to bugs? Yeah, and the neighbor behind me has a pool, so this girl got attacked by mosquitoes last night and have like 12 welts and am practically tearing my skin off through all of this. OMG! I’m laughing now, but it’s a crazed maniacal laugh like a psycho.


Maybe just a cold shower and reevaluate in the morning then. Good luck with it.

Maybe an eyebolt or hook or two in the shed wall with rope holding her up might be the go tomorrow.


Yeah, I took a long shower and am getting ready to smoke out as I really need some chill the hell out juju. Dad is a retired construction guy so if she’s still standing tmw, I’m sure he’ll figure it out. I have a rad game plan for next year though, of course, cuz hindsight is 20/20


Learning is half the fun.
I am taking inspiration from you and your garden of monsters and a few of the other outdoor grows shown on OG in the northern hemisphere this year and working towards a guerilla grow because I can’t use my back yard.

After 10 to 12 hours of making a path and clearing some room for a grow patch I found the creek bed on the map was actually down a 3 metre drop.
I was happy to see some running water but had to build a rope ladder to access the creek.

Now to install the solar irrigation drip system and test in the next few days.


That’s awesome! You going with fem seeds or are you hoping for some males? I’m def gonna want to see this progress!

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I have a few fems but I will just pull males and maybe replace them later in the season.


Dude, you made a rope ladder? Liked weaved it together etc? Well aren’t you the guy to have around if I was stranded on a desert island! Cool!


It’s just old bed slats cut and drilled with the rope put through and a figure 8 knot under each one.

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