Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

, been dying to see the “effects” from my “washing” of my Bud. Been hanging a full 5 days now, temps been a bit warmer than I would like, they will be done in 2 more days. Go upstairs to check them out, have not in 2 or 3 days. It is dark in the room, I bring a flash light with me. Flip the light on…WHOLLY CRAP…lol

SPARKLE CITY…like a disco ball had been lit…lol…Individual Buds GLOWED and SHIMMERED like jewels in the dark under that flash


All on 4 long lines, labels between them. First one I feel is pretty dry. Small Bud, outer leaf’s CRUNCHY. HMMMM…I accidentally took snipers, lol…I snipped a small top Bud, from a small branch, the one in front of me. It was Gogi O.G. # B.

Take it downstairs, trim the lil bud tight. It is covered in goo, the wash hurt NOTHING, in fact, the Bud is what I would call “bright” . Feels almost dry, is on the outside, I know inside it is not done yet, but I picked a small Bud, it should be ok. Smell is mild, cannot place it. Run it through the grinder, smells stronger, but still mild.

Bud is tiny, 1/2 joint tiny, so I cut a single paper in half, roll a full sized half joint.

Girlfriend fires it up, takes a big ole hit…as she hands it to me she is about to HACK…lol…

I hit it gently, thinking “GREEN” …NOPE, its NICE!!! WOW, burns fine, NO green taste, what I would describe as a good to VERY good taste!

HMMM…expansion is HUGE, the second hit blows my lungs out, Im HACKING. Hand it to her…she hits it light 2 more times, gives it to me.

Look over at her, her eyes are CROSSED, lol…she is LIT!!! Im realizing IM LIT TOO! lol. Hit the thing one more time BIG…held in, huge rush on exhale.

WOW…WOW…and WOW!!! Gogi O.G. IS THE REAL DEAL(Pheno B anyways) . I have been burning Bud, Bubble, Rosin daily for

a month now, this Gogi took me there!!! Someone here posted in my thread I WOULD be impressed with it…I AM!!! VERY!!! She is gonna be

a handful for the novice when dried n cured , can tell ya that!

Point is this: The wash WORKS, and from 1st test sample, works WELL! The lil Bud was excellent at 5 days, and it appears it may have shortened dry time by a day

rather than making it longer…the scope shows heads are fine, the coverage on the Bud was excellent.

Im going to wash the big inside Ladies when they come down too.





You SURE you do not want to make Bubble???


Yes, you can make cannabutter easily in a crock pot. I suggest using a pound of butter per ounce if trim. Then add a cup or two of water, enough to cover the material. Put it on low overnight the next day, strain out the trim with cheesecloth and put it in a bowl and put that the freezer. The water will freeze and easily seperate from the butter. PM if you have more questions.


Ice cold ? I’d think you’d be breaking some trichomes off with that wouldn’t you? That’s how the Bubble hash is made right?


Great direction, but she needs to de carb the bud before going into the crockpot.


It is not filled with ice, there is no mechanical breaking off of the heads and stalks. They are not as fragile as folks think they are. 40 degree water is fine, she will not lose anything . In bubble hash the water is colder, and has ice floating in it, and it is “agitated” to “remove” the stalk/heads.

GREAT question however!!! Good mind man!!!


Good to know iv dabbled in bud rinsing here and there but will do it this year on all my stuff this year! Do you like the shallower bins or buckets more?


The shallow long bins work much better!!!


Thanks! I was comparing the baking soda to the green cure (potassium bicarb) though

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Perfect! Thanks for looking that up!


Welcome. The instructions given for the croc pot are correct. You will need to “de carb” the bud before cooking it however.

Adding the 2-3 cups of water is to float the herb, but also, as he mentioned, when you chill it, the water and butter will separate and all the nasty will end up in the water, which you throw away.

THC is not active, or psychoactive until heated, the burning of it does that for us. Since you will be making it into butter, you have to heat the bud(called decarboxilation ) BEFORE cooking it in the pot. Temps in the pot prolly not hot enough to change it.


Hehe realized that after posting. Carry on :wink:


Usually a low setting overnight will boil it. That should be hot enough right?


That’s okay, now I know how H2O2 works also thanks to you! :wink:

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No…de carb it first…place on a tray, cover it in foil, heat at 240 degree’s for 40 minutes…THEN make your butter…thank me when the people who use it get high…



Will do! :+1::+1: for 20 characters

After the butter is done… I just follow for example the toll house recipe and use swap the cannabutter for regular butter correct? Nothing more fancy than that?


Wen you strain it in the morning, use cheese cloth, and squeeze the shit out of it.

Remember to add in 2-3 cups of water when you start. Check it before going to bed, make sure there is enough fluid in there. IF not, add some water before retiring for the night.

Good luck, you got this!!!


I’ll probably do it during the day while I’m working from home so I can keep an eye on it


:grin: YES 20 damn fucking characters


GOOD idea!! IT WILL stink up your house…and to ME…NOT a good smell!!!