Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Hosed down the Good Shit. I suppose I’ll find out what’s left of her pm once she dries. I would love to see if I can cure her enough even to get her through one more week. Something has been out there digging in my potted plants. It’s not my dog and the paw prints look too big to be my cat. Maybe a raccoon? So hard to know, but this is the city, not like we have bears or anything.

That branch on the Kushage is totally dead. It’s just drying out there and the leaves are falling off. Hope when I cut, she’s not rotting in the main stem cuz the damage looks awful close. Got some sort of crazy fly apocalypse out there this morning too. Like 100’s of houseflies coming off the Kushage when I walk by. Must be the dead branch attracting them. I don’t think flies will screw up anything though right?


You’re good on the flies. It’s that season here too they are everywhere its gross I hate them.


Are maggots not fly larvae???


Just awesome! Wish I had the environment to try this. Great job!!!


Yes! Luckily I missed the maggot portion of the invasion. Flies only live for 24 hours, so they must have done everything over night


Thanks! Appreciate the love!

I don’t think fly’s living for just 24 hours is true @Meesh.


This is certified for organic gardening I’m not a salesman but have mentioned this product several times end your problems with one product . No residual smell or taste . The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator
The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator is a revolutionary green solution that kills and eliminates soft-bodied insects, molds and mildews on your indoor or outdoor gardens. Eliminator is a proprietary formula, hand crafted to ensure quality control. Professional growers use it all year to ensure pest-free, mildew-free plants. Many of them have told us that they realized an increase in yields by not having to combat pests and mildews with toxic or oil-based products and that as a preventative they did not see any pests or mildews even up to the day of harvest.


Yuck! I looked around the backyard to see if something died back there. Nada. No idea why they’re here in such full force.

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Okay Good Shit, still has pm. She won’t be cured. A lot is gone, but a lot still remains. She has a lot of brown spots from caterpillars and I fear it’s turning to bud rot. Damn! She may be okay for another week though. It is impossible to cut out all the affected parts without cutting down the plant. So, I’m in an indecisive limbo again.


If she’s not getting better, the longer you wait the more you’ll lose.


I know if it were me, personally, I would take it down… I know I am not the most experienced to answer…lol Not so much from panic, but just for the sake of salvaging the good while you can… Even though the GS survived a bit of a rocky start, I would hate to see you lose more than necessary… jmho though

Obviously, after Date Night though…lol Enjoy



:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fireworks: :joy:



My surprise date night was seeing Lenny Kravitz at the Shrine! It was fucken Awesome! What a kick ass surprise! He knows Lenny is my ultimate celeb crush! Mmm… he sounded so good that sexy motherfucker!

My man is the best!


Took down the Good Shit. Glad we did as some of the caterpillar damage allowed humidity into the buds as some had rot. We salvaged maybe 1/2 to 2/3 of the plant though. Here is some of the buds after the trimmer. Looking pretty


Our entire haul of Good Shit… the drying rack is 3ft in diameter. I’m gonna guess a pound and a half wet. Very dense, heavy nugs


NICE!!! 20 characters


Man, that trimmer does a nice job! Sorry if it’s been asked, but how long did it take to trim up the good shit in total? And roughly how many batches(?)? I’m thinking it saved you many many hand cramps :joy:


Good for you @AllOra. One should never lay hands on a child. Talking is the way. If that doesn’t work, destroy their iPhone. Works every time. Blessings…



That’s awesome. That was the wonky little seedling did that!?! :thumbsup: