Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

YES, like vaped nasty bud…you did it right. Yes they will separate, it is actually pretty cool, you will see tomorrow


@Funkjunky Hahaha! Actually he is the complete opposite! One of those annoying skinny people who powers down candy and sweets constantly and never gains an ounce! If I ate all the crap he eats they would have to crane lift me out of the house. lol


Oh no. I hope I wasn’t the cause of your paranoia! My post was meant to say, that’s what would happen in this shithole state. Your neighborhood is probably delightful and safer than here. We get shot at Walmart here! Peace & love


No No! It wasn’t you. The strong smell of kush that reaches from my backyard all the way to the front sidewalk is plenty. We have more theft around here than violence.


I’m blessed that I will always stay 10-11 stone. I move every day between 15 and 20 tons of materials with my hands.
When I was around 20 years old to do this i used to have to eat a big breakfast(for my country anyway). 2 eggs 3 bacon 2 sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, bubble and squeek(left over cabbage potatoes and spinach I think?) hash browns and toast.
My metabolism has slowed way down since then. And I think the heaviest I’ve ever been is 11 stone and that was because I had muscle.
I’m getting old now 43 still can’t find a youngster that can compete.
It hurts me thy way my country is going, my friend told me he took his kid to sports day and they blow a whistle about 10 meters from finish line, then have to hold hands and run over the Finnish line together. How does this help? My answer is if you’re going to do this send the stronger ones back and get them to carry the stragglers over line!
This would create bonding and team spirit and create a unit. Mankind has succeeded because we combine our qualitys.
Let chefs be chefs soldiers be soldiers , fisherman and so on? I for sure do not want to be a jack of all trades and master of none!
I was a weak child and determination made me strong, I think what they are doing is destroying us making lazy people.
Just the other day an apprentice started and he was harping on about the balls of his feet. Apparently he was saying I’ve never walked so far in my entire life, my mate said how you get about then, he said I’ve got my push bike or in car.
Couldn’t make it up! The guy probably walked no more than 2000 metres all day and that’s overkill!
If country’s find out about how soft are young are how long before they wonder about invading? Bring back national service I say get these millennials in shape quick. Cause I’m not going to live forever but I lose sleep worrying about being able to die in peace one day knowing there gonna chuck my hard work away!
What do we do ? Everyone just take up a defeatist attitude?
Sorry it just winds me up along with health and safety laws and dismissiveness of common sense!
Sorry for the rant :smirk:


I don’t know what the hell us Generation X’ers were thinking, we give kids trophies for losing. How exactly does this help them succeed? You certainly won’t get accolades from being a loser at work or in life. We’re raising a generation of lazy ass sissies!



We’re creating a trend that will see country’s that are not as liberal see a window for hostile takeover. If you want peace prepare for war



You have to have heart. I’ve seen a guy box ten rounds I think?
Get almost dismissed in my eyes as losing and hold on after bad cuts in 4th or 5th and show enough hart to win on points! (I think it was 10 rounds memory’s shady. Pretty sure they weren’t allowed 12 rounds even though it was a title fight but small scale) my friend was boxing that night professionally and those small bouts were 4 rounds that’s only gospel I can give.


Good Shit looks done to me

Jungle Spice bud

Strawberry Diesel… looks like bud to me! Finally!


I don’t know about all this. My Dad beat me. Don’t think it did me any good. I don’t beat my daughter. If there’s a problem we talk.


Looking great…you sure that S.D. is S.D.?

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Positive it’s Strawberry Diesel. When I went back a few weeks ago and looked up the strain again, I realized I had ordered a really late flowering sativa. lol I am completely afraid of these 2 plants. They are already higher than the roof and they are just now budding

Just did a trich check… Good Shit has tons of amber on the leaves, but the bud trichs are still mostly clear. So probably a week or two to go still.


S.D. should be a 50/50 hybrid going like 10 weeks or so…interesting…

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Actually if I recall, it’s mostly sativa in it’s make-up. It is a hybrid but almost all sativa

Looked it up, you are correct will lean to the sativa side…1 85% 1 65 % so you are right

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@AllOra for the most part I was being facetious. My mom took punishment to the point of physical abuse, kicking, punching leaving hand prints on my face. I have no tolerance for child abuse. However, I don’t know much, but I’ve watched parents try to reason with 3 year olds having temper tantrums and it’s excruciating and frustrating to watch. I’ve taken enough psych classes in college to know that you can’t reason with a 3 year old they are only developed to the point of their own ego, so it’s pointless. A good old fashioned spanking and a time out is really what they need. I think it really depends on the age of the child too. Spankings become pointless and just abusive at a certain age. Once kids actually develop reasoning skills, there is absolutely no need to spank them.


I believe children come to think of spankings as a form of attention. At some point the parent’s anger/frustration/embarrassment becomes associated with the thing the child wants.
I believe that withholding attention (timeouts) is an effective response in non-public situations. Counting is amazing if the child knows the consequences (toy, activity, dessert deprivation) are real.

Don’t mean to co-opt your thread. Can end or take this to another topic if you’d like.


I was lurking at mr nice many years ago when Neville shoemakers showed up again.
He said with haze when you cross it to haze gives you cat piss. Think someone comented didn’t you like it? I remember clear as day him saying I Suppose it’s ok if you like cat piss!
He gave impression he did not!
Last time I heard he is running Australias medical marijuana project. Guy is gifted a great in my eyes