Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

“Wash” all your bud…i always wash my outside bud. You would not believe what comes off of it.
I promise it will not hurt your buds, and will take off all the “nasty” .
IT WILL NOT help with bud rot, gotta throw that all away, do not smoke any of that . Will not cure anything, but will remove all the crap that is on and in it. Looks up Bud washing.

basically 3 buckets you "dunk " the whole plants/branchs in. One nice n warm, one room temp, the last cold. Lemon juice and peroxide are used in 1st 2 buckets. Keep the peroxide % low, and rely upon the lemon juice and water agitation to clean the bud.

When you do the 1st branch, and look at the water, you will understand. Kinda like washing fruit or vegetables prior to cooking.

I always wash my outside bud,JMHO …


I always wanted to try washing my outdoor bud, but worried that wetting it before hanging would cause issues. That said I know plenty who do it. I guess you’d want to make sure you were drying it somewhere with low RH and a bit of airflow.


LOL…think about how often it rains outside. The plants live in it. After the “wash”, I brought them to my garage, hung them up, and let my big fan blow on them for an hour…no big deal.

BIG DEAL IS THIS: Using too much peroxide , will “burn” all the leaf a tad, and make bud kind of “brittle” .

She could skip peroxide(people use it to remove PM post harvest…YUK) and just do the lemon juice and 3 dunks. That will pretty much do it all.

I have a long shallow plastic “tub” I use. Maybe 3 foot long, 10 inch’s wide 8 inch’s deep…like a long clear plastic tray they wash rose’s in. I break to branch level, then do each branch through it, then the other two dunks are in 5 gallon Home De Pot buckets. Last bucket is ICE COLD water…really perks the plant up and makes it glisten. Done right, not much is affected.


I’d still love to try it, and might give it a whirl this season on some of the inevitable gross stuff.


That’s some great info right there @Jetdro. Thank you! I did 2 main branches of the OG Skunk. Completely dunked each branch in a bucket of green cure then dunked them in a bucket of water and sprayed them with the hose and trimmed them. Seem just fine and honestly by the time I finished trimming them they weren’t soaked anymore, just normal sticky wet pretty much as I sat out side on my back porch while I trimmed. Did that for about 2 hours, About all I had in me today, but it did get those branches with pm that were too close to the Holy Punch for my comfort. I’ll whittle at the plant a few hours throughout the week.

I’ve only ever hosed the crap outta my outdoor plants the day before I’ve harvested them. Never completely dunked buds before like this. Didn’t seem to take any of the sticky frostiness off of them, just the pm.

How much lemon juice and H2O2 would I add to a 5 gallon bucket if I were to use this method with the regular harvest. Not too much and just a little are not measurements I like to dabble in. lol Anything more specific?

All plants got drenched with BT tonight. I’ll hit them again next week. Good news is I didn’t find one single caterpillar on the OG Skunk while I trimmed, but I did find 2 leaves with their eggs. They look like a honeycomb under the leaf. I could tell that some pillars had hatched from one. The other looked untouched. So, I’m wondering if just some didn’t hatch yet and hundreds more eggs are just lurking within all the leaves waiting for a 2nd strike. Ugh!



Rinse them in a bucket of peroxide & water first… we’ll need others to chime in on the dilution ratio.

The basic idea is that the goodie we want is not water-soluble & everything else basically is. You wash it all in ice water, sieve it through some 120$ bags & get useable stuff.

And you thought you were gonna get a break! :joy:



My next item that I could use someone’s expertise is… Can I make some cannabutter outta of my trim from the autos? If so can I do it in my crockpot for ease? Then how much butter, trim and water etc… do I use? Want to make some cookies for Dad and my Man (I’m too sissy for edibles). But I do want to do this butter as easily as possible… Anyone?

@cannabissequoia bubble hash? Returned the bags. Never gonna happen. lol The butter I want to make is pushing it…


Here’s one recipe. I’ve seen others but this is’t bad. It’s called the 3 bucket system or something. Google for bud washing PM. It may be a little different but similar. It’ll wash off the PM making it safe to smoke.


THC is NOT water soluble, why bubble hash works, lol. No amount of washing or spraying will hurt resin, UNLESS done to the point of mechanically removing stalks and heads. You may dunk fully without worry, they are tighter than a frog’s ass.

The Peroxide is used to remove PM. IF you have PM and you dunk with Peroxide solution, you will instantly watch the PM wash off. IF your doing this for PM…make the 1st bath HOT…leave them in there 5 minutes, “swishing them around by their tails” , then on to the other 2 dunks. Final dunk should be COLD…real cold, acts to tighten them up, just like it does our skin…makes em glow…lol.
IF no PM , ditch the P and just use lemon juice.

I can tell you exactly tomorrow. Been 2 years since I had to wash outside bud…cannot remember off top of my head. I DO HAVE IT EXACTLY in a thread on another site. Thread is 200 pages long, so will take a minute to find it. I am not good with “search’s”

The lemon juice must be used sparingly too, never used it for anything else before, that shit is HOT!!! LOL!!!

