Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Hi guys! Well, without the craperpillar damage I would have never seen the bud rot before it was too late. Only got about half of the Jungle Spice. It had rot even in areas not affected by bugs. If it never had been damaged, I wouldn’t have noticed rot at all until it rotted all the way from inside to outside. If it had gone that far, the whole plant would have been lost. Glad I got as much bud as I did. Lesson here is… no more highly dominant Indica strains outdoors for this girl. It’s become quite apparent that the super dense, thick buds don’t hold up to the humidity here. There is nothing more depressing than seeing what looks like a perfect bud on the outside the width of your hand and having to cut away chunks and chunks of it cuz it’s rotten inside. That was a bummer. I was moaning and groaning today like Dad was when we were trimming the Good Shit.

Sent the jacked up branch of Kushage home with Dad today, it was almost dry. Dad called and told me a few hours later that the flavor is the best and it’s his fave right now. lol The tiny small branch I tried was good, so I can imagine what it’s like now a few weeks later. I’m worried about her too, May have to cut the top of the plant on her, the leaf is all falling off the bud up there. Dog Forbid, she rots. I’ll cry for that.

Edit: if I want Indicas… autos are the ticket.


Nice to see your Pops is enjoying your harvest… I wish I could share a bowl or 5 with my Dad… maybe someday, but I doubt it…lol

Always a learning curve… but you’re dealing with it, and making good decisions it seems…



Funny part is… I’ve never smoked with Dad. We both go our separate ways to smoke. lol

Always learning out there! I know I’ve been bitching and whining lately, but I still love it. I do prefer learning lessons with my veggies and flowers though, rather have botrytis on a pepper than mold on my cannabis!

Oh yeah, Dad likes the pot cookies. Says they are mellow and nice, not too strong. Maybe I’ll make some more then and try one myself.


Bwahahaha… that is Fn funny… It just seems you 2 are so tight, I ASSumed you did smoke together…

I chalk that up to passion, and caring about what you are growing… nothing more… and a lot of people here are available to help when things get confusing… MoNa is tough sometimes…lol… Actually, I’ll say it, “She’s a Bitch !!!”…lol

I was curious how the Cannabutter turned out… Mine turned out pretty mellow and mild as well, but nice… I wish I had the recipe my buddy had from about 20+ years ago, because that kicked my ass… half-cookie and pretty much ready for a wheelchair…lol



No No! No ambulatory edibles for me! :joy: No kick my ass edibles. No No! Slow and low, that is the tempo…
I’m fearful of the mellow already. I’m a wuss. :chicken:


I took that into consideration when I suggested an ounce to a pound of butter. It’s a good dose that you can feel, but not so much as to make you anxious.

This is one of the reasons I use tinctures in my edibles. I know what a good dose of tincture is, so I can multiply that dose by the number of servings.


I made some a few days ago and it doesn’t have a bad smell at all. The opposite, in fact.

On the other hand, I made some a few months ago and it was nasty - because I didn’t use enough water and I cooked it at a medium-low boil.

The goal this time around was to use plenty of water and “barely a simmer”. The results are WAY better than the last time.


Got the munchies last night and made good ole toll house chocolate chip cookies. Realized that the regular recipe calls for twice the amount of butter than the peanut butter chocolate chip ones that I made with cannabutter did. Aha! I can make that recipe for mellow cookies and my man has requested some with double the cannabutter for his. I’m on to something here.

Now @ReikoX is it possible for me to infuse coconut oil the same exact way? I’m thinking some good old thc infused coconut oil would be nice for a massage oil for aches and pains make the skin nice and tingly. I’m gonna have so much trim I may as well use it.


So these two look ready to come down… Kushage and Cherry Berry White


Warning Bud porn XXX


Holy Punch

Strawberry Diesels taking hold

DBHP stacking

Mighty Charlottes angel cbd @Esrgood4u


Sure is, I usually infuse coconut oil and replace the butter in my recipes with it.


I’m assuming here is where instead of the fridge to separate at the end, I would need to freeze it, Correct?

I like to freeze it myself, but a fridge works too. It is generally solid at room temperature.


Thanks! How much oil do you think? Like one of the small jars from Traders per ounce?

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That should go, I usually eyeball it. :smiling_imp:


Yeah, I don’t have a scale… I eyeball it too… Kinda like horseshoes and hand grenades? lol

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Blue Dream autos… Day 66 coming down Sunday


Wow! Testing the Good Shit. It’s strong! Had to sit down on the first hit. If not my legs would’ve buckled. Very intense head high, plus major body tingles. Been about 5 or 10 minutes and still not sure if I have steady legs yet. I’m too fucking high to describe anything else… I’ll come back when I can move and I’m not seeing bright colors.


Wanna wheelchair…lol who needs cookies…lol



Haha that’s funny does that strain have some Thai genetics in it ?