Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

Sorry to hear that @Meesh. Taking them early and hanging them the trichomes continue to change/degrade so at least you get something from your plants. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: the rest make it through to harvest. :v:


They are all super close to finished so it will be fine. 5 am waiting to take down grape ape. I hate morning and trimming


Gonna cover all the soil under the net after harvest for a good half a year. If I’ve got mold in my soil hopefully it will kill it by next May. Best I can do aside from skipping a year and solarizing in the dead of summer. In the meantime, plants will get harvested at partly cloudy trichs. Whatcha gonna do? It will still be fire. It always is.


Buds are hanging under the fan after washing in peroxide. Bored and tired waiting for them to dry enough to start trimming. Thank dog, Dad likes to cut the buds off the plant and wash them. I just set everything up, trim and do clean up


Boo to bud rot! Least things are close…

Are you chopping everything now? How’s the SSDDBX doing?


Just a thought, but removing everything dead, and a couple of sulfur sprays might do the trick without having to cover? @JoeCrowe … Mr. Mold :slight_smile:


If we’re talking botrytis… never let water fall on your plant. It thrives on moisture! You can sterilize botrytis with sulfur and limit the spore count. Most important though is keeping water off the plant. If I had my plants outside, and not in the greenhouse, they would be moldy with brown stems by now.
OK So if you are outside, and making seeds, but the bud mold is going to destroy your plant before the seeds mature, you can spray sulfur on the plant and the buds. It’ll kill off the bud mold and the seeds will form. Never spray on buds you are going to smoke. Use elemental sulfur.


Good advice Joe


So, we only do one plant at a time. Grape ape is done. That plant was a dream to trim as it pretty much trimmed itself while it budded. That was one of the very first plants to start budding so it was only early to those of you who like lots of amber. I would have preferred another week for all cloudy trichs but mother nature said no. lol.

My man was home from work today by like 8:30 am and even one extra person trimming speeds up the process exponentially. All the bud was big palm sized pieces and it was super dense. Zero larf on the plant.


@HolyAngel The SSDDBX has a minimum of 2 weeks to go before it can even be taken early if need be. So far, it is holding up really good. I’m pretty sure it’s at the end of week 6 and it looks it. It’s pretty filled in now and starting to fatten up.

We are a stone’s throw from October and I’m not really worried about anything I may have to harvest early. The cheese is coming down Saturday, it’s the other one with bud rot starting. The GG4 ril is pretty much done and the bubble gum is probably coming down on Sunday. Any sign of mold anywhere and I’m pulling them. Once it shows it spreads really fast.


Btw … the grape ape bud is taking up 2 layers of my drying rack. Just by an educated guess, I’ll get about a pound once it’s dry. It’s super dense and heavy :grin:


I’m getting rot on my denser plants now too. Thinking I’ll be taking my first plant down Saturday. As much as it sucks to have to pull early, it just means we are gonna get to smoke them sooner!


Yup. Southern Cali Bro, it is what it is. The sooner the better. Once it’s there you can go from losing 3 or 4 colas to losing half of the plant overnight. That happened to my blue dream last year. It was the smallest yield I’ve ever had from one of my trees this far. I thought I could wait a few days and it went up like it had been on fire. Mold fire lol.

Anyway, happy harvest my friend! Let’s do a yule time strain swap like we discussed. That will be fun!

Edit- just noticed yours is in the stem already. Eek! Get that one down stat


Almost forgot to take a pic of my crazy cactus flower. This is on a stapelia and my first. Part of this plant is rotted, part of it sunburned, been trying to figure it out. Most of the flower buds fell off without opening. So far only this one made it

Tom thumb crassula blooming


Yeah, taking that plants tops down tomorrow morning. Removed the top and trashed the one pictured there. Last year I grew a couple pure indica plants and lost 2/3’s of them. It’s crazy how fast it moves. Definitely down to come visit come holiday time this year! Looking forward to it.


We had the garage open with the grape ape hanging in front of the fan. My man said he smelled it at the front curb when he pulled up from work today. Stinky plant! I’m so looking forward to smoking it


You can always do an alcohol extract for edibles. Bud rot sucks, but it doesn’t have to be a total loss.


Cheese is down, trimmed and in the drying rack. I’m completely irritated with my man right now as he didn’t show any respect for the bud today. We all hate trimming and harvesting but we don’t half ass things. His trim was complete shit. Tons of bud leaf left on the buds. I go and check the drying rack and he has just haphazardly thrown bud in to dry without spacing the buds, piling them on top of each other. Just asking for fucking mold. It’s already gonna take twice as long to cure with all that leaf aka more chlorophyll left on the damn bud. Not to mention how much I hate busting into some crunchy, coughy ass bud leaf when I break it out to smoke.

Maybe I should lock up the finished bud and not let him have any for the whole year, so he can gain some respect for what I do and how much a years worth of bud cost him at the dispensary.

I have one harvest a year and you only get one chance to trim, dry and cure it properly. His grumpy half ass attitude today makes me want to punch him in the face. He smokes more than dad and I combined. He acts like he is the only one who loses their days off to harvesting. Last I checked we were all sitting here from 5:30 am doing this shit.

Thanks for listening. Rant over. Btw… The cheese was a pita to trim. Massive amounts of bud leaf and just not a super dense strain. It did suck, but not as much as his disrespect for the blood sweat and tears of my last 6 months growing these beautiful plants.


We are back at it tomorrow taking 2 plants actually. Gg4 ril and the bubble gum.

Almost all of the plants look so tired and done. Major changes since last weekend. All yellow and or dying droopy leaf. The plants are definitely telling me they are at the end of their lives. Of course the SSDDbx and the chemdawg look the best as they have a bit more life left in them. Definitely like fruit ripening on dying vines out there.


I just want the c99 to finish so you can try it. I’m 100% sure after that 1st draw of the J you’ll be hooked and will make it a regular in your rotation @Meesh.