Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Haha! I’ve got OG skunk dyring in the next room! It already stinks in here. :joy:

The yard btw… at night you can smell my girls clear to the front sidewalk now… and the inside of the house all reek like skunk. It’s slightly obvious who the weed grower in the hood is.


I admit the intense smell coming from my yard makes me not want to leave the house. I have pause every time I do, for fear of thieves


Congratulations! You’re a grower! :green_book:



Tonight, I am taste testing a small nug of the Kushage. Guess what? She tastes like Kush! Go figure! :joy: In all seriousness, tastes of skunk, some sort of diesel and a slight citrus on the end note. She tastes a bit different than she smells. She smells skunky but like sweet cherries. Huh. High comes on slower unlike the Cherry Berry White that hits on one toke. The Kushage is slightly raspy (coughing a lot) she’ll benefit from the final cure for sure. More psychedelic also cerebral, so far no body high or tingly feeling. So far no raciness, but she’s coming on slow… No anxiety yet, but I can tell she is still ramping up… Wait… slight tingling in hands and feet starting, so mild body high coming on… It’s hard to describe a high especially when you are starting to get high… Hahaha! I did type this while I took the first hit so that’s about the best I can do. lol she seems multi-purpose, like it would be easy to veg on the couch, but I feel motivated enough to go give the dog a bath. She won’t keep you up at night though, I can already tell.

Edit: Had to drive up to the corner for Diet Coke and twizzlers… absolutely zero anxiety and I was all smiles and happy in public. This for me is HUGE! Me likey this weed so far… :relaxed:


Very good report! Glad it fits in with your needs. to me, that’s why I grow as many strains as I can now so I can find the one that fits for me. I bet the cure only makes it better by a factor of 5 to 10. heh. peace


Yup, my mantra right thar :pray:t2: And maybe add or cross to find …


I make THC olive oil and I promise you boiling the mixture for a half hour or so gets it active, super charged and definitely almost psycodelic
dipped my finger in a little ways to taste it and a couple of hours later was very mellow, stoned and happy
my brownies keep me high for at least 5 hours


I’ve found using peroxide to clean buds kills the Terps. Always had better results from bicarb and lemon juice … hope you don’t pick up too much more pm …


Meesh these are in my patio
today’s flowers after a rain
they only last one day


Great to point that out! The lemon juice/ baking soda wash IIRCC is basically a good all around vegetable wash as wellgood for those broccoli,cabbage, and like type veggies.


Yeah, I have H2O2 paranoia when it comes to buds. I’m gonna switch to baking soda and lemon juice instead of the green cure as it’s cheaper as far as washing my buds, but I take it I was on the right track intuitively washing it in the green cure the other day before I had all this info.

The drying bud looks just fine that I dunked and trimmed the other day btw… so happy this works


All the best flowers are always gone so fast! Those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with me!

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So, me skipping the oven and going directly to the crock pot should be just fine then? I’m getting ready to go get supplies. Today, I make butter. :grinning:


I tried to tell you that

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I know, I didn’t use it and didn’t plan to. Thanks! I’ll stick to lemon and baking soda


Yes it will 100% looks like a generic t5.
That will work even if low scale, I’ve seen people successfully start under bedroom light side light eco thing.
At this stage it’s just getting them ready for the journey.
You will lose not a lot with any light till they take off. So a go between will work.
Seen good results while waiting for an paycheque.
At that stage you are coaxing they are not established enough to make use of high energy.
With the most efficient lights your gaining couple days at most.
Think of your plants as progressing through a magnifying glass once they are established.
But at that stage you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear!
Grow roots indoor and start your plants into a regimen of Colonising your root space. Let them get to where they want to pot up again. It’s an easy process.
When you see the shoots growing again, normally means roots have reached there fence and handed over. Now is time act quick pot up now! If you have beneficial organisms use every pot up.
Your American right you may have different products there! But products I use says 20+ species with glomus species bacillus and pseudomonas species and tricoderma species.
If suddenly I hat to choose I would say this would be the product to keep before even flower nutes!
I had to force myself to give veg nutes twice when in veg.
Here’s plants what medium are you thinking. Coco good if you want foolproof. Organics is my preference although I had slightly synthetic cal mag till I focus on it. These photos were taken at 24 days from flip



Here we suffer I grew gorilla almost for ten years.
We have damp climate here the dew starts.coming September mornings.
You learn to cut your losses.
I’ve pursued the topic of crappiness before. And agree with what I’ve heard. And seen it!
Basically I was hardcore I would go out in the woods and lay my life line.
I had no option because I couldn’t find decent gear here.
I’d recently returned from working in holland and all I could find was soap bar at turn of century! Three years I suffered then tried to take my own life.
I forgot to account for stretch and used nylon.
Part of me said don’t use nylon again!

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And they smell f*n amazing! I had those for a while… :thumbsup: :cactus: :blossom:



COOL…was not sure you caught that…your pretty sharp huh!!!


Alright, trim and some bud in the oven for another 20 mins, then into the crock pot it goes. I got really technical with the measurements… NOT. I don’t have a scale so just dumped what looks like an ounce into foil to decarb. Put 5 sticks of butter in the crock pot only put the extra stick in so that after I strain it a few times, I’ll still have a lb of butter. Most cookie recipes want a whole stick of butter so I will end up with 4 full batches worth. I’ll just make sure there is enough water to cover everything in the crock pot. I’m sure it doesn’t have to be perfect or rocket science right?