Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Here goes nothing


Well, I was going to make cookies for Dad and my man but Dad isnā€™t interested in edibles. I guess Glen will have to be the judge on how good the cannabutter turns out cuz I really donā€™t do edibles either. If I get brave enough and have a day to waste, maybe and thatā€™s a big maybe, Iā€™ll try one cookie. lol


I made brownies last year & thought I got the dose about right, maybe a gram a brownie.

My dad saw them & asked for one knowing they had weed & I reluctanctly said sure as long as he knew. Before I could tell him to start with 1/4 brownie heā€™d gobbled one down right after a beer.

Heā€™s 71 & hadnā€™t had weed since the late 70s; 5 days later he was still complaining about being high-- at first he thought he was dying, puked, got ā€œthe spinsā€, racing heart, the worksā€¦ I found him the next a.m. on the living room floor with a sheet & all his clothes still on. :joy_cat: Totally ruined it for himself.

I had 2 and felt nothing. :neutral_face:

Proceed with caution :spaghetti:



That is exactly why I donā€™t eat edibles. I just canā€™t control the dose. Every once in awhile I will have a 10 mg candy from the dispensary, but that is rare. I ate something with olive oil or something that my ex made once and it was all from sativa. That was the most anxiety ridden edible I ever had. It was awful and lasted as you know for hours. Been really turned off to them since then. Itā€™s really easy for me to have a bad high with all of my strain issues, so I just stick to smoking. If I have a bad reaction from that at least Iā€™m not locked in for 8 hours. lol


I had a friend from Michigan send me some edibles today. She told me they were 150 MG each , I just ate 3 of them.
Best tasting edible I have ever had, tasted like a regular choc covered mintā€¦actually like the best one I ever had.


Oh, after the butter is done tonight (I was gonna cook it for like 5 hrs) and strain it was it the fridge or freezer I put it into to separate the water out. Canā€™t remember.

Holy shit! Iā€™m surprised you can still type. You seeing things yet? hahaha!

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NOā€¦just now ate themā€¦like 2 minutes ago, takes a minute or 3 to hit.

I am immune to edibles. WHY she sent them to me. She saw I has stated I was, she said ā€œNOT MY EDIBLESā€, they are 150 mgā€™s!!!

I laughed and told her I would not even feel them. She sent me a dozen the next day, just got here today.

I ate 940 MGā€™s in Denver in one sitting and then went and bowled for 3 hoursā€¦didnt even know I had eaten them.

Did not have the heart to tell her that, she is so nice. She has a really cool screen nameā€¦G.A. GardenArtusā€¦

I will say they made the Denver stuff taste like ASS!!!


That amount would have me paralysed for 15 days!

That username is very familiar is she on OpenGrow?


YES , are you??? I have been for 7 years or so, have we talked there???


I was on there a while back but the site just got too slow to even put up with using. I know it has been revamped now but still is somewhat clunky to use.

I donā€™t think we ever talked there.


Site is not slow on my endā€¦but the site is SLOW!! I mean the traffic here in 1 hour is more than they see all week long. Maybe 2-3 dozen core pepā€™s, I have friends there that I have known online since 2000 or so. I stay because we chat there.

New members join, make a nice thread, and never come back when they receive 2 likes their 1st month, lol. It sucks, but the core group is cool, and we have as good of genetics on that lil place as we do here. Few older retired breeders and a big time breeder ā€œsuckupā€ lol, who knows everything. Unlike here, everything there happens behind the scene.

I much prefer the way it is set up here.


You should be. Wild eyed pistol waving tweekers would have gotten them by now if you were here. :rage:



@oleskool830 The other night, I had to run up to the store and right when I was turning the corner from my street there was some dude driving all slow with his lights off, seemingly ducking down looking sketchy like he was trying to hide his face. As soon as I passed him, he turned down my street. So me in my paranoia, drove around the block and right past my house all slow making sure he wasnā€™t stopped or parked on my streetā€¦ then I drove to the store.


So butter has a low steady boil going on. Itā€™s been in there for about 3 hours now. Seems to be enough liquid at the moment. Iā€™ll turn it off in about 2 hours.

So, I have a friend who lives out in the high desert who grows. Honestly, her grow pics are excruciating to look at. Iā€™ve gently tried to give her advice to help her, but she doesnā€™t follow it. Her plants come out so puny and undernourished. Anyone else have friends like this? Iā€™m no master by any means, but damn!

She sends me a pic a few months back of a ā€œcaterpillarā€ she found on her plantsā€¦ You guys, it was a tomato hornworm. I asked her if she at least picked them off and killed them in soapy water. She said she just threw them across the yard. :scream: OMG! Seriously?! Explained to her that they would crawl back and could eat all of her veggies and cannabis overnight. Wow! Threw them across the yard. :astonished:


Okay cannabutter is strained. Did this like 4 times and wrung solids through a cheesecloth. Itā€™s still hot as hell, so Iā€™m letting it cool to 70 for food safety reasons then Iā€™ll put in the fridge overnight. If I did this right, I should simply be able to pour the water out leaving behind the solid fat in the morning right?

btwā€¦ it smells disgusting to me. Like vaped bud. Not a fan of that smell. Like someone made popcorn outta weed seeds


Yeah it will separate so you can pour off the water from underneath or lift off the butter.


Thanks! Is it supposed to smell like this? lol


Certainly has a taste and smell that you will always recognise for the rest of your life.


Iā€™ve just got a picture in my mind of you coaxing your man just try this one.
Like when you see these really obese people that need crane lifting out of house.
And then you think if they canā€™t get out of bed how can they get to the food?
I queried this once and someone said they. Have feeders normally a real skinny someone?
I doubt this is the case here though, all the best