Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Only about 2 hours away from where I grew up, Birmingham. Nashville is a cool town, too.


Dry to the touch outside and still springyā€¦if you donā€™t have a screen brown paper bags can work with paper strips between layers. For large batches I have heard of using the oven bags to cure but not store as they leak slowly(?).


with fan leaf or without ? does your method vary according to humidity? Are you covering the plants with the bag or placing them in it and catching anything that falls in?


@Olbrannon I take all the fan leaf off Before putting on the drying rack. The method does vary a little depending on humidity. Hot days of summer I might leave them on the rack for an extra day. In the winter I sometimes put right into the leaf bag. I put the buds in the leaf bag directly not over top.


The way I cure is to trim all the fans off while harvesting leaving the tops long as possible . Then I hang upside down on trellis nets in a dark well ventilated drying room until any remaining leaf snaps off with ease . When dry enough I place in plastic totes to cure I open the totes every day for a couple of hours until trimming . After trimming I jar up my personal stash so I can burp every couple of days until I feel all danger of mold is past . The rest is placed in one gallon zips and placed back in totes up right where I can open to test cure . If you find things are to dry a tortilla tossed inside the totes with zips open and lid tight overnight makes for perfect smoke . I do the same for jars that are to dry a 1/4 of a tortilla overnight will take care of any dryness .


Thatā€™s cool, never heard of that before.


Me eitherā€¦ we used to put a small piece of an orange peel inside a bag of too dry pot. Works the same. Very even humidity.


Even if they are those tiny jars full of rosin. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Orange peel works perfect for small amounts but when dealing with larger harvest a bag of tortillas is real handy and fast . I prefer flour corn has a heavy odor and oily ? If you forget the tortilla which can happen when stoned it wonā€™t hurt anything they just dry up .


I have an sister in law that uses piece of bread to maintain humidity levels in a curing jar.


Wow, wheat poisoned weed. Another reason to stick to my own. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@GMan and @SamwellBB My family is closest to Chattanooga. I am in love with that state! Itā€™s like Cali in the sense that every part of the state is completely different. The only part I havenā€™t seen is Nashville and itā€™s on my bucket list. I am madly in love with Memphis! Itā€™s the only place Iā€™ve ever considered packing up and moving to outside of Cali and Iā€™ve done quite a bit of traveling in my lifetime. That city just thrills me beyond measure. If the weather wasnā€™t so brutal, I would have packed up and moved there 20 years ago.


Trichome check revealedā€¦ Kushage will be the first one ready, cloudy some clearā€¦ Next will be Jungle Spice and Cherry Berry White Clear some cloudy. Botafumeiros and Holy Punch and Charlotteā€™s Angel all clear.

Iā€™m guessing 2 weeks for the Kushage, 2 or 3 for JS and CBW. 3 or 4 for Botafumeiros and Holy Punchā€¦ Halloween at least for the CBDā€¦

Canā€™t wait to get the main harvest over with! Anyone know how long it usually takes from part clear to all cloudy?


Good call chopping this one early. I usually harvest very early outdoors because the rainy season is so intense where I live. It sucks throwing colas away because of rot, but one of the most important things I learned early on about growing outdoor is to plan for losses and expect some plants or strains to fail. I try to have diverse strains and high enough plant numbers to ensure a harvest in even the worst conditions.

This year my system has been kind of thrown off because Iā€™m doing an outdoor breeding project.
I would love to chop my outdoor crop early like this, but itā€™s heavily seeded, and most of the seeds are still immature and green. Iā€™m losing a few colas every day from heavy rain causing bud rot.

Fortunately, the fact that itā€™s a breeding project kind of lowers the stakes, in that Iā€™m not actually going to be smoking it. Iā€™ll get a ton of seeds no matter what, so the overall yield becomes a lot less important.
my plan is to dry everything thoroughly to ensure good viability for the seeds, shuck them from the buds, and make hash with most of the material.


Yeah, I was really glad I carried through instead of waiting. There would have been nothing left. I grew 5 more plants than I intended. Thought more of the regs I planted would be male, got lucky and only had to pull one. I was so bent out of shape and upset when I got the caterpillar invasion, but now Iā€™m okay. Was feeling really greedy about my haul. Realized that I was being ridiculous. I think I will always plant 2 or 3 more than I need for this very reason in future years. You canā€™t really beat Mother Nature on some things. Despite my preventive BT sprays, they still ended up hatching in between and devastating a few plants anyway. My Jungle Spice has quite a few big brown spots from them too, I really noticed today, but she has no pm or fungus on her and I donā€™t see what looks like bud rot starting at this point. Simply the brown spit chunks. Good Shit got bud rot because of the pm after the caterpillar damage. Thatā€™s what screwed her up. Hoping the JS stays fungus free a few more weeks. Iā€™ll lose some of her, bud not to rot. That shit is invasive and spreads, the caterpillar spit does not.


I think you saved a lot of your harvest by staying on top of the bud rot. If you donā€™t keep up with removing it as it appears, it can cascade through the whole plant in just a couple days. It seems like youā€™ve been very diligent.

it is frustrating, but itā€™s all part of the outdoor game. I like to grow a few old school landraces alongside my hybrids because the loose, open buds tend to be very resistant to rot and mildew.


Iā€™m hoping my strawberry diesel buds are like that, cuz she barely started. Have my fingers crossed. They have a long ways to go


Just took another serious look at the jungle spice. She does have bud rot. I cut off like half of one of her colas tonight. She too is coming down earlyā€¦ tmw. Iā€™m pretty sure the Cherry Berry White has some too, but she is like 5 times larger that the good shit or the JS so I think she can manage a few more weeks before I chop her, although that seems to change on the daily right now.

I was wrong. The caterpillar spots do cause bud rot


If it is dead leaves you are calling caterpillar damage/ spit etc, alot of time a dead leaf is telling you there is rot further inside the bud.


Nah, not like the Kushage. That had damage on the branch. Iā€™m talking big brown crumbly hunks of bud that are rotting to the stems and killing off the rest of the bud. Once we get the cage off the JS tmw. I can assess all of the branches and buds for damage. If some are unaffected, Iā€™m gonna leave them on the plant for as long as I can.