Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Sucks about the MegaCrop but eh… seems to be the trend as of late

Anyways about the BT.

I sprayed my plants down a little over a week ago and havent seen so much as a sign of any lepidoptera on my plants since. I didnt even drench it really I did my whole outdoor garden with 2L of it in a spray bottle and just kinda misted around. Couple days later was finding caterpillar carcasses on the plants.

Have you heard of the Corn Borer? I’ve had them destroy entire branches earlier in the season I hadn’t even heard of them until recently and now I realize what it was that was boring into my stalk and causing entire limbs to rot. They are apparently a really big problem this year. Looks like the BTk nuked them too.


I’m all done this year with container cannabis grows, but I did buy some Promix HP for other container plants. It says it has added dolomite lime in it. Have you tried it?


I’ve heard of borers in general. Anything that gets inside the stems is one nasty mofo! Glad they got nuked too! I read that btk is only active for 1 day, so I guess that’s why I have to keep using it. Damn caterpillars seem to hatch in cycles. All I can do is stay vigilant with my eyes peeled and keep spraying.


So, do y’all think I will harvest enough cannabis for 3 people for a year?


Supposed to be good for 7-10 days, says right on the package.

Most caterpillar species come and go over a short and specific period of time, so usually you only have to use it during caterpillar seasons which are typically mid to late summer.


Well, I suppose that depends on which three people you’re talking about :wink:


Amen to that.

I’d personally look at it as a challenge… hehe


@TrevorLahey the only thing dead I’m finding is pieces of my bud. Just picked off like 5 more out of the brown bud. The OG skunk got hit last. That poor plant is nor fairing well at all. First pm, so I had to hack off a lot and now caterpillars. I’m seriously considering making Dad come over this weekend and pull it down, just harvest the premature bud before nothing is left. Now the fucking Good Shit has some pm near the bottom of the plant. So frustrated right now! fml


I probably need 4 or 5 pounds lol


I bet you’ll be close… at least close to 3.

I used Pro Mix HP and really liked it. I’m gonna grab another cube of it. I switched to the Sunshine #4 mix because it has silica in it, but I haven’t been impressed at all.

I just add worm castings and either some good compost or a little Ocean Forest to it and then mix in my dry Roots Organics to it.


Yes, I have been using ProMix BX or HP for some time now. I think around twenty years or so.
And I know that it contains some dolomite lime …I always add a little more though.
I am very happy with ProMix for all of my container plants.


Tis the season @Meesh!! But have faith in your resolve!

You got this! We are on the homestretch now this is when we all get the late season jitters just gotta do what we can to get them through, of course theres going to be some collateral damage!


That’s good news! I remember that you suggested the BX but I could only get my hands on the HP. Glad it’s just as good! I just finished the last of my sunshine mix I’m gonna use the HP on my next planting.


Thanks Man! I needed that today!


I think the only difference is that the HP has additional perlite.
HP = High Porosity.


Some of us were talking about the rancid smell of my Botafumeiros. I finally got a really good whiff of the buds last night. It smells exactly like Pine Sol. With the same strong almost acidic smell on the lingering end note. It’s a great smell, but I can now understand why the leaves and whole plant smelled so gross. Like an underdeveloped pine sol smell, without the pine. It had reminded me so much of neem oil which disgusts me. You know how once you smell neem it lingers in your nose for a long time after? It was like that. Ick. So glad it’s changed and developed for the better.


Oh @Meesh :pensive: I think there is medicine for that. I’m sorry. Tell them to go to hell darlin’



Really six about them crappertillers… I know your pain… but I found some good results from plant ferment … Literally would find hundreds of dried up crappers the next morning and very little damage caused at all by the fuckers


LMAO… sorry y’all… I’m from the south originally and Oleskool cracks me up with his deep south humor… makes me feel right back at home… with my family lol.

@Meesh, I believe the Promix HP also has a wetting agent in it so water soaks in right away, unlike regular peat moss.


There’s more than 3 units there for sure. :sunglasses:

:evergreen_tree: :bug: