Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

@anon95954822 it looks like a peanut with fangs! lol I’ve only seen green hornworms.


TAKE HER…sleep well…you know to harvest before sun up right???

Ahhh that’s that most photogenic the plant is in when on the fade! All the oranges,reds and all the other colors of the rainbow :rainbow:!

Some of my lowers are yellow and dropping and occasional pluck! Opened up my plants last week to get light to the lowers!


When did yours start budding Tut? I had good shit at approx July 30th, Cherry Berry White and OG Skunk all early, followed by the Kushage and jungle spice about a week later, botafumeiros and holy punch mid august


1st week of August I noticed a change on most plants but the SBT it was a week or so later!


You can always cut the top halves off and let the sun get into the lower section buds for a week while you trim out what you cut. I do that a lot if it seems like the top is more ripe than the bottom. Big plants tend to shade the bottom half so much that those buds are easily a week behind.

It’ll assure you of some harvest in the case of rippers, but those bottom buds will develop a little more with that sun. Sometimes it’s all they need. I almost aways do it for big plants. peace


Most of them are getting really close to 60 days in flower… I’ll probably start doing that beginning of October. My cousin is coming to stay with Dad for like a week, until Oct 8th I think. I kind of need to wait it out until about then. Except Good Shit, pretty much taking her down on Sunday, the rest of the OG Skunk can wait if need be. Most of the pm was on the branches we harvested and the top isn’t touching any of my other plants. I wish I could finish out the Good Shit, but she’s really getting effed up. I’d rather have some of her now then none later.

Edit: as she stands right now, she’s gonna need H202 even if it crispys her a bit. The pm is pretty bad.


Any chance of cutting just the infected areas or too widespread. It’ll be a lot of work, but the wash will remove the PM. Best vibes girl!


On most of them yes…and now some purple because of the colder temps… but also think I have some mold forming on one plant. :unamused:

@anon95954822 IMO that thing is disgusting and the enemy but with my luck it’s probably beneficial! :joy:



I did not terminate it, but rather transferred it to another spot in the yard… It was interesting to say the least and nowhere near my miniscule and meager outdoors experiment this summer…lol

If it survived long enough to get that big, it deserves a shot to finish it’s life cycle…lol



It gives you a weird mega relaxed feeling @Meesh. Try to imagine a really heavy indica stone but just in the body. No head high at all. :+1:


So, I green cured the Good Shit again last night. It’s hard to tell if it killed the pm or not as the leaves are still white and it may be the solution dried on it. Once I finish my coffee, I’ll go hose the plant down with water and see if she’ll last another week out there.

My sweetie has had a surprise date tonight that he planned for me a few weeks ago. He’s super excited so I’m wondering what kind of event he’s taking me to. I’m sure I’m gonna love it. Anyway, I won’t be spending too much time out there today. Most attention will be spent on my man as he wants to come over early hang out then have dinner before we go.


Just don’t smoke while he’s having dessert unless you’ve already been to the store and not forgot to buy the toothpaste :laughing:


Hahahaha! Oh that’s going down WAAAAY before dessert my friend and long before it’s time for me to smoke! :wink::joy:


Enjoy your night @Meesh. You deserve it :wave:


Thanks, Man! Here’s hoping we don’t injure ourselves before we even go out. This is where Charlotte would come in handy! :laughing:


A 3 some with you and Charlotte haha :rofl:


Someday… sigh… when she’s ready… Us women. Takes us so long to get ready! :joy:


She’s a 10 week bloom indoors. She stacks seriously well. I’d not be surprised if she doubles her bud size she is now before she finishes. I had to tie the buds up because of the weight. Yours looks so much prettier than mine did. She’s a beautiful looking plant. I hope you enjoy her :kissing_heart:


She’s probably not gonna finish until Halloween and she looks so good now! Fingers crossed that she stays that way until the end.