YES you can make butter in your croc pot, how it was invented if I am not mistaken . I will tell you how to do that also when I dig up dilution rates for you.

WITH WHAT YOU HAVE outside…the bubble bags you returned should be ORDERED IMMEDIATELY!!!

You have no clue what your throwing away, Bubble Hash, done right is as good as it gets!! PERIOD, end of STATEMENT!!! IT JUST IS!!! Clean, powerful, but with “Bud” high, not the funky highs from most other concentrates.

I would guess…conservatively you could make …HMMMMM…a pound or two of full melt bubble hash!! OR, enough for you, boy friend , and ALL your friends for THE YEAR!!!

Bubble Bags are SIMPLE…forgot what you see…key is the 80 dollar mini washing machine you use…instead of busting your nuts…mean BF’s Nuts…with a paddle bending over av bucket making a frigging mess!!! NOPE…que birds singing, rainbows, and Unicorns dancing. Throw the trim in the bag,throw it in the machine press the button. WAIT, go smoke a joint. Pour water through the bags, collect the good shit…REPEAT!!!
I can make you a picture tutorial of how easy it is.
I just pulled 12 grams of great hash of my little 9 plant inside harvest…ONLY JUNK FAN LEAVES!!!

I will find the thread with my pictures of the “dunking” and post up for you. IF you wanna make hash the easy way, let me know, I can help you.
Your INSANE if you do not “use” your trim with what you have outside.


Very good …forgot about the baking soda, I used it also.

The rates seem ok, but i will still look up how much I used.


@Jetdro besides what I am gonna use for the cannabutter, I offered all of my trim from this years harvest to a good friend who will turn it into edibles and such for her Mom who is very sick. Someday if I’m ever not too lazy and want to make hash , I’ll hit you up for the method. Appreciate you looking up the other stuff for me! Thank you!


There is $1000’s of product there girl!!! You just have no idea.

Good on you to give it up however!!! Right thing to do if your not gonna use it.

Do you have PM on the bud??? If so you will need the peroxide to do it well. Buds will suffer a bit, but it will remove the PM so it is smoke able. IF you do NOT or some do and some do not have PM, then you will want to separate them and only use lemon juice baking soda on some, the P on the others.


This is the first one I ever saw. Harvesting Cannabis With Bugs Or Mildew - Spliffseeds

here’s a google search for 3 bucket cannabis wash for powdery mildew


Did not find pm on the bud itself, just some with pm very close on the bud leaf. I dunked them all in potassium bicarbonate, it killed the pm… baking soda is basically the same thing. Kills pm by making it too alkaline for the fungus to live. I’m pretty confident that the buds I did today will be just fine to smoke. I only threw out like 2 small branches so far that just looked scary to me. I didn’t bother to try and save them. The bud is premature anyway and those particular branches were small and would have dried up to buds the size of peas anyway. They weren’t worth my time.

As far as monetary value on the trim, it really means nothing to me as I don’t sell anything and even if I spent the money to make products out of it, I would just end up giving it away anyway. Most of my friends stopped smoking or using cannabis a long time ago. Even if I was in the business of selling it, I wouldn’t know who to sell it to. Also, this is a recreational state, people could go to any dispensary these days and buy whatever they want so the demand just wouldn’t be there for some black market goods. lol


I do not sell mine either, none of it. Not in legal state, so I could, but do not. Give a lot away, trade with friends across the country through sites like this one, as most folk i know do not use either.

You should have some for yourself, it is the caviar of Bud. I cannot imagine not having bubble hash, how late 8o’s, lol.

Pm is pretty much seen on the leaf…been digging through that thread looking for my amounts, all manner of stuff found except that so far…lol…I will find it


Just caught a video by Jorge Cervantes, all he uses is a cup of peroxide to 5 gallons of water. No lemon or anything.

There is video after video of bud washing and every one of them does something different. lol Don’t dig too hard for it. It seems like most any method will do here.


A local grower moved and left all his chemicals and equipment along with a bubble machine . Even gave me a tote full of bubble bags all sizes . Bags of ice and tubs full of small bud I ended up with a pile of bubble hash so much I made RSO out of part of the haul . My oil ended up as thick as butter and more than I could possible use . I was giving samples out to all the growers on the hill .


For the record, this is not how Peroxide works. It destroys the spores via oxidization, that’s what’s going on when you see it do the fuzzy frothy thing.


SAME here! :smile: :wave:

What a humbling gift it was… so hard to repay with simple thanks. :hugging:



So, found the thread. Turns out I STOPPED using Peroxide because EVEN AT 1/2 cup/5 gallons, it burned the buds and made them crisp.

This is how I did it fro that point on, no burn, no crisping of the bud.

Did 3 buckets. First was long (1 to 1.5 minutes) dunking and GOOD going over in HOT water, 1/2 cup Lemon Juice, 1/2 cup Baking Soda. Water so hot it about burned my hands. 2nd bucket ambient temp water, 20 second spin, 3rd bucket ICE COLD water, good 30 second rinse…then a good shake. They all got the treatment, then hung in front of big fan for 3 hours till dry to touch, then hung in "dry room