Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

Will get some good photos tomorrow morning :grin:


Out in the garden this fine Saturday! Nothing new there. :grin:

Always watering to be done. A bunch of weeding and pruning as well, but the limited mobility because of my knee doesn’t allow for too much at a time so the planters are all pretty messy again. Sitting under the new pergola assembling like my 8th plant stand for all my potted succulents because I’m ridiculous and the collection just grows and grows…

Hopefully you are all having a great weekend so far


Well, the damn plant stand is defective. Gonna see if dad can save it tmw or if I have to pack it back up and return it.

So, I said screw it and laid in the hammock for awhile singing Journey and Hall and Oates songs at the top of my lungs for awhile. Gotta love my new garden speakers! I’m sure my neighbors do too! :metal::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My sweet man came home with vanilla shakes for us. Then he weed wacked the pathway inside the net. He’s the best. I’m very blessed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::revolving_hearts:

My man is a romantic so I find little things like this stashed around the garden

Not to mention the back garden wall…



We got some frost on the bubble gum

Here is Cindy. She’s barely started. Love her razor leaves!

Jack Herer here. Her and C99 are very similar. Both barely started. Both are gonna be compact but mighty. I expect huge yields on both.

Just a view from inside

So, SSDD BX, Love Fire and Chemdawg were last to bud. Notes for my records. Barely a week now.

Just noticed my dog , Cas , photo bombing the last pic.


Okay guys, I’ve been guessing on the height of the plants. 4 of them are 8 feet. I thought the ceiling was 10 it’s only 8’7". We are going to run out of room.


I’m very curious what your approach is to the height problem. I love the PVC plant stand/cover supports. Really hope to do something like that next year, it’s beautiful.

Happy plants!

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I have no idea! :rofl:

The trellises are basically like an outdoor SCROG. Same concept, just giant version. :grin:


Keep bending them down tie them if ya have to.


I’m hoping now that they are in full flower they are gonna stop stretching and just focus on bud formation. I feel like they stretched for quite awhile. Like over a month.


I dig watching my plants change from veg to bud. It’s so interesting just watching the life cycle of a plant in general but cannabis is so unique. Right now the plants are shedding all of their lower fans where I had shaved their legs because they don’t need them anymore. They have hit a period of senescence and they are yellowing at the bottom. By the end of bud so many leaves are gone. Kinda like us and gray hair. lol. All the microbes are scrambling around right now looking for different nutrients for bud time. Plants looking a bit confused. All starting to stack though. Reminder to add some seabird guano to the gg4 ril for bud. Although every leaf on her is perfection. It’s one good looking plant if nothing else. Leafy as hell, gonna suck to trim.

It came to me on the Love Fire today. It’s sour milk and BBQ meat. That’s the smell. Funky AF. Can’t wait.

Dad put together my new cheapy raised bed. It was only like 30 bucks for this thing!


Nice. We built raised beds out of scrap lumber. I also used rocks to make a terrace that is still holding up. As far as materials go, there aren’t many wrong answers, provided they work.


So, it seems that the C99 really likes her feet wet. She gets really bitchy at the slightest dry out.

Gg4 ril still proving to be the easiest container plant I’ve ever grown. I still haven’t added a pk boost and not a fading leaf on her. A simple water only girl. I love it as I’m lazy AF these days. lol

SSDD BX and Chemdawg very slowly budding. Most of the others are starting to stack. Especially the Sour diesel ,bubble gum and GG4 ril they’ll be the first to harvest I’m sure. I believe I read only 63 days on the GG4, the way she is progressing I believe it will be right about that, even outdoors.

Also seems like they have stopped stretching for the most part. The colas are gonna get big, hopefully I don’t have to get on the ladder and tie them down


Nothing thrills me more than this though… My lone monkey tail cactus is now 3! Those 2 are growing in fast too!

A few succs looking cool


It’s cool to unexpectedly get another plant.

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I’m thrilled! People in my succulent groups made it sound like you had to cut it to make more tails. Stoked it puts pups out on its own. If I get 2 for every 1 it’ll get big and overflowing in a few short years. :grin: This cactus is so bitchen with lots of furry flowing tails.


So, some sort of disease or mildew has hit some of my plants. Not my cannabis, that’s all fine, but my tomatoes for one. The leaves look mottled with a really weird shiny stuff on them. No idea what it is but I think I’m going to pull the tomatoes up cuz it freaks me out. It hit my catmint plant as well. Really weird looking.


Could you post a pic for the record? Hope you get rid of ASAP … beer3|nullxnull


We got Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on the right coast… and our catnip got something else, but none of the other mints? Been a weird year in the garden. Most of the flowers are doing better than usual… farmin’ lol!


So in the succulent and cacti world yellowing can mean either overwatered or underwatered. Complicated mofos. In my case, I’ve been underwatering, thinking the yellow was from overwatering. I have plumped most of my plants back up, but killed a few indoor ones. Oh well, excuse to buy more. :rofl: Killed my Buddha’s temple, rat tail cactus and the Chinese dunce cap. This kinda cracks me up as I’ve always been an epic overwaterer. Seems I’ve become a bit too comfortable with litfa these days.


The LITFA overdose/underdose :thinking: (I’ve no idea if it’s too much or not enough :rofl:) is a thing.