Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

I love the pergola. It creates a really nice vibe and actually gives you real shade. You guys continue to rock your yard. Hey, the bamboo in the nets will start the tropical vibe, too! irie, mon! heh, peace


Love the yard it looks like the perfect place to just relax w loved ones :purple_heart:


Baby spiral bud pics

Bubble gum

Sour diesel

This frosty ass Gg4 ril


Did you forget that last one in the freezer? Can’t wait to see it finish.


Right?! Is that normal this early? None of the other plants are doing that. :joy: That plant is gonna be dank AF


So Amazon totally ad targeted me and won. Just received my packages and had a whole lot of fun with them today. New planters for my succulents


Happy to see you made use of your scavenged giant Jenga set!
Morning glories are great, the ultimate low care flower haha. They rarely reseed for me, I wish they would just take the yard over lol. I have no idea what type this one is, this was a “dump out all the seed packs with a couple seeds and see what happens” type of year.


:joy: :tent:


@Meesh maybe you can have this lady over & talk about taxes. :rofl:

Sure is all gentrified-like now. :+1:



All together. Just love them. So 1970’s

Got a new geranium too. Decorating the pergola lol hydrating the new transplant.

In the garden transplanting stuff. Prepare for some succulent bombs in a few.


Plant hack… Drywall tape. Keeps the soil from falling through but still allows drainage.



So, I was just inside the net, feeling up the plants, watering and such. Everything is budding now. Some farther along than others. Got 2 different smells on 2 different sour diesel stem rubs. One was a def lime scent and the other sort of a camphor/chem smell. The love fire aka the beast still is the most interesting and it’s driving me crazy that I can’t completely describe it yet. Everytime I go in there I sniff the hell out of it. Def BBQ meat, pepper and vanilla :rofl: probably sounds gross, but it’s actually really wonderful in it’s uniqueness. You getting any weird smells @SamwellBB ? I’ve got one hell of a mighty plant over here. See stem pic… It looks like an elephant foot

A few more shots of her

And the SSDDBX she is also beastly she’s super wide and branchy and leafy. She barely started budding now, about 6 feet tall.

I really should get in there and do one last prune on both of these before it’s too late. They are really dense inside. Since they were last in the ground they were pruned the least.

Actually gonna get a cup of coffee and do it now while it’s overcast and not so hot.


Sweating my ass off. Got the love fire and SSDDBX pruned out though. Some of you would have a heart attack if you saw how many tiny branches of starting bud I cut off. :joy: Once you do this for awhile it’s not heart breaking anymore. I can just look at it and tell what will become larf and scraggly. All those small inside branches and stuff. They’ll never get enough light to do more than be a pita to trim and waste plant energy that could go to the colas. Besides some bottom leaves it’s too late to prune the bubble gum, cheese, gg4 ril or the sour diesel anymore. They are 2 weeks into bud. Don’t prune branches and such after that. You don’t want the plant wasting energy on repairs only bud formation.


Check them out now, that’s a comparison for ya… So beautiful :heart: just a lovely canopy of bud now

Love Fire :heart::fire:



The SSDDBX has a weird looking structure. Only because she had some really strong bottom branches that made it all the way up the canopy and some in the middle that weren’t really worth a shot. So it’s kind of lopsided menorah with a few missing in the middle lol. Still a whole lot of potential starting there on the top though.


:joy: This is one of my favorite parts of growing. They’re always so complicated & surprising when trying a new one. They say terroir plays a role in their expression but I’m growing one in ProMix with synthetics & I grew a few in CA in the living ground…totally different humidity levels, and to my nose they’re the same. :neutral_face:

And then they play games when you dry & cure… starting out fruity, moving to onions & hay, then back to fruity but gassy or skunky :sweat_smile: That’s fun too.

You haven’t mention your favorite :bug: crappertillars yet this year :+1:



What height is the c99 now @Meesh. She must be boring you as she’s not getting much attention :rofl:
Once she’s pushing out trichomes I can assure you from the smell she gives off she’ll be your favourite. :+1:


@cannabissequoia I haven’t mentioned caterpillars because I don’t have any! Woot! Didn’t build that huge contraption in the backyard for nothing!

@Esrgood4u I’m not bored with it, silly man! It barely started to bud along with the Jack Herer. It just hadn’t changed much until like 2 days ago so there was nothing to report. It’s 5 feet tall and my guess is it will be all bud. I have mostly been going around in a circle showing like 2 plants a day. I’ll post more pics this weekend. :grin:


Exciting times my first outdoor plant is starting to flower now starting to throw pistols everywhere survived almost 2 months of 110+ degree heat but have had a real nice break in the weather just in time for flower :grin: glad to hear your nets are working I’m going to be spraying bt religiously so she doesn’t get bud rot might try to build something like you have for next year and be a bit more prepared absolutely love your setup now I know it’s possible to grow here in az, excited to see those trees of yours in a few weeks in full flower much love and happy growing @Meesh


Nice! Let’s see it!