Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

@ganjajuana Yes. She was topped by a bug at birth and pulled through!

@Jay Well, this plant took longer than it should have as she had a lot of damage, so we had to trim her by hand closer than we usually would before the bud bowl trimmer so we could see and cut out the damage. 4 foot plant, took me and Dad about 6 hours to wash all of her buds and trim her. The trimmer takes about 30 secs a batch and I have a larger trimmer the 19" size so it probably trims about an ounce at a time. I am quite certain that it saved us probably 2 hours. In my opinion the trimmer is the best thing since sliced bread! It was worth the investment about 180 bucks, although they sell smaller ones that are less expensive.

Dad was super bummed cutting out the bud rot, of course it took out a lot of the very top colas. Normally, it would be me crying about it, but I already knew that would be the case as thatā€™s why she had to come down early. It is what it is. btwā€¦ the Good Shit smells a-MAZE-ing!


This is just a piece of one of the Good Shit buds. Can only imagine if it wasnā€™t chopped up from rot. They were like donkey dicks. I want to grow this strain again


So, Dadā€™s been doing his own research on curing. Says it a completely anaerobic process, meaning no air is best if you have the ideal humidity. Gonna experiment with my Integra packs on the og skunk that I just jarred the other day. Just gonna keep the pack in there and shake it up every day for 2 weeks then open it and check itā€¦ So far, Iā€™m loving these packs, making my life easier, I love the little indicator cards that come with them so you know when they are worn out and my cured bud this year is tastier and is the perfect level of dryness compared to last year. I really recommend them.


His research suggests not burping? I am concerned about latent bud rot spore. I will want to examine the bud frequently.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m testing a mason jar first. I can see through it and shake it around and such. I can tell when Iā€™ve put them in too early and still need drying pretty quickly. If the buds stick together at all when I shake them, I dump them back out to dry more. Iā€™m not too worried about it. I would assume the more air you keep adding the more chances for rot as well. Iā€™ll let you know how it turns out.


Yeah, thatā€™s all it takes. Just like burping the jar daily for a few minutes to let some humidity escape. In glass jars itā€™s the only way for it to escape is to let it out. Those indicators will allow you to do it precisely. Iā€™d like to try them. Once youā€™re at your target humidity, itā€™ll stay the same as long as the jar remains sealed.

A really good cure makes all the difference between good and great smoke.

Your nugs make me jealous! I didnā€™t get any in the dirt, just pots this yearā€¦no monsters like last year. It was great, I gave a lot of pot away this yearā€¦ that was fun. peace


Iā€™ve gained quite a bit of confidence judging when buds are dry this year after drying and curing all of my autos. Much better at it than I used to be. Canā€™t tell you how much bud I fucked up last year, jarring too early.


I am doing the fuck up phase now. I waited for the twig snap. If the two jars are sticky tomorrow should I put the buds on a screen or would it be too late?


If the nugs snap off the stem without threads, you should be good. No, if the buds are sticking together when you shake the jar then they are too wet. Dump out on a screen for a day, then put them back in. The buds should feel completely dry on the outside but still soft if you squish them, not too soft though.


@GMan I canā€™t wait to give my weed away! Itā€™s so funny! I feel the same way with my cannabis as I do with my flowers and veggies that I grow. Itā€™s a farmer thing! :wink: :grinning:


Sorry @AllOra they should only feel sticky, not moist in any way.


Hmm. Snipped buds off stem. Will judge feel tomorrow. Hmmm. Last time I put off till tomorrow what you said it cost most of my buds.
Ima dump 'em tonight.


Iā€™ll check em at bedtime. They werenā€™t wet before.


Better checking them earlier than later. Only takes a minute. Good Call!


They feel fine. Maybe even a bit too dry. Though only hung for 5 days. Hygrometerā€™s say they are listening to the Boveda 62s.


Hey here is my process. I put them in a drying rack for one night. Then I dry slowly in large Leaf bags. I pin the bags up on a clothes line. I agitate the hanging bag once or twice a day. I then wait 7-14 days typically until the bud stem snaps when bent. Then I jar. Burping daily for two Or three weeks. Super simple. :v:

@Meesh Nice haul of the good shit :+1::v:


I certainly canā€™t fault you on wanting to grow GS againā€¦ looks fantastic @Meeshā€¦

Certainly would be nice to see it with the Pink in itā€¦

I am jealous as a MOFO though, as I bet it tastes as good as it looksā€¦



I was born and raised in Southern Cali, but my grandparents were from the south, farmers. Gramps used to drive me across the country with him to Tennessee to visit family. Anyway, I was taught etiquette dictates that when someone gives you a mason jar full of their goods, usually something homemade, you return the jar after you use it. Basically, saying thanks and that you enjoyed it and a signal to fill it up again.

My point is when one of your farmer friends gives you some good shit in a jar, give the empty back, so they can put more good shit in it. (especially if itā€™s weed) :wink:


What part of Tennessee is your family from? I grew up just south but lived there a time or two when I was young, in east Tennessee. Country as hell, but it sure is pretty.


I lived in Nashville when I was a young teenager. Loved it.
Family still has a farm there. First reefer there.