Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

Who’s c99 is it sir ?


That looks SO NICE :yum: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Morning! 5:45 am Set-up is complete. Dad is outside chopping and washing the C99. I’m sitting around yelling at the puppy and drinking coffee.

Yesterday we did double duty and took down the gg4 ril and the bubble gum. 2 dream plants to trim. Bubble gum was the mirror image of grape ape. Super dense nugs, very little bud leaf just like I like them. Gg4 had it’s signature solid golf ball nugs and turned out easy peasy as well. There is a strong sour weed smell in the entire house which would smell amazing if it were a few whiffs, but after smelling it constantly since Thursday is quite nauseating. Anyway. As long as Cindy isn’t as hard to trim as the cheese, we should be done rather quickly although we start the morning with only 2 people trimming until the man gets home from work. I was spoiled this weekend and got to sleep until 6:30 am as the man did the 5 am Set-up and I just got up when time to trim. What a huge difference from 5 to 6:30. Holy crap I am not a morning person. lol

Some pics from yesterday

Bubble gum

Gg4 ril


@Esrgood4u Cindy is done Sir! She got quite a bit of pillar damage though. Frustrating! She must be delicious though if they chose her. lol. I can’t wait to try it! She smells like pineapple deliciousness!

@Jetdro she is a outside fast finish version from female seeds. A gift from the generous and funny @Esrgood4u



Looking like nice harvest


Cinderella 99 was a bit more challenging to trim than some of the others. Pretty leafy on the buds, not super dense, but best smell ever. Seriously, yum! All pineapple :pineapple:


So my giant 8 layer drying rack is full. We are gonna hang a second one on Thursday. Thursday we will also take down Jack Herer and probably Sour Diesel on Sunday. I’ll see how the other 3 look then.

I’m exhausted. Haven’t had much sleep the last 5 days. I usually sleep in on the weekends. Anyway, stick a fork in me. I’m off to bed early. Nite friends!


Sheeeeeeeeit. :sunglasses:

90% humidity every night here. :sweat_smile: :sweat_drops::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

I’m making it work, somehow. So, uh, coastal desert lady, si se puede :muscle:

Annoying for sure to see haphazard trim & handling…especially when it’s Sir Smokesalot :joy: 🤦:woman_facepalming::man_facepalming:t2:

“These don’t grow themselves! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:




Remaining plants


Sour Diesel

Love Fire :heart::fire:


Jack Herer


Bud shots


Sour diesel

Love Fire


Jack Herer

So, chemdawg and SSDDBX are getting super fat. It’s awesome. They are still all white pistols so a week or two to go. Sour Diesel is done and absolutely reeks of cat piss (at least to me it does). Jack is done and has a fresh crisp smell to it. Probably the pinene but I don’t pick that directly. SSDDBX to me is a fruity candy smell same as last year. I’ve seen at least 2 or 3 of you describe it completely different but it’s pretty distinctive Kool aid or fruity candy smell to me. Maybe I have a weird sniffer, but no skunky smell to the bud at all. Love Fire is pretty much finished. Crazy trichs on it. The smell is super complex. Initial fresh dry premature bud I smoked tasted floral and chemical with a vanilla finish. We’ll see when it’s mature and cured. All awesome strains this year so far. Super excited to try them all.

Btw… I only found slight bud rot on 2 spots of the grape ape and that one branch on the love fire. Everything else that was funky so far was caterpillar damage. It’s minimal compared to sans net, but a few got in. After harvesting the first 5 plants I’m convinced that the mold is not in the soil, but was carried by wind. If it were in the soil it would have traveled through the stems and aside from that tiny stem with fusarium I saw zero mold all the way through on the grape ape


I can’t wait for your feedback on it @Meesh
I honestly think it’ll end up a regular in your future grows.


:partying_face: yay to being the same! Definitely the goal! And yeah no skunk in there like you said ^^

Really glad she’s putting out for ya and hitting the marks you remember. Hopefully the smoke comes out the same or even better! Everything looks so good out there!!


When the SSDD was freshly cured I remember I felt literally stoned stupid from it. Spiccoli weed. lol 6 months later it was crazy stronger and recently Dad had said he got some paranoia from it. I remember asking him to clarify as most people say paranoia when they mean anxiety. Nope, he meant paranoid aka neighbors watching him etc… Shortly after, I got paranoid from it, but was able to talk myself out of it rather quickly because I remembered Dad mentioning it. It hasn’t happened to either of us since. Kinda weird. The pain relieving properties have stood firm at every stage though. What I can only describe as it turns down the volume on the pain. It works really really well imo. Basically, it’s some really strong shit! lol


How is the effect? I’ve heard it’s an uplifting “sativa” high.

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I’ll let you know once it’s dried and cured! I am hoping it’s a major sativa high cuz that’s my favorite!

I always do a fresh dried review and a fully cured review of all of the strains I grow every year. So def stay tuned. :grin:


So just finished taking down Jack Herer. Forgot to take pics while trimming. Sorry guys. Absolutely beautiful plant, a shit load of bud off of her. She was small but mighty. Very nice solid buds, zero larf. The men kept telling me they smelled pine and it just smelled like fresh weed to me, until I had the whole bucket full of trimmed bud and went to put it in the drying rack. It was like a giant pine cone or Christmas tree in there. lol

Seems like same as last year, my bud is fully dry in 8 days. The pieces of bud snapped right off the small stems. So, the grape ape went in the buckets today to start curing. I use 5 gallon food grade buckets and large integra brand humidity packs to cure in.

Looking forward to the fresh dried bud of grape ape I’m gonna test out tonight. :yum::grapes::gorilla:


Can’t wait to hear about the grape ape


Alright, off topic random question for the ex smokers… Did quitting throw off your bm’s? My :poop: have been off since I quit. Used to be clockwork every morning after my coffee and cig. Now I only :poop: if I’m lucky. Started buying probiotic juice shots from pressed juicery and they seem to be working. Wondering if it’s stress related since quitting or the nicotine/chemical loss?




I’ve got so much to say but won’t. :sweat_smile:

Cigarettes are evil and want to kill you, just keep that in mind.

My struggle is a bit different & haven’t even started stopping yet.

Got plenty of mental venting to do too…

Edit: bananas don’t have cigs in them but cigs may have bananas :joy:
