Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

Remind me what gg4 tastes like, guys. It’s been a while. The one I have smells fairly putrid. Can’t identify the funk at all


Very distinct taste, once you taste it you should not forget it.


I never got putrid from GG # 4
not one of the really stinky strains - at least for me
been awhile though


Found a grasshopper today. I made him dead. Hopefully he was the one and only. Motha Fucka. Don’t want a swarm of locusts either. First hopper I’ve ever seen in my garden.

Pergola rules! Sitting with shade and a nice breeze :nerd_face: a couple hours before sundown here in the West.


We all of the sudden have them (hoppers). Lots of little ones but I saw a trophy 3 incher today. I treated the property with NOLA bait and it’s supposed to continue working as new ones hatch. They eat each other so when ine gets sick with the fungus he gets sick and eventually dies. All of the ones who forage on the sick ones get it and die and they call it the gift that keeps giving.

That was the year before I bought the place and there was a hopper invasion. Really glad I stopped them then.

I love your flowers and succulents.


Nasty sons of bishes! Glad you did too. I read if you don’t kill them all, they’ll pass your location genetically forever.


We’ve had a influx of grass hoppers lately I see my porch plant has been getting sampled by something .


They like pot, too. They mostly eat the large fans, but if they get thick they can strip a plant. Most of us here are too anal to not see that coming, but it’s possible.

If they get bad, like here, they were all over that year, check out the NOLA bait. It’s all natural.


:partying_face: yay! Glad we picked the right one for this run lol and glad she’s showing up for you. Most of these seem to go 9-10 weeks indoors with the occasional 11-weeker, but ive never ran them outside so not sure how long she’ll take out there. Very interesting on the taking longer to flower than the other plants save for the Chem :thinking: ssdd definitely has Chem in it so maybe it’s something from that lineage :thinking:

Either way, your garden and plants look absolutely glorious and I love seeing all the pics. Living the outdoor life vicariously through your pics :laughing:


Yeah, she’s looking like end of October. I’m hoping it’s not super humid and dewy this year and she doesn’t end up with bud rot or mildew. Mornings get pretty wet here usually starting sometime in Sept. Fingers crossed!


Just did some research on GG4. It describes the smell as "Earthy, Sour, Chocolatey, Chemical’ Yeah, that’s exactly it. Sour with that chocolate smells nasty to me. The chocolate was what I couldn’t identify.


Hey @Meesh succulents are looking great! What is the name of the first one pictured? I love that one. Had one for a while, and when it finally flowered it died! The flowers were gorgeous though


I believe it’s echeveria desmetiana. It’s bad I rarely ever label them unless they came with a stick label. A few here and there I’ll remember but most I don’t.

Yesterday I ordered an infamous “boobie” cactus to go with my penis cactus. My life is now complete :rofl:


What a great idea


I just saw an ad recently for little plastic disks that do the same thing but they wanted like a buck a piece. That roll will last forever. It works great too!


A bunch of my lithops randomly started dying. Exploded and turned into mush. Even though I have not watered them since June. I have a bunch by the kitchen sink and I think any splashes from doing the dishes and steam from the coffee maker did them in. They are so finicky and hard to grow. I’m certain I did not water them in the wrong season and my man isn’t allowed to water any plants.


Was just out watering my garden and there is a collective weed smell coming from the net. I’d describe it as a strong funky sour that finishes with vanilla. It’s very strange, but I do have a large amount of plants with a sour note to them this year. Completely opposite of that is my favorite spot inside the net between the SSDDbx and the C99 now that they are throwing scents. It’s like a delicious fruity citrusy candy store. lol

All the plants are in frost mode. I read somewhere that trichomes are the natural sunscreen of cannabis. It makes sense as it’s the hot part of summer here and the ladies are drinking like camels

I owe you all some more pics. Coming this weekend at ya!


Behold my boobie cactus! :grinning:


Why do I feel like I need to give it a squeeze??? :rofl:


I did. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’m going to squeeze it again once I plant it too