Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

So, I just paused the movie I’m watching to go smoke. Except, I don’t smoke anymore. That’s the random cig related crap I do now, even after 8 weeks. I’ve done this several times. I miss smoking. Sigh.


Stay strong dear lady. I still have my addiction. You are inspiring me to do better, I am rooting for you.


Luckily, I’m too stoned and lazy to smoke. That would require driving to the store and buying cigs first. I’d have to put my bra back on and that’s just asking too much. Instead I’m eating the bag of Fritos that my man stashed. :laughing: Pretty soon I’ll need a VW cover to wear as a dress, but dammit, I’ll be cig free! :sweat_smile:


You got this. The rest will fall into place :v:


I hope the jack stretches through the top trellis or it could be all floppy flopping before Halloween.

Glad to see the garden… I’m barely making it work out here in the rain :umbrella: …. Make it to week 5 & then :dash: poof! Budrot & PM & “sooty mildew” :nauseated_face:

I too am hoping your success will catapult me in the same way… constant rain means more smoking of all things it seems.

It’s surprising to me how some miss it & others don’t; I was on break while working on a friend’s dad’s house & we were discussing the subject… my coworker didn’t miss it at all but the “customer”(his uncle) was dumbfounded & said “I miss it every fuckin day.” :neutral_face:. His wife died young from smoking/cancer.
I wonder how much of the yearning was more for the time spent together puffing away rather than paying 50c to smell like shit & feel relaxed & half sick. 🥸

:evergreen_tree:. *Deep thoughts by cannabissequoia *


Bummer on the rot. Guess you’ll have to build yourself a temp controlled greenhouse.

Jack will be fine on the trellis. Ample support no matter what happens at this point. I’ve had quite a few plants this size.

I think I only really miss the smoking ritual and the 2 out of 20 cigs that I actually enjoyed. Most of the stuff that comes along with smoking I don’t miss at all. Certainly nice not being a slave to it anymore. Boy am I glad vaping never took, I’d just be slave to another annoying habit.


I don’t know where my man finds all this cool junk but me thinks I need a flower tower out of at least one of these


Bubble gum…it begins


One way to quit smoking tobacco is every time you get the urge to light a cigarette, smoke weed until it goes away. You also want to avoid coffee and alcohol, especially coffee. Drink caffeine during acute nicotine withdrawals, and you’ll be wide awake and much more aware of every sensation.


Well I’m a coffee fiend and pretty much always have a cup in my hand so… Being high is when I fiend the most for cigs. I’m not much of an alcohol drinker as my man is sober so on the rare occasion I have a cocktail it doesn’t trigger me. I don’t associate the 2 in my head lol

Regardless, whatever I’m doing is working because I’ve been cig free for 70 days now :hugs:


Yay u go girl 70 days is awesome, looks like flower is right around the corner for u can’t wait to see the monsters u grow this year :sunglasses:

We just harvested today, just in time for the move, hopefully will be locking down the new place soon fingers crossed.


You trying for a house? Good luck to you guys wherever you roam though


Thankfully, the worst of it is behind you.


That’s another thing that keeps me from starting back up, I’d have to quit again! lol Screw that! It’s too hard. It’s just better for my health to just think about and miss smoking instead of actually doing it. I know that I can’t have just one. If I said I could, it would just be the junkie in me lying. :sweat_smile:


A couple new concrete planters. I’m pretty obsessed with these head type.


Once your yard is full of head planters you’ll need to find some shrooms & have a tea party :crazy_face:



That was the original plan has changed some the market is crazy rn so we are going to rent for another year since we will be moving out of state, want to get familiar w the area get jobs established the biggest thing is my son is going into high school so need to get him registered.

We are also moving to an illegal state which kind of sux but won’t stop us either just have to keep it hush hush. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@potpotpot One of my dahlias got a flower


Nice! I like the striping on the petals! Also I love single blooms, they always look so delicate. :+1:

Here’s one for you, from my wife’s echeveria. Pardon the skewer, didn’t think to take a pic until it was chopped haha.


Love it! Does she ditch the flowers? Some people just like the leaves. I love the flowers! I have a cool black knight blooming now out there. I’ll get a pic tomorrow.

Edit- forgot that I took one today

And the first flower from my tuberous begonias