Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

I have days like that where I just don’t want anything to do with it… not often but sometimes. So, that’s what I do, except I will get them watered up or know exactly where they’re at so next day I can get to it right away. Gives the roots a chance to get some oxygen. heh

Get to feeling better! :sunglasses:


Ahh Meesh I can totally understand those feelings as I get them as well. Part of being an empath I guess. Just know that, like storms, it’ll pass.

I suppose its natural and certainly admirable, to have concern for others, and I think anxiety can intensify that feeling of not being in control, or not being able to help.

And come on it’s only early and still plenty of time to turn the day around and get back on track!

I have some problems in my gardens I’m dealing with too but I’ve had such a worrisome 24hrs I’m just so burnt out that I’m going to do bare minimum today and focus the rest of my attention back on myself :slight_smile: We can only do so much, right?


My guess is I missed an antidepressant or two in the last 2 weeks. Only thing that makes sense and has thrown off my chemicals so stressors usually managed by my meds feel compounded and overwhelming. The garden is going to be there and whether it’s even half screwed up, I’m still gonna have a decent harvest. Today I couldn’t care less about anything out there, but tmw I will. I’m not sure exactly how to get back on track today as I feel overwhelmed at the thought of even getting in the shower. If I’ve learned anything about depression in the last 30 years it’s that there is a lot of forcing yourself to do things. From small things that are usually trivial to big things. Usually, if I force myself to go out and garden it lifts my depression, however I just forced myself to water what needed it out there and locked the gate behind me as quickly as I could. I just don’t feel good. Plain and simple. It won’t last forever, it just feels like it right now. Whew! I needed to vent. Thanks for listening to my drivel, I’m usually much more positive, silly and upbeat.


Oh I forgot, I did smile out there when I saw some flowers I started a few weeks ago starting tiny blooms, so all hope is not lost. The bright side… it’s over there. Tmw the light in the tunnel won’t be a train.


You need to medicate and meditate my dear. Curl up in a little ball and it will be fine in a few minutes. All Love…



Keep ya head up @Meesh … I understand how you feeling as my better half has her days too and I sometimes feel helpless … but the sun shines tomorrow and things come back around to normal manageability… I would suggest days like this , microdosing on some shrooms … helps my lady more than anything in the world.
Keep ya head up


hope you’re feeling better


Ended up with Dad showing up cuz he wanted to look at the girls. So of course I ended up back out there. Dad was concerned about the strawberry diesels as they are gonna bud and as you know they are so thin and the original net is probably 4 feet down around the branches at this point. I looked at them and was completely devoid of feeling and couldn’t have cared less if the wind and elements tore them up or if impending buds tore all the branches off. Told dad I couldn’t handle it, tried to put off until next Sunday, but decided 5 minutes later that they were probably gonna start budding this week and that I was gonna care so broke out the rest of the net and helped dad get to it. So strange how far away I feel today, as if I’m watching my life in a movie. I’m going to bed early and really hope I feel better in the morning.


I hope you do too. The promise of a new day …
Breathe and take a minute to think of all of the blessings in your life. Then, do it again tomorrow. Everything is temporary. All Love…



Anyone know this insect? Evil or beneficial?

One of the Holy Punch buds

Good Shit bud

The fattest densest buds are on the jungle spice though. It grows so weird I’m having a hard time getting a pic that captures it. I’ll keep trying for you all


@SamwellBB that is one fantastic cactus! Did you grow It? Simply beautiful

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I know for sure that I’m weird, because even though that photo is blurry, I can see that it is two crane flies mating…
The larva usually are the only stage that would possibly be an issue, but they are generally harmless. Enjoy any diversity that you are able to maintain in your garden world.


Yes they we’re! You have a good eye! lol. They were only on my vegging plants. Not a big deal in the big outdoor scheme then?


nice… :thumbsup:

i was gonna say assasin bug



Have you thought of growing valerian? Your symptoms sound like my sort of ex wife.
I have suffer from the same symptoms but less acutely.
If idid not see our similarities I might have wide birthed her years ago!
Unfortunately she does not always listen to me.
She hoards Valium because she is fearful of when they wean her off. But will not listen that most pharmaceutical drugs are a mimic of herbal remedies! To the extent that she won’t take the medication for fear of running out!
She has a lot of problems I’ve tried explaining that she hits highs when she is back doing yoga. But she sees problems that are not there and sometimes expects the negative which spirals her into thoughts that progressively bounce of each other making her worse! She makes herself ill with worrying about what she is worried about.
Oh and when she does actually need Valium she doesn’t take them cause she fears running out!

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Wasn’t able to check on the girls until a few mins ago. I picked up the last 3 FM autos 7-9 and inspected them. I’m about 90% sure I’ve got another herm out there on FM 8. It’s on the very bottom and tiny. It’s too dark and I’m too blind for 100% certainty. I’ll get out a magnifying glass in full sun tomorrow.


Okay indoor growers, this lady knows nothing of lights, but found this in the garage. Would this work to germ my flower seeds indoors?


With more characters…


Alright, I cut a small branch off of the Cherry Berry White by @cannabissequoia a few days ago. Testing it out tonight. So premature bud has lost it’s sour cherry smell, but it’s gotten kind of weird for me out there as I seem to be able to pick up a particular plant smell out there in the air and know exactly which plant it is. To me the scents are all very particular and distinctive. The CBW is no exception, she smells of pine and solvent, similar to the Botafumeiros without the gross under smell of neem. I’m certain the gross smell from Botafumeiros comes from her leaves.

Anyway, the CBW tastes like sour citrus and pine top notes followed by a lingering sweet berry bottom note that coats your tongue. Not creeper weed, So far, I have the wonderful head highs that I love, no body buzz at all, but my muscles have relaxed pretty quickly. So far, no anxiety and no raciness. Very pleasant and relaxing without being sleepy. Would make an excellent daytime high if you are into that sort of thing. I’ll edit if I notice anything more to add…


New lamp since my 250w cfl.