Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

frosteeeeeeee :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


stay strong


Trust me ur not missing anything you’re doing great congrats on 4 months plants look great btw


Just did patches for 10 weeks, im at day 4 off the patches, nicotine free. I yearn to smoke/vape again :laughing:


It passes. Been 6+ years now. Glad you guys didn’t wait for your heart to tell you to quit.


Good for you! Congrats!


I don’t know what in the hell this is on the love fire but I cut the whole branch off.

I noticed it because of these droopy funky yellows

Didn’t want it to spread so I cut the whole branch off

Some funky mold or borer of some kind. I don’t see it anywhere else on the plant so far. Crossing my fingers this was the lot of it and it doesn’t start coming up through all of the stems. This plant has 2 or 3 weeks to go from what I can tell.


Maybe it was damaged in some sort and bothrytis attacked the weak wound, hope it was that and not stem rot, wise reaction cutting it off … beer3|nullxnull


The bud all looks perfectly fine. I cut all around it and it’s only on that part of the branch. Washed most of the bud in peroxide. I’ll smoke it prematurely once it dries. I did throw away the small branch and bud that was on it though. That piece I consider larf anyway. I would have tossed it instead of trimming it, so I really didn’t lose anything. However I worry that it’s some sort of systemic mold starting.


The first time I grew them into big trees, I had this huge strain called Kushage. Right near the end of bud, a huge chunk of the whole plant turned yellow like that and all the leaves dropped. Could never find any damage whatsoever to the main stem or branches. Was the weirdest thing. My guess is a portion of the roots got damaged. Funny thing is that part of the plant was the tastiest of all the bud. Maybe from the high stress


I’ve quit smoking before (only to start back up), and one thing that worked for me (on the occasion that I had any success) was ever time I got a craving, I would smoke weed until it went away. That’s not a feasible permanent solution, but it will get you through the most difficult times.


It’s not difficult at 4 months in per se. My cravings aren’t sharp, fiendy or persistant, but more like a longing that never really goes away. It’s a lot different from the beginning cravings. People claim that stops at around 6 months. We shall see.


Pretty sure that is fusarium :thinking:



Damn. Well it is very common in humid areas. I’m pretty sure that’s what did the tomatoes in.

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Hmm probably should sterilize all your tools & not reuse/replant in the same spot.

Iirc, trichoderma fungi is sometimes used as a treatment. With pots I just chuck the soil way down my lot :man_shrugging: & in ground bomb it with worm compost & cross fingers.

You don’t get much freezing so the downside is pests don’t get frozen to death every winter…even worse out here in the tropical Petri dish.

I wonder whose garden got all your old caterpillar friends? :sweat_smile: surely they settled somewhere else nearby.



Good for you! I’ve not had that much success without nicotine replacement. Gold star! :muscle: :+1:

Garden is beautiful as it always seems to be. Sorry to see your fusarium, I’m happy to have learned a bit about it though.

I think they made an attempt to move to the desert, where they found a frustrated gardener armed with BT, a UV flashlight and a bad attitude. :rofl:


Haven’t found anymore rot. Dad isn’t as insane about wiping down the clippers between plants as I am. I’m gonna bitch at him tomorrow. lol. I don’t think the fusarium was in the soil. I think was airborne. Dad has been pruning leaf like crazy and I think some spores flew in a wound. At least I really hope so cuz so far so good on the rest .

The sour diesel scent has majorly developed and reeks super nasty like, but a good nasty. Major fuel, lime and cat piss scent coming from it. I can’t seem to smell anything else because this plants nasty overpowers the others. Even the grape ape that has been the stinkiest even in veg has nothing on this sucker. The chemdawg has no smell yet compared to the others.

Harvest is coming up quickly here. Today’s Trich check gives them a week, but I’ve had that turn into days lol. This is the beginning of week 8 for some and they look real close.

@SamwellBB Love Fire is gonna be a pretty early outdoor plant here. It’s looking like an 8 week strain at peak. Longer for heavy amber. Pretty typical hybrid time me thinks!


Some succulent pics for today. I’ll get some more bud shots tmw

That weird bulb spit out these. The first shoot just burnt up. I thought that was gonna be it then it shot out these 2 and threw leaf in like 2 days after the first shoot took like 2 months. I’m excited though. It was just a bulb for the longest time.

New variegated ghost :ghost: plant

New Buddha’s temple. I killed the last one. Trying it outside this time

Pickle plant and a close up of it’s cool flower

Variegated million hearts


Bud rot on the cheese and grape ape. Grape ape is coming down tmw. Cheese on Saturday


Damn, sorry Meesh, outside is harder huh!