Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Sure would…

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About how high would I hang the light? Do you know?


8-12" best results cfl or leds ?


The battle with any pest is when you spray and wait a week the drying adults either already laid eggs or will over the week :expressionless::expressionless: its a tough cycle but Im sure you will come out on top. You have a very amazing garden :v:


If you keep digging you might find grandpa’s grow tent! He might even be in there still! :astonished:

That should be great for seedlings & clones but after about 2 ft tall it’ll be insufficient…

Crazy. :tv: I forgot how TV was entertaining in the past…
Ended up watching a handful of skits…definitely miss irreverent humor without todays PC police.



I keep my t5s about 4 to 6 inches away from my seedlings.


T5s are great for seed germination.
For seeds which have yet to pop up thru soil, I like to keep the light about 6 to 8 inches above.
Once they sprout up, I move them much closer … 1 to 2 inches only, as long as heat is not a problem, you just don’t want the leaves to actually touch the bulbs. Requires daily adjustment to keep at optimum distance.


Yeah, young cannabis plants just love the T-5 light. They always green up really well and look perfect after coming out. I’ve gotten where I run them alongside my HPS to give additional spectrum. They seem to like it.


With fluorescent bulbs I like putting them as close to the tops of plants as possible it will cut down on the legginess of the seedlings looking forward to your next round of plants.


No No Guys! Not planning to start messing with cannabis indoors. That would open a whole can of worms. lol Just some regular ole flower seeds that don’t like to germ outside. Actually thinking about germing a dozen or so impatiens for my shade garden as they don’t like to be direct sown. Thanks everyone for the info. Sounds like it will work great (if the light actually works) I haven’t plugged it in to check yet.


Confirmed a tiny pollen sac on @ReikoX FM #8 very bottom of the plant. All I know is it that plant had stark white pistils so I’m assuming it’s a Ghost Toof. Ended up pulling all 3 as I have so much going on out there right now, I could easily miss another herm incident and just didn’t want to risk it or be greedy. I have grown out 6 of the FM’s so far and am enjoying them quite a bit. So it makes me kinda sad that I couldn’t finish the last 3. Better safe than sorry though. All that remains of the autos now are the 4 Blue Dreams and one I’m pretty certain it is forming seeds. Hopefully the mystery pollen only got one of them. I’m finishing them regardless, seeds be damned.


Hey Lady. How often do you water your weed in the ground?

I’m at 8 days between waterings & it seems crazy compared to 1/2 that for container plants in the past.


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I was like that in the new cannabis planters almost all season. Sometimes they went as long as 2 weeks not wanting water. Just recently in late flower now they all want water every few days, it was also hot as the devil’s dick the last few weeks. Jungle spice and Good Shit seem to want lots of water this last 2 weeks, but quite honestly the entire veggie patch all gets water whether the cannabis asks or not about every 2 - 3 days lately. When it was cooler between 4 - 6 days. Lately none of the cannabis has stuck to it’s original schedule. My autos and Charlotte want water pretty much daily in their pots now (probably the heat)

Almost forgot. At certain points during the season, I have literally set the hose in the veggie patch and flooded the damn thing. Have come to the conclusion that it’s pretty much impossible to overwater in there. I’d say water as much as you want or your budget allows (my water bill is epic)


Cool! I really enjoyed watching that :slight_smile:
Your plants look amazing!


It’s been a week now. I think the caterpillars are dead but I’m gonna soak all the plants with BT this evening again anyway. Heading outside now to plant the other cuttings @MomOnTheRun sent me with the preservation seeds. Hoping I can get them to take.


Got my new plants in the ground with a thorough watering. I have to say it was really nice to dig and play in my garden a little without it being cannabis related today. Planting seeds or roots is always my favorite thing to do in my garden. So it brightened my day considerably. I won’t cry too much if the Phlox @MomOnTheRun sent me doesn’t make it as I had one last year from root that didn’t, but I sure hope it does. I’ll keep that and the catmint I planted in the front rose planter well watered this week and hope it establishes. The catmint had some leaves on it and were pretty dry once it got to me, but 15 minutes after planting and soaking it they softened right up, so I have hope.

As with any lilies in my garden, if grubs, squirrels or jerusalum crickets don’t eat the bulbs they will come up next summer. So far I’ve had to order quite a few replacements for last year as they got got. It is what it is, but I’ll keep buying bulbs and keep planting them as all my favorite flowers seem to come from them.

Oh crap, after I just wrote this whole long post, I realized that it was meant for my other garden thread. Sorry cannabis freaks, I strayed off my topic a bit. Thanks for bearing with me.


:fire: HERESY! :fire: :busts_in_silhouette:



Hahaha! I know right?! I’m just tired. Battling with the pm and caterpillars kind of kicked my ass a bit. Was pretty stressful instead of enjoyable. Just need a little break from the girls, although I will have to bug spray the shit out of them this evening, I just want them to leave me alone for a week so I can get back to enjoying them again. Looks like the diesels are right on the verge of bud. That should attract my excitement and happiness again. lol


So, I’m chopping and trimming on the OG skunk. Found pm again and I won’t battle it any longer on this plant. I’m salvaging all the bud that only the leaves are touched and chucking any of the bud that has pm on the bud leaves, unless you guys know something I can dunk them in to make them safe they are going in the trash.


Maybe I’ll make a bucket of water with green cure (potassium bicarb) in it and dunk them before I trim… hmmm