Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Man, that’s incredible to me! I don’t even think like that. Terrible with tools and have zero spatial skills. That’s so cool that you came up with that! Impressive!

I wouldn’t have even thought of a ladder let alone build one. My dumb ass probably would have searched for another spot. lol


I want to play in the creek… :swimmer: :snake: :open_mouth:

Have a better day @Meesh. There’ll be enough smoke, there’s always autos for backup, & your climate is forgiving.




So I’m up trying to get caffeinated waiting for dad to help me fix this mess. The Kushage is still standing and hopefully we can figure this out. Then I have to harvest 3 of the autos before nothing is left of them. My whole work day is shot. It’s killing me right now as I need to earn money. Feeling sorry for myself over here today


On the bright side… messing with the Kushage is probably gonna stress her out enough to start throwing out terpines like crazy. If I can get her settled and keep her caterpillar free she may be the tastiest plant ever


Why are all the problems on my 3 favorite plants out there? Why? :persevere:

I know I’m Irish and all, but screw you Murphy’s law


Try not to despair, you obviously enjoy the process of growing, and some setbacks are to be expected. You simply learn and refine your process, thereby minimizing future problems.
I am fairly certain you will be able to overcome this recent trauma and still enjoy a bumper crop.
The concern and heartache you endured will only lead to more rapturous joy at harvest time.

And there is no doubt that some years are better (easier) than others.
I have noticed, that for whatever reason, this year more growers are having to deal with destructive caterpillars. Hardly had any caterpillars last year myself, but this season …major caterpillar damage on my three little plants, so far only munching on the leaves. I am glad I only have a couple more weeks to finish.

Hang in there baby! May the ganja gods smile upon you.


You got a lot of people cheering for ya in your corner @Meesh



Hang in there girl, you got this…:+1::four_leaf_clover:



What happened to “the luck of the irish”?


Hey, that’s my line. Are you sure you haven’t spent some time in the South? That was very eloquent! Good on ya! Sorry about the caterpillars. I say you chop those autos and set that shit on fire! Gooday



What you can do is try and plant a pole behind where the plant has fallen over. Tie rope halfway Up the trunk of the plant and then 1 3/4 of the way up. Get your dad or boyfriend to push up the lob sided side and then pull the ropes from the middle and the three quarter way up and tie them around the pole… should keep it kind of stable …
Otherwise really hope things look up for you… outdoors can be really challenging


Last thing I can suggest is a bug zapper


Sorry about your troubles but this made me laugh way harder than it should have lol.


Hell yes! Dad to the rescue! We screwed anchors into the side wall of the garage and I had these carabiner rope things. So we used a couple thick small pieces of cardboard to protect the stem from the rope and anchored the Kushage to them by the main stem! It’s back straight and feels strong now. So Dad’s off to his dentist appt and I have my next calvary, my man, coming in this afternoon to help me trim up the 3 caterpillar fucked up autos. Crazy part about this is everything in the garden has been sprayed with BT now 4 times, so I’m thinking the BT bacteria does not spread inside the buds for caterpillars that have already gotten inside the bud as I pulled a fat one out of the auto that probably got that way eating my bud.

The branches that are sticking out across the walkway of the OG skunk are really jacked up by caterpillars and there won’t be anything left of them if I leave them on, so I’m gonna widdle away at those branches and try to salvage whatever I can to dry. Premature it is. I’ve chopped up so much of that plant at this point, there will be very little left come harvest time. It is what it is.

Right now, I’m just happy that the Kushage is secure. I fear the next round of caterpillars is gonna start on the other plants that started 2 weeks later as they like the bud when it’s more mature. Hopefully, I have done some good damage on a lot of them by saturating the plants with BT. Now I’ll probably suffer for that fighting more pm. I don’t know if the caterpillar eggs will just keep hatching through the fall or if they all have hatched and this is gonna be it, once I kill all of these.


I know, I can be quite animated and colorful when I lose it! :joy:


I’m not sure about down there but up here the caterpillars eventually piss off, should be very soon actually.

It’s good that you have some help though, this stuff is a pain in the ass to do alone.


You have no idea how grateful I am to have Dad. He’s getting old now and I worry quite often what the hell I’m gonna do some day when he’s gone. I’m almost 50 years old and I still need my Daddy on the regular.


Mine helped me with one of my grows, but I barked at him for doing something wrong, stupid me, and he lost interest in both our friendship and growing.

So your post hit home, so to speak, as I sit here wondering how the hell im gonna do it all alone again this year.

Trim machine incoming lol


That sucks!!! Hope you win him back!!!


makes me wonder if your BT is outdated and dead
does it have a expiration date ?
are you using it at a strong dosage ?

sorry for your woes and big 3 cheers for your Dad and your man for helping you out

I just started preventive spraying of BT yesterday because I always have a few caterpillars show up as the buds get bigger and bigger at this time of year

thanks for this great thread !!